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Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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Beywiki article on (Metal Fight) Beyblade Zero-G!

Zero-G is a new Beyblade series. It has a new BeyStadium part of it :

They only seem to talk about the stadium that "sways".

Zero-G as a toy series will start at the very end of March, so mostly in April, with a new anime to go with it.

These bew Beyblades are made of :
A new, diamond-shaped Face
A new metal part, the "Chrome Wheel"
A plastic part underneath the Chrome Wheel, still unnamed

Tracks and Bottoms are completely cross-compatible between all the systems of Metal Fight Beyblade and Zero-G.

The logo :
[Image: beybladezerog.jpg]

A bigger picture :

CoroCoro only talks about a Zero-G stadium, but the logo on the magazine clearly says "New Beyblade, Zero-G series, [...] Scoop".


Zero G Video (English Ver.)
Oooohhh thanks kai v. Maybe this is the return of the G series, MFB style!
"Zero" G, and the stadium, seem to refer to zero gravity, not the G series.
Wow great! this stadium reminds me of the Attack Stadium.
Thanks for the information Kai-V Smile
Zero...Gravity? I wonder how this will work. Anyway, at least Beyblade isn't ending with just the 4D era. I'm glad to hear that.

EDIT: I was wondering what that blue-ish windy looking thing in the back was. Now I know.

Thanks for all the info, Kai-V, as always!
(Jan. 12, 2012  8:53 PM)Ryu-X Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, at least Beyblade is ending with just the 4D era. I'm glad to hear that.

What ? There is no end of Beyblade anywhere near, there is no news about Metal Fight Beyblade ending at all.
Sorry, misphrased that. What do you mean as a "side-series" to MFB?

Is it like the next season of MFB?
Like the Super Control Beyblades ?

Look, 4D episodes were cut in half, and according to Nelvana, there will still be as many episodes of twenty minutes in total, so 4D as a season will not end anytime soon unlike all other previous seasons if this is true. It therefore makes no sense if Zero G was the system after 4D ...
It is like the Tornado Battlers.

I know she will love me using her most favorite Hasbro side-series as an example.
Hey that stadium looks.....ummm......a bit wierd imo
i want to see AD's review when it comes out (cause you know hes gonna do one)
if its zero gravity will magnets of some sorts be involved, zero gravity beyblades, thi is going to be amazing, are there any leaks of release dates, or beyblades.
I was hoping for an "ultimatum" system, like HMS was to BEGA, I guess it is safe to say "just wait"?
Hm. This should be interesting then.

I wonder how the Zero "gravity" will work. We'll just have to wait and see. But I'm definitely interested.

EDIT: I do hope this will be a good side-product/series.
Interesting...a swaying stadium...maybe like what would happen if you put a stadium in a bath tub filled with water?

We cant really say for sure until we know more. Thanks for this Kai-V =)
Seems odd.
Maybe it might just be something like the Ultimate Beyta stadium, but we'll have to see..
The fact that it has its own logo makes me feel as if their is something more to this, but hey, no need to assume/hope things.
I have high hopes for this. Any Stadiums that don't have a spinning centre I'm interested in.

Thanks for this so far Kai-V!
This will be awesome a Zero-G stadium a stadium that won't move so it wouldn't so it wouldn't alter the performance of beys this will be good I wonder what material or alternations they will add or make
(Jan. 13, 2012  2:12 AM)Bey Ninja 14x Wrote: [ -> ]This will be awesome a Zero-G stadium a stadium that won't move so it wouldn't so it wouldn't alter the performance of beys this will be good I wonder what material or alternations they will add or make

How, "that won't move" ? It will clearly sway, it says so. Do you know what "to sway" means ?
If I am not mistaken, it means that when one passes, each individual they pass goes "ahh".
Oh I thought it won't sway I must of misread sorry and I do know what "sway" means
A picture that shows the whole page ...
Kai-V, even though the answer is probably no, do you have any information regarding if this will be available to buy(me import)?

(Jan. 13, 2012  2:17 AM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]If I am not mistaken, it means that when one passes, each individual they pass goes "ahh".

LOL, nice Hazel
It will probably be available to buy eventually, yes. When, or even what, we have no idea.
Cool. A side series eh? Sounds like a plan, ha-ha. Thank you for the information Kai-V.
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