Check out our first review below for B-86 Starter Legend Spriggan.7.Mr:
Our goal here is to provide succinct and informative (in terms of competitive relevancy) reviews for Beyblades, a type of video which we felt–generally speaking–is currently underrepresented on Youtube. And at the same time, we feel that this type of video is reflective of our goals in promoting Beyblade on a competitive level worldwide.
For the time being, we will be focusing on producing reviews for the newest releases in the Beyblade Burst series. We hope you all look forward to more reviews in the coming months. If you liked the video, please be sure to leave a like it and Subscribe to Beyblade Channel to be sure you don’t miss any of our future videos!
Finally, huge thank you to TrainiacJ for donating his time and making this possible in the first place! And also to @[juncction] for the above photo of Legend Spriggan (and your help with our social media)! We are working on a new approach to our idea of the "Contributors" user group and will be adding both of you soon to recognize your contributions to the team.