WBO Organized Play Rule Updates July 2018: Organizer's Guide, BST & MFL Updates

Outlined below are several important new ruling additions, updates, and clarifications to the WBO Organized Play Burst Format rulebook and the Organizers' Guide. View all WBO Organized Play Rules & Resources here, and a summary of the changes below:

Rule Updates Overview
  • IMPORTANT Organizer’s Guide & Community Rules: New Guidelines for Failure to Submit Results & Fees
  • Burst Format: God Chips Popping Off Constitute a Round Loss
  • Burst Format: Repeating Hasbro and TAKARA-TOMY Parts in Deck Format is not Permitted
  • Metal Fight Limited Format: Scythe (Metal Fury) Banned
  • Metal Fight Limited Format: Gravity Metal Wheel Mode Changing Restriction

Organizer’s Guide Updates

IMPORTANT Organizer’s Guide: New Guidelines for Failure to Submit Results & Fees
Recently we have been making an enormous effort to get the ranking system back up to date. You can keep track of our progress as updates are posted here.

However, one of the biggest issues has been that many Organizers have failed to submit their tournament results, winning combinations, or fees within the given 14 day period, as outlined by the Organizer’s Guide:

Organizer’s Guide Wrote:All tournament fees must be submitted via PayPal to [email protected] no later than 14 days after a tournament has taken place.

The results spreadsheet must be filled out and linked in your tournament topic no later than 14 days after your event takes place.

This has resulted in us having to chase down Organizers to retrieve this information, and it has slowed down the process considerably. In order to hopefully help combat this, to set more defined expectations for our Organizers who accept the responsibility of hosting events for their community, and to prevent our members from having to wait for extended periods to see their results reflected in the rankings in the future, we have decided to implement some more strict guidelines and consequences for failure to submit tournament results, winning combinations, or fees on time.

To begin, all events that occurred on or before May 30th 2018 that have not submitted either their tournament results spreadsheet, winning combinations, or fees will be subject to the following effective August 6th 2018:

  • Step 1: 1 Week After August 6th 2018 - 20% Warning, expires in 1 year (24 Hour Suspension)
  • Step 2: 1 Week After Step 1 - 30% Warning, expires in 1 year (1 Month Suspension)
  • Step 3: 2 Weeks After Step 2 - 40% Warning, expires in 1 year (6 Month Suspension)

This being said, we sincerely hope that nobody will even have to reach Step 1. If you are an Organizer, please ensure that you are willing and able to commit to the responsibilities required by the role. Upon submission of any missing tournament information, any existing warnings related to it will be removed.

We also need to be held accountable ourselves for ensuring that everything is submitted on time, which is why we are making an effort to make the expectations clearer moving forward. And it’s also why we are only including events that occurred up until the end of May at this point as we know that we still have a ways to go before we can catch up to that point.

And of course, if there is any legitimate personal circumstances which are preventing you from getting results or fees submitted on time, please be sure to contact one of our Organized Play Contributors so that we are aware of the situation and can make an exception. We want everyone to remain accountable for their responsibilities, but we also understand that everyone here is a volunteer and that things do happen sometimes.

These guidelines have now been added to our Organizer’s Guide and also to our Community Rules under “Organizer Violations”.

Burst Format Updates

Burst Format: God Chips Popping Off Constitute a Round Loss
A God Chip popping off mid-battle now constitutes an immediate round loss. Players must then put the God Chip back in for the next round.

Burst Format: Repeating Hasbro and TAKARA-TOMY Parts in Deck Format is not Permitted
You may not repeat Hasbro and TAKARA-TOMY parts within your Deck during Deck Format. This means for example that you cannot have both a Valkyrie and a Valtryek Layer in your Deck. The same goes for Hasbro and TAKARA-TOMY Drivers.

Metal Fight Limited Format Updates

[Image: Beyblade-Metal-Fury-Scythe-Wheel.jpg]

Metal Fight Limited Format: Ban List v2.0 – Scythe