World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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(Mar. 02, 2012  6:44 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I personally still want more information from Takara-Tomy on what they "intend" it to be like.

Also, Re: Salad Spinner: Why is that even a thing? :C

Salad Spinners are a tool for quickly and efficiently tossing dressing and toppings and stuff in a salad evently, and then also serving as a handy bowl.

Pretty great for people with arthritis or people prone to putting so much salad in a bowl they can't effectively toss it by hand.

EDIT: Whoops, got this confused with something else~ we have something like a salad spinner that doesn't have the grate on it, and that is what I described. A salad spinner is for flinging water off wet leaves, lol.
Ahhh, well then. I would say that was a well-devised scheme to parody those decrying the apparent uselessness of the swaying stadia, but it wasn't. I simply don't make salads that often. :\
(Mar. 02, 2012  10:55 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Ahhh, well then. I would say that was a well-devised scheme to parody those decrying the apparent uselessness of the swaying stadia, but it wasn't. I simply don't make salads that often. :\

Never had salad. Never will.

Hmm. About which stadium to use...I'm torn between using the stadium with the best overall balance, and the one that is what is intended to be used with the series. I think that we should remember to do what is best for Zero-G, not MFB. The new blades rely quite heavily on the stadium to perform, so I'm leaning towards using the BBG-04. But like always, test for what's best!
Yeah, I will admit I am heavily leaning towards BBG-04, even if it is all gimmicky and hard to measure, really, it seems to be what takara want soo...
Aside from the meta, I'm hoping the new metal wheel system present in Zero-G will be sort of a return to TT's old design philosophy (the heavy presence of motifs in Beyblades). By this I mean the asymmetrical metal wheels and absence of clear wheels (while they did add an element of design, they were not the most impressive things we've seen) will give them an opportunity to make, I think, 'cooler' looking releases that we saw in plastic and HMS generation, rather than the recycling of metal wheels and somewhat bland designs we've seen from HWS and 4D. TL;DR - I like beys with distinct motifs.
(Mar. 04, 2012  8:29 PM)Fluke Wrote: [ -> ]Aside from the meta, I'm hoping the new metal wheel system present in 3G will be sort of a return to TT's old design philosophy (the heavy presence of motifs in Beyblades). By this I mean the asymmetrical metal wheels and absence of clear wheels (while they did add an element of design, they were not the most impressive things we've seen) will give them an opportunity to make, I think, 'cooler' looking releases that we saw in plastic and HMS generation, rather than the recycling of metal wheels and somewhat bland designs we've seen from HWS and 4D. TL;DR - I like beys with distinct motifs.

I agree I do like the HWS but i feel as if it was thrown off a bit when 4D came along I would love to see more detail in the metal wheel Ala Plastic generation what with the unique designs but all i ask is this. ENOUGH of WD thats all i ask from this ><
By the look of CF and how it creates more surface area, so more movement of the bey to sway the stadium. Anyone else think that a BD145CF combo could potentially dominate the meta game right off the bat buy causing the other bey to fly out of the stadium?
I really hope generic tips make a good impression here.

Also, another hope there isn't a strict requirement for designing all flat tips. CF makes sense but if every future FLAT tip needs a circle around it.... We'd need to take one feature's excess of as a potential handicap as well....
(Mar. 02, 2012  5:16 AM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 02, 2012  4:55 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]BB-10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unless Super Salad Bowl works somehow.

There's only one possible response to that...

[Image: lens5779372_1247051862oxo_good_grips_salad_spinner.jpg]

Salad Spinner Baby!
Lol now that you think about it, that would actually be a cool stadium, if you covered up the holes of course Wink
It seems that the metal piece on Zero-G Beyblades is called Chrome Wheel.

... It will probably be laughable to see what material TAKARA-TOMY writes on the box, because surely it cannot be the same zinc alloy as before ...
So wait.

Thin Chrome Booster=huh?

Okay, so we have the Samurai Chrome Wheel? Gotta admit, that sounds pretty cool.
It might not be the Chrome Wheel that is called Samurai. That might be Ifraid. The head on it is actually supposed to illustrate Ifrit, so we do not know for sure what is what right now.
Let's hope that they don't actually wear down like Chrome.
I want a good looking bey for more than a day.
Isn't there a tempered version of Chrome that can sustain constant impact?
(Mar. 05, 2012  2:31 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It seems that the metal piece on Zero-G Beyblades is called Chrome Wheel.

... It will probably be laughable to see what material TAKARA-TOMY writes on the box, because surely it cannot be the same zinc alloy as before ...
Chrome? Hopefully its just a name PLEASE let it be just a name If it was it be horrible...
I cannot believe that there is still no indication about "Zero-G"'s meaning. Obviously there is gravity involved, and why the hell make that the name of this whole series anyway in that case ?
I want my fighting floating beys, dammit.

Joking aside, I'm wondering that as well. I'm sure it has something to do with the new stadium, but it isn't really "Zero Gravity." It's like gravity moving around a lot more, but not zero by any means.

An article for Beyblade Zero-G is now up, but discuss it as an article in the topic it has in the Beywiki Project forum.
Thank you very much for the update. Smile
(Mar. 05, 2012  2:35 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It might not be the Chrome Wheel that is called Samurai. That might be Ifraid. The head on it is actually supposed to illustrate Ifrit, so we do not know for sure what is what right now.

This is by far where my money is, seeing as the Chrome Wheel is the distinctive part and we know that there are two "Shinobi" beyblades (Salamander and.... that other one I've forgotten), and I doubt they're going to throw out lookalikes like that. It also follows the MFB Pattern of [Bottom Wheel][Top Wheel][Track][Tip].
Were I a gambler, I'd comfortably put money on it being that way around.
We can only hope that "Thin Chrome" is not literally chrome electroplating, as that will chip and wear quite quickly. My hope is that the wheels are in fact made of chromium steel...

@th!nk: I also think that the Chrome Wheel will be "Shinobi" and "Samurai" - the only difference being that this time they are the top wheel, not the bottom one. Smile
(Mar. 05, 2012  4:44 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]@th!nk: I also think that the Chrome Wheel will be "Shinobi" and "Samurai" - the only difference being that this time they are the top wheel, not the bottom one. Smile

Hm, that is not what th!nk believes, nor what I believe. The face design on Samurai Ifraid's Chrome Wheel represents Ifrit, and seeing as there are two Shinobi releases coming up, it would make more sense for the plastic part to be called "Shinobi" or "Samurai".
Ahhhh, I see. Interesting. That does sound cooler! Smile
i found one of those stadiums on ebay for 80 bucks, i didn't know it was new ????
(Mar. 05, 2012  5:06 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 05, 2012  4:44 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]@th!nk: I also think that the Chrome Wheel will be "Shinobi" and "Samurai" - the only difference being that this time they are the top wheel, not the bottom one. Smile

Hm, that is not what th!nk believes, nor what I believe. The face design on Samurai Ifraid's Chrome Wheel represents Ifrit, and seeing as there are two Shinobi releases coming up, it would make more sense for the plastic part to be called "Shinobi" or "Samurai".
Do you think that's why they put the clear wheel on the bottom, so it would be so confusing as to say the name of the MW then the CW, even though the CW was on top in MFB?

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