World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Beyblade Zero-G Series. (Watch video in first post!)
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Vertical launches eh? Gattyaki ftw!
I never thought I'd see the day where S would actually be useful LOL.
I'd think ball would do better, as it has more stamina and is like S without balance issues.
(Mar. 16, 2012  3:51 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]I never thought I'd see the day where S would actually be useful LOL.

Haha, couldn't agree more.
Oooh, I can use BS and ES now too Gasp
EDS & CS & RDF: !?
RDF would make so much sense in this....

Oh and Jog Ball seems rather uncharted territory. We need to try that.
So if S got use... it means that F: S, X: D will comeback stronger than ever. Nemesis Uncustumised will be bossing around again? Or will the same old parts contradict what they said on the video. And just realised that they where wrong about the defense series SD, DS, D, WD, EWD stamina instead of defense.
Reminds me of BB-103 Snipe Launcher Sagittario_Worried
(Mar. 16, 2012  6:16 AM)stevebak Wrote: [ -> ]So if S got use... it means that F: S, X: D will comeback stronger than ever. Nemesis Uncustumised will be bossing around again? Or will the same old parts contradict what they said on the video. And just realised that they where wrong about the defense series SD, DS, D, WD, EWD stamina instead of defense.

Nemesis uncustomized never bossed anything around.

In Zero G, due to the shape of the tips, centrifugal force cannot easily knock tips such as S out, but can move WD and things of the such out due to more surface area, which causes then to gain contact more - paired with a moving stadium, it will just be slung around. WD was always better at defense than S ever was, but it was also better at stamina as well.

However, I DO in fact believe 4D bottoms may have use in the Zero-G stadiums, but only time will tell.

Yeah, I've been curious to see how F:D would perform in the new stadium.

I think that just about every bottom will need to be retested in the new stadium...something like BS might even find competitive use in the near future.
So i guess tips with small space will provide immunity to "zero-G attack"s.Guess RS>RDF will be so if thats true.
I would also like to see M145Q on the staduim just for giggles...Chief - Hmm ...
I just saw the video and thought: How will 230 preform? It's so tall, IDK what to think!
230 might fall under the Zero-G's new assigning of types. Methinks defense.
Just a little thought.

I'm pretty sure, like, almost certain, that Diablo was designed with Zero G in mind.

We have a size comparison of CF and BD145, so here's one of X: D and BD145:

Now, we know Diablo is basically designed for Defense (due to the weight) and Attack (with the relatively aggressive shape and momentum). Diablo has terrible stamina, due to poor balance, so why the heck did they give X: D an S Tip?

S in Zero G = Defense.

XF mode is a lot like CF. I don't know if the ring will be low enough to work, but it's there.


I'm going to speculate wildly here, hopefully no one minds, but I wouldn't be surprised if the synchrom modes with two chrome wheels were somewhat comparable in weight to Diablo. Perhaps a little less, given how extreme Diablo's weight is, but around that mark...
does this mean retesting all beyblade parts in the new zero g stadium.
(Mar. 17, 2012  4:31 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure, like, almost certain, that Diablo was designed with Zero G in mind.

Stop reading my mind like a book, it isn't nice.

I had the exact thought a while back, but never thought of posting it.

It makes relatively good sense though.
Wow, Rai. But Defense might work with 23o in the new stadium. But.... I just don't see it. It's gotta have something good, or else they wouldn't of showed Ifraid with a 230 in the new video.
(Mar. 17, 2012  4:31 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Just a little thought.

I'm pretty sure, like, almost certain, that Diablo was designed with Zero G in mind.

We have a size comparison of CF and BD145, so here's one of X: D and BD145:

Now, we know Diablo is basically designed for Defense (due to the weight) and Attack (with the relatively aggressive shape and momentum). Diablo has terrible stamina, due to poor balance, so why the heck did they give X: D an S Tip?

S in Zero G = Defense.

XF mode is a lot like CF. I don't know if the ring will be low enough to work, but it's there.


I'm going to speculate wildly here, hopefully no one minds, but I wouldn't be surprised if the synchrom modes with two chrome wheels were somewhat comparable in weight to Diablo. Perhaps a little less, given how extreme Diablo's weight is, but around that mark...

I remember commenting about that, haha. (fixed the link btw, smilie made it broken)

I really want someone to try uncustomized Diablo in both Normal Mode and UBM in the new stadium.

That's quite a theory, there. You've given me a lot to think about, haha. I guess that's why you're an advanced member! Someday I hope to be up there with brainiacs, like you.

We don't exactly know when the concept of Zero-G was devised. However, Diablo was released just before we began to hear about it. Perhaps something about Diablo itself inspired a designer to create the new series. As an artist and storywriter, I can tell you that little things spark bigger ideas.

We definitely should retest ALL tracks and bottoms in the Zero-G attack stadium. This is a completely new frontier we're looking at. Smile

I think we need to test M145Q firstUnsmith
(Mar. 17, 2012  8:08 PM)JBladerMS Wrote: [ -> ]@th!nk

That's quite a theory, there. You've given me a lot to think about, haha. I guess that's why you're an advanced member! Someday I hope to be up there with brainiacs, like you.

We don't exactly know when the concept of Zero-G was devised. However, Diablo was released just before we began to hear about it. Perhaps something about Diablo itself inspired a designer to create the new series. As an artist and storywriter, I can tell you that little things spark bigger ideas.

We definitely should retest ALL tracks and bottoms in the Zero-G attack stadium. This is a completely new frontier we're looking at. Smile

Keep going with the standard of posts you've maintained so far and I'm sure you will get noticed eventually Smile

Hm, that's possible, but yeah, I really think X: D itself was designed with Zero-G stadia in mind already. I'm quite sure that by that time they would have had Zero-G planned out quite solidly, but then, I don't really know.

Yeah, we don't really have to test all older wheels (though some could perform better, we'll see), but tracks and bottoms will really need a look into. I'm actually quite excited now, haha Smile
I'm holding hades kerbecs right now he will be powerful in a zero g stadium
(Mar. 17, 2012  8:22 PM)Pices314 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm holding hades kerbecs right now he will be powerful in a zero g stadium

That ain't science.
So, using the science behind thinks's theories, If we put stock Diablo on XF, wouldn't the weight cause an enourmous shift, that which could force a bey straight out through the pocket?
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