Outlined below are several important new ruling additions, updates, and clarifications to some WBO Organized Play rulebooks and the Organizers' Guide. View all WBO Organized Play Rules & Resources here, and a summary of the changes below:
Updates Overview
All Rulebooks Updates
Unranked Events – All Official TT/Hasbro Stadiums Permitted
All official TAKARA-TOMY/Hasbro (and Sonokong) stadiums are now permitted for unranked events. Ranked events must continue to use the list of stadiums outlined in the "Legal Equipment" section of each rulebook.
When proposing an unranked event, Organizers are now required to specify what stadium(s) will be used if they are not using the traditionally permitted stadiums for ranked events. The designated stadium type may not be changed after the event proposal has been approved.
We hope that with restrictions lifted on stadiums for unranked events, existing Organizers will take the opportunity once events are permitted again to experiment more.
And perhaps more importantly, we hope that those thinking about becoming an Organizer will face less barriers when getting started by not needing to have access to a specific stadium from Japan.
We believe that people should be able to play Beybade the way they want to in unranked environments. The strict consistency in terms of the stadiums used required for ranked events is not needed, so just have fun!
Relaunching – Minor Update
We have updated one small section of the definition for "Relaunching". Previously, the rule stated:
This has now been updated to:
This was done in order to exclude the possibility that a relaunch could be argued to not be valid if the Beyblade does not fall off the launcher. A launcher can malfunction in a way that is out of a player's control that causes the Beyblade to not leave the launcher, so a relaunch request should be legal.
Burst Classic Format Updates
IMPORTANT Burst Classic Format: Ban List Updates
The following updates have been made to the Burst Classic Format ban list:
✘ Beyblade Burst Sparking – All Layers & Disks
✘ Fusion'
✘ Dragoon V
✘ Draciel V
✘ Driger V
✘ Dranzer V
✘ Gaia Dragoon V
✔ Jormuntor J2
✔ Dark Deathscyther
The ban of the Bakuten Shoot Beyblade "V" remakes and the Sparking Layer System has been implemented in order to maintain balance in metagame and the spirit of the format. All of these parts are either too heavy, powerful, or both to fit in with Burst Classic.
We have also changed the wording in the rulebook to specify exactly which remake Layers are legal. You can consider all remakes released in the future to be banned by default unless we announce otherwise.
Fusion’ has been banned due to its ability to perform very similarly to the currently banned Accel’ when the point of its tip is worn down. Recent tournament performance has also proven this.
Recent testing of Jormuntor J2 and Dark Deathscyther along with testing from last year of Jormuntor J2 has proven that both Layers deserve a chance to exist within Burst Classic Format. While both Layers do have respectable amounts of stamina and defense, testing suggests that they can be beat by other pure stamina and attack types effectively.
These bans will continue to be monitored over time and may be re-banned if they are proven to be too powerful in a tournament setting.
Burst Format Updates
Burst Format: Deck Format – 1 Metal Chip Core Permitted Per Deck
Similar to our ruling for Metal God Chips, only one Metal Chip Core may be used in a deck during a Deck Format match.
Organizer’s Guide/Requirements Updates
IMPORTANT Under 18? Parent/Guardian Must Co-Host With You
If you are an Organizer under 18 years old, you must now be accompanied by a parent/guardian who is 18 or older during the event.
The full name and e-mail of the parent/guardian that will accompany you must be listed when submitting an Event Proposal. We will e-mail to confirm and require a response from them.
We have also updated the rules of the Schedule an Event forum to more clearly describe what is required in Event Proposals.
Planning Your Tournament – Confirmed Interest Requirement Removed
The requirement for confirmed interest of at least four people for whenever you submit an Organizer’s Quiz application or Event Proposal has now been lifted.
However, when posting an Event Proposal you must show that you have confirmed interest already secured or present a plan to promote your event to attract participants (eg. posting on social media, chat groups, event platforms, posting ads, etc).
Please note that this change only applies to event proposals, and it is still a requirement to have at least four participants on the day of the event.
Club Format Updates
The following updates have been made to Club Format:
Club Format was designed as a free-to-play option which could act both as an easy entry point for communities new to official WBO tournaments and as a last resort for events where less than eight participants show up (the minimum for ranked events).
However, we’ve decided to reduce the number of Club Format events permitted per region per month in preparation for future changes that will make it even easier to host tournaments of all kinds.
The mandatory group photo requirement was removed because with Blader Rewards/Credits no longer existing, there’s not really an incentive to try and game the system and pretend you’re hosting small events. So, we didn’t think the extra layer of verification was needed anymore.
In regards to Club Format Bits: while we still like the idea of the original system, looking at it now, it seems inefficient because we do not currently have a system in place to track total numbers of Club Format Wins among players. It would have to be done manually, which is very time consuming. At least with things like the Emerald Bit we can easily look at their profile and see they have 15 victories, for example.
If you have any feedback on these particular changes, or any questions or suggestions for further adjustments or additions, please post your thoughts below or in the WBO Organized Play Rules thread.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of WBO Organized Play! We appreciate any and all feedback and are always looking to improve and clarify things where possible.
Updates Overview
- All Rulebooks: Unranked Events – All Official TT/Hasbro Stadiums Permitted
- All Rulebooks: Relaunching – Minor Update
- IMPORTANT Burst Classic Format: Ban List Updates
- Burst Format: Deck Format – 1 Metal Chip Core Permitted Per Deck
- IMPORTANT Organizer’s Requirements: Under 18? Parent/Guardian Must Co-Host With You
- Organizer’s Guide: Planning Your Tournament – Confirmed Interest Requirement Removed
- Organizer’s Guide: Club Format Updates
All Rulebooks Updates
Unranked Events – All Official TT/Hasbro Stadiums Permitted
All official TAKARA-TOMY/Hasbro (and Sonokong) stadiums are now permitted for unranked events. Ranked events must continue to use the list of stadiums outlined in the "Legal Equipment" section of each rulebook.
