This discussion is extremely premature, by my estimation. Barely anyone even has Garuda G3, much less properly tested it to my knowledge. Let's reserve the word "ban" in this discussion for when this has been done, if even then. We don't ban parts based on preliminary information alone.
I've heard that maybe the slopes are slightly stronger too, but even Jojo [Jp0t] said in her video that it was such a small difference, if I remember correctly. As a result, it may not even have any noticeable actual gameplay effects. Or maybe it will. We don't know since it hasn't really been tested.
(Feb. 27, 2018 5:37 PM)Ultra Wrote: The counters that work on the takara version will not be as effective as the hasbro version however, which is where the issue lies.
This is speculation, but assuming that it is indeed harder to burst (which hasn't been confirmed one way or another to my knowledge in proper testing), combos such as Sr.7.Br or dC.7.Br would still likely counter it effectively like they do the TT version.
That being said, if we're talking about Hasbro-only Burst Format, that could be another discussion entirely. Still, testing is needed.