World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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There is no such name as "pre-HWS" : it has a proper name, the Metal System.
the suspense is unbearable, there are so may questions with no answers, one of the ultimate questions is how do these blades look.
Beyblades in space! Makes some sense.

We're bladders on the moon
We carry a dragoon
But there ain't no bladders so we build top teirers
And we sing our blading tune!

Points to anyone who gets the referance
it says on Wikipedia that zero g is going to be the next season of beyblade is this true?
Oh my god read the whole thread dude.....
all i can say is that i welcome this series with open arms man the suspense is killing me!
Wow when I was 4 my parents would use VCRs and old stuff and now Im 13 and now theres like Zero gravity beys 3D systems/TVs and stuff and Its been such a short time(Technology these days!)
These will not actually be defying gravity at all, you know...
(Jan. 30, 2012  12:50 AM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]These will not actually be defying gravity at all, you know...

Hah! I can see the headline now:

TakaraTomy Passes on Hovercars for Zero-G Spinning Tops
Wont license anti-gravity technology until at least season 3
XD that would be HILARIOUS
-G being taken literally

The Zero-G being a system name isn't confirmed, in a probability scale not so sure if the word "Zero" will be of emphasis (Which it doesn't even matter).

On a nicer-toned opinion, I cross fingers at more bearing-based spin points....
Zero-G is looking more interesting. Oh, and sorry for the previous comments i made. I was at fault.
(Jan. 30, 2012  1:56 AM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 30, 2012  12:50 AM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]These will not actually be defying gravity at all, you know...

Hah! I can see the headline now:

TakaraTomy Passes on Hovercars for Zero-G Spinning Tops
Wont license anti-gravity technology until at least season 3

Imagine how much rage scientists all over the world would be having....It'd be crazy lol.

NASA: Spinning tops with gravity defying abilities? ....IT'S GENIUS DJ 2002 - Yeah!

But anyways, I really just wanna see a TT based commercial on something ZG related. The stadium is just so freaky and random it just makes me anxious to see what true gimmciks it has.


I wanna see some concept art or something. Zero G might be the first side-series that I'm actually excited for.
And BeyBlade keeps getting weirder and weirder each year. Metal wheels getting heavier and rounder, a see-sawing gelatin mold for a stadium...

I'll probably still end up buying some though. Smile
I am hoping that Zero G will turn out to be a awesome series. Hoping it will last longer than MFB series.
Anti gravity... may be stamina type beys will be able to go pass the 10mins mark. That would be awesome.!
I think you did not read the OP and neither did you see the video. Zero-G has nothing to do with anti-gravity and that stadium.. if you see.. wont let anything spin for more than 2 minutes
Nevermind. Anyways, I can't wait. It looks interesting...
(Jan. 31, 2012  8:58 AM)Cygnus Wrote: [ -> ][Video.]

Look at the end. It gives a clear shot of the Zero G Stadium!

We already had clear shots posted earlier in this topic, which is why I only posted that video in the Beyblade Videos thread.

Furthermore, now that we have a topic for BBG-04 Zero G Stadium Attack Type, it should not be discussed here anymore.
Are the beys plastic or metal?
(Feb. 03, 2012  10:16 PM)galaxyunicorn Wrote: [ -> ]Are the beys plastic or metal?

"Thin Chrome" should answer your question.

Still, there will obviously always be parts made of plastic.
"Thin Chrome" sounds awesome!!!
thanks Kai-V
I hope they will release a Stamina stadium because the Attack stadium doesn't look really usefull
Here's my super big thank you Kai-V. Thank you!

It's interesting stuff, the fact that there's Metal Stone Faces is most interesting to me.
I picked a good time to get back into Beyblade then, as the series seems to be resetting again.

Still, it seems odd that Takara-Tomy would abandon the MFB line for this. Maybe they're learning from the past?
There's still no confirmed association with season 4 and Zero G. But, as a response to what you said, the reason I'm interested in the Metal Stone Faces is because it's something that was in MFB so who knows the connections. It's good to see you (-r avatar, haha) again though!
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