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Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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There seems to be a weird concept in Zero G where :

- There are "teams" like "Fire";

- They come with a "Compact Launcher".

"WBBA" also still exists.
Kai-V, where are you getting all of the information about Zero G all of a sudden?
Why does it matter ?
(Feb. 09, 2012  4:29 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]There seems to be a weird concept in Zero G where :

- There are "teams" like "Fire";

- They come with a "Compact Launcher".

"WBBA" also still exists.

Ugh, I hate things like that, with the team thing... Reminds me of many a failed toyline, too...
They used teams like that in Battle Strikers. It was not that bad, but perhaps I did not understand the deeper concept of it if there were any rules specific to those ...

Also, apparently "Fire" is associated with Attack.
Yeah, that's one of the lines I was thinking of. In fact, a lot of this is reminding me of battle strikers in general, though I doubt they'd copy the control gimmick with the whole moving stadium thing.
There is absolutely no hint of any control for Zero G, just some "Compact Launchers" that "make it easy to launch in the Zero G Stadiums".
Yeah, I dunno, my mind is just jumping to wild conclusions, but something about the compact launcher and the "thin chrome" and the teams somehow reminds me of Battle Strikers (though I have no experience with them other than what I've read).

Hopefully they won't go back to the small launcher size of the plastics gen with this "compact" thing, ahah.
It makes no sense for the launchers to be too compact since you have to launch inside a litteral bowl, and surely hands would get hurt easily. They actually really recommend the Zero G Launcher Grip when they talk about the Zero G Light Launcher, but even if the launchers have to be "thinner", they would have to be longer for safety ...
Sounds like the launcher grip will be a "must have" accessory for those of us with larger hands. But that's pretty much the way I felt about MFB Light Launchers anyways...
(Feb. 09, 2012  1:52 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]They used teams like that in Battle Strikers. It was not that bad, but perhaps I did not understand the deeper concept of it if there were any rules specific to those ...

Also, apparently "Fire" is associated with Attack.

I am unsure about that last statement. As you posted in the newest set of updates, Shinobi Salamander is a balance type associated with the element of fire. However I do not think this is relevant to the type of beyblade, but Salamander itself. The mythological being "Salamander" is commonly assosiated with the element of fire, and is even sometimes portrayed as a dragon like creature, (a winged lizard that can breathe fire, but not actualy a dragon) and othertimes as just a large version of a real salamander, but that can breathe fire.

BBG-01 being an attack type and "Hero" bey was clear from the start haha. $5 says Shinobi Salamander is a rival to BBG-01, and later, an ally.

\speculation start

Based on what we know so far, I would think that this new system is based around MFB, but is not MFB. The naming system seems the same, which hints similarities, but I do not think Zero-G will be compatiable with alot MFB. By this I mean, perhaps the concept of a CW, MW, ST and PT will exist, but maybe they will be under new names, be exclusive to Zero G, and have features that seperate them from thier MFB counterparts.

I wonder if ZG will include the dual spin feature HMS, Gravity Perseus, and Variares have? or at the least, something like an improved spin gear system from plastics, because that would be a step up from single spin direction beys...

/Speculation end

However, even with the teased image being small as it is, it looks like they went with even more metal included. Replacing clear wheels in favor of "primary" metal wheels.

(Feb. 09, 2012  10:59 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]*Speculation*

However, even with the teased image being small as it is, it looks like they went with even more metal included. Replacing clear wheels in favor of "primary" metal wheels.

Kind of prototype nemesis, right?

Or more towards Metal System if that is the case.
(Feb. 09, 2012  11:45 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Or more towards Metal System if that is the case.
Well going back to hms would be a downgrade since its not as customizable as MFB

(Feb. 09, 2012  11:48 PM)bladermax Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 09, 2012  11:45 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Or more towards Metal System if that is the case.
Well going back to hms would be a downgrade since its not as customizable as MFB

HMS is: Bit Protector, AR(+ABS Caul), CWD, and Running Core. MFB is: Facebolt, CW, MW, Track, Tip.

All you lose out on, functionally, is the clear wheel, which is pretty meaningless.
HMS was still very customizable and playable, and like Hazel said, a CW doesn't make too much of a difference.

Anyways, I was referring to the Metal System, which is different from HMS. Stuff like Pegasis 105F, Quetzalcoatl 90WF, etc.
Well CWs matter in a weight distribution (Ray Unicorno for example) and extra weight aspect, (Bull and Aquario for example) but if they were removed, it wouldnt drasticly change things.

Almost forgot, certain CWs and MWs use contact points more efficiantly together, and thus, become more effective in battle.

If we are talking strictly functionality, then yes, CWs are pointless really
Without CWs beys probably also wouldn't have as much upper.
Oh wow don't bring that topic in here. Especially with this "new series" of sorts.
(Feb. 10, 2012  1:14 AM)bladermax Wrote: [ -> ]Without CWs beys probably also wouldn't have as much upper.

You couldn't have any less idea what you are talking about.

Regardless, this has strayed a bit from the original intended purpose of this thread, so let's not continue with it...
Well weather zero g beys have CWs or not I just hoe that are as customizable.
CWs dont provide anything extra to the beyblade in any way (Just color/design). Clear Wheels do not help with upper attack at all...
(Feb. 10, 2012  1:19 AM)Hyper27 Wrote: [ -> ]CWs dont provide anything extra to the beyblade in any way (Just color/design). Clear Wheels do not help with upper attack at all...
Oh, ok, then I really don't care if they have CWs.

The only things clear wheels do is provide weight and balance - they are noticable in some cases, so not "nothing at all but color/design", but they're really inconsequential compared to other parts.

Now, really drop the discussion.
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