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Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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It has always been, in Metal Fight Beyblade, that you say the name of the lower ring first, for some reason, and since, as I wrote in the article, this is unofficially called "(Metal Fight) Beyblade Zero-G", it is the same.

While the structure, from top to bottom, is :
Clear Wheel
Metal Wheel

You say the Metal Wheel first : Storm Pegasis 105RF.

In Beyblade Zero-G, while the structure, from top to bottom, is :
Zero-G Face
Chrome Wheel
(plastic part)

You say the plastic part first : Samurai Ifraid W145CF.

It is not actually confirmed that the Chrome Wheel is indeed Ifraid yet, but it just makes sense.
(Mar. 05, 2012  5:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It has always been, in Metal Fight Beyblade, that you say the name of the lower ring first, for some reason, and since, as I wrote in the article, this is unofficially called "(Metal Fight) Beyblade Zero-G", it is the same.

While the structure, from top to bottom, is :
Clear Wheel
Metal Wheel

You say the Metal Wheel first : Storm Pegasis 105RF.

In Beyblade Zero-G, while the structure, from top to bottom, is :
Zero-G Face
Chrome Wheel
(plastic part)

You say the plastic part first : Samurai Ifraid W145CF.

It is not actually confirmed that the Chrome Wheel is indeed Ifraid yet, but it just makes sense.
Oh ok. I liked it that way, but if the plastic part is Samurai and you say that first, this could get really confusing if noobs mix it up w/ metal fusion, metal masters, and metal fury Uncertain

Wait.... i thought Zero-G was using the same thing as MFB:
Face Bolt
Energy Ring
Fusion Wheel
Spin Track
Performance Tip

Or whatever you guys call these parts. But doesn't ZG have Fusion/Metal Wheels? If not, why are they part of METAL Fight?
(Mar. 05, 2012  11:06 PM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]Wait.... i thought Zero-G was using the same thing as MFB:
Face Bolt
Energy Ring
Fusion Wheel
Spin Track
Performance Tip

Or whatever you guys call these parts. But doesn't ZG have Fusion/Metal Wheels? If not, why are they part of METAL Fight?

Seriously, stop posting, and just watch the damn video in the first post. If you had, there is no reason you would have even posted that message. There is a reason we know what we are talking about and you do not.
I DID WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! I was confused! It made no sense! Do you understand confusion? I didn't know what the heck a chrome wheel or plastic part was! Can we use some simple terms for the n00b?
(Mar. 06, 2012  12:19 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]I DID WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! I was confused! It made no sense! Do you understand confusion? I didn't know what the heck a chrome wheel or plastic part was! Can we use some simple terms for the n00b?

Zero-G Beyblades consist of a metal wheel (called chrome wheel) on a plastic disk (no name yet).
(Mar. 06, 2012  12:19 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]I DID WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! I was confused! It made no sense! Do you understand confusion? I didn't know what the heck a chrome wheel or plastic part was! Can we use some simple terms for the n00b?

Chrome Wheel and plastic part are some of the dumbest terms ever, I do not know how we could do more for you ... Plus, if you really watched the video, you would have seen the parts spread out very clearly, there is nothing to be confused about.
So even though the plastic part seems to be the crystal there is no confirmation that it is actually called "crystal"?

Or is the crystal the part that rises up through the chrome wheel?
If it (the plastic layer) was named "Zero-G wheel" it'd probably fit better than anything, but I really don't consider it probable.
(Mar. 06, 2012  1:04 AM)Omega12 Wrote: [ -> ]So even though the plastic part seems to be the crystal there is no confirmation that it is actually called "crystal"?

Or is the crystal the part that rises up through the chrome wheel?

The word "crystal" was used in CoroCoro to refer to the orb that appears in the Chrome Wheel's design.
how are they the same with the wheels it dose not mader about the track and tip i know about the t and t
(Mar. 06, 2012  2:32 AM)WIblader510 Wrote: [ -> ]how are they the same with the wheels it dose not mader about the track and tip i know about the t and t

Can you write coherently ?
The naming system is still the same. However now, essential to make this easy to understand, the Clear wheel is now under the Metal wheel. If you look at it like that, the naming system is the same.

Now please, just understand that the naming now goes:

Plastic Circle
Chrome Wheel

Until we get confirmation that the naming system is otherwise different, just accept this.

Kai-V's word is LAW!
(Mar. 06, 2012  12:19 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]I DID WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! I was confused! It made no sense! Do you understand confusion? I didn't know what the heck a chrome wheel or plastic part was! Can we use some simple terms for the n00b?
Read up and learn. That goes for everyone too, this will help clear up a LOT of confusion.

I also love how there's still quite a bit of lack of information on Zero-G in general. (not in the article)
Positive it's to build up anticipation for the series, but I'd love to at least know what the name of some things such as the plastic part are. Considering it's releasing at the end of the month, the wait is short, and my craving for knowledge will soon be fulfilled. Grin
I mostly want to know about the "crystal orb" thing. Since the very first image of a Zero-G Beyblade, the crystal orb has been emphasized.
OMG this wil be so epic!!!!!
(Mar. 06, 2012  3:46 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 06, 2012  12:19 AM)mayaman2 Wrote: [ -> ]I DID WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! I was confused! It made no sense! Do you understand confusion? I didn't know what the heck a chrome wheel or plastic part was! Can we use some simple terms for the n00b?
Read up and learn. That goes for everyone too, this will help clear up a LOT of confusion.

I also love how there's still quite a bit of lack of information on Zero-G in general. (not in the article)
Positive it's to build up anticipation for the series, but I'd love to at least know what the name of some things such as the plastic part are. Considering it's releasing at the end of the month, the wait is short, and my craving for knowledge will soon be fulfilled. Grin
I know right!! People keep asking stupid questions that were already answered in the video! Why can't they just read and learn? I've read every single post on this thread. The key to doing that is getting on to WBO everyday, preferably in the evening, and subscribe to the thread.

Since this series is a mixture of old and new (Old being the tracks and tips, obviously), Takara-Tomy has the opportunity to better 4D bottoms for future Zero-G Beyblades.
If they even use 4D bottoms anymore.

Most of them were to gimmicky. Only a few were usable competitively.

In stadiums like this, I really dont see a use for bottoms like FGrin or even BGrin for that matter
It would not make much sense for them to keep putting 4D system things on something that isn't the 4D system, really... and, not even "a few" were usable. Exactly one was, and even it was a considerable failure.
Yeah no 4D bottoms thanks.

They sucked.
Jesus I'm sorry for thinking they could improve on that concept.

I'm sorry

Personally, I feel like the second wheel (where the "Jewel" is) should have a rotation mode switch. I mean it'd be cool, and have interesting effects. Really crazy weight distribution.
(Mar. 12, 2012  12:56 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus I'm sorry for thinking they could improve on that concept.

I'm sorry

Hahahaha, I love your posts.

I just don't think the idea of reducing the customization abilities provided by separate tracks and tips is a good thing in any case.

Also if they keep going with them it's only going to be so long till we get a rubber tipped B: D and that would be extremely dangerous in MFB.
Honestly I wish/hope mode switches remain common with Zero-G. We need a new type of height changing tracks. Or more tips like HF/S except ones which do the job much better.
The real question is : Does the Zero-G metagame really need mode-changing, or height-changing gimmicks ? If it does not, then perhaps TAKARA-TOMY would not make any.
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