When proposing an unranked event, Organizers are now required to specify what stadium(s) will be used if they are not using the traditionally permitted stadiums for ranked events. The designated stadium type may not be changed after the event proposal has been approved.
We hope that with restrictions lifted on stadiums for unranked events, existing Organizers will take the opportunity once events are permitted again to experiment more.
And perhaps more importantly, we hope that those thinking about becoming an Organizer will face less barriers when getting started by not needing to have access to a specific stadium from Japan.
We believe that people should be able to play Beybade the way they want to in unranked environments. The strict consistency in terms of the stadiums used required for ranked events is not needed, so just have fun!
Relaunching – Minor Update
We have updated one small section of the definition for "Relaunching". Previously, the rule stated:
Relaunching - Old Definition Excerpt Wrote:Bladers must request a relaunch immediately after the Beyblade leaves the launcher.
This has now been updated to:
Relaunching - New Definition Excerpt Wrote:Bladers must request a relaunch during the countdown or immediately afterwards.
This was done in order to exclude the possibility that a relaunch could be argued to not be valid if the Beyblade does not fall off the launcher. A launcher can malfunction in a way that is out of a player's control that causes the Beyblade to not leave the launcher, so a relaunch request should be legal.
Burst Classic Format Updates
![[Image: KtdHeIj.png]](https://i.imgur.com/KtdHeIj.png)
IMPORTANT Burst Classic Format: Ban List Updates
The following updates have been made to the Burst Classic Format ban list:
✘ Beyblade Burst Sparking – All Layers & Disks
✘ Fusion'
✘ Dragoon V
✘ Draciel V
✘ Driger V
✘ Dranzer V
✘ Gaia Dragoon V
✔ Jormuntor J2
✔ Dark Deathscyther
The ban of the Bakuten Shoot Beyblade "V" remakes and the Sparking Layer System has been implemented in order to maintain balance in metagame and the spirit of the format. All of these parts are either too heavy, powerful, or both to fit in with Burst Classic.
We have also changed the wording in the rulebook to specify exactly which remake Layers are legal. You can consider all remakes released in the future to be banned by default unless we announce otherwise.
Fusion’ has been banned due to its ability to perform very similarly to the currently banned Accel’ when the point of its tip is worn down. Recent tournament performance has also proven this.
Recent testing of Jormuntor J2 and Dark Deathscyther along with testing from last year of Jormuntor J2 has proven that both Layers deserve a chance to exist within Burst Classic Format. While both Layers do have respectable amounts of stamina and defense, testing suggests that they can be beat by other pure stamina and attack types effectively.
These bans will continue to be monitored over time and may be re-banned if they are proven to be too powerful in a tournament setting.
Burst Format Updates
![[Image: ANcrIMF.png]](https://i.imgur.com/ANcrIMF.png)
Burst Format: Deck Format – 1 Metal Chip Core Permitted Per Deck
Similar to our ruling for Metal God Chips, only one Metal Chip Core may be used in a deck during a Deck Format match.
Organizer’s Guide/Requirements Updates
![[Image: WBO-Organizers-Guide.png]](https://worldbeyblade.org/images/WBO-Organizers-Guide.png)
IMPORTANT Under 18? Parent/Guardian Must Co-Host With You
If you are an Organizer under 18 years old, you must now be accompanied by a parent/guardian who is 18 or older during the event.
The full name and e-mail of the parent/guardian that will accompany you must be listed when submitting an Event Proposal. We will e-mail to confirm and require a response from them.
We have also updated the rules of the Schedule an Event forum to more clearly describe what is required in Event Proposals.
Planning Your Tournament – Confirmed Interest Requirement Removed
The requirement for confirmed interest of at least four people for whenever you submit an Organizer’s Quiz application or Event Proposal has now been lifted.
However, when posting an Event Proposal you must show that you have confirmed interest already secured or present a plan to promote your event to attract participants (eg. posting on social media, chat groups, event platforms, posting ads, etc).
Please note that this change only applies to event proposals, and it is still a requirement to have at least four participants on the day of the event.
Club Format Updates
The following updates have been made to Club Format:
- The number of Club Format events permitted per region each month has been reduced to 1 from 2.
- The requirement to include a mandatory group photo along with your results spreadsheet has been lifted.
- The "Club Ace" and "Club Master" Bits have been removed. The “Club Champion” Bit remains using the design of the “Club Master” Bit and will be awarded to Club Format event winners, similar to the Gold Bit for regular events.
Club Format was designed as a free-to-play option which could act both as an easy entry point for communities new to official WBO tournaments and as a last resort for events where less than eight participants show up (the minimum for ranked events).
However, we’ve decided to reduce the number of Club Format events permitted per region per month in preparation for future changes that will make it even easier to host tournaments of all kinds.
The mandatory group photo requirement was removed because with Blader Rewards/Credits no longer existing, there’s not really an incentive to try and game the system and pretend you’re hosting small events. So, we didn’t think the extra layer of verification was needed anymore.
In regards to Club Format Bits: while we still like the idea of the original system, looking at it now, it seems inefficient because we do not currently have a system in place to track total numbers of Club Format Wins among players. It would have to be done manually, which is very time consuming. At least with things like the Emerald Bit we can easily look at their profile and see they have 15 victories, for example.
If you have any feedback on these particular changes, or any questions or suggestions for further adjustments or additions, please post your thoughts below or in the WBO Organized Play Rules thread.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of WBO Organized Play! We appreciate any and all feedback and are always looking to improve and clarify things where possible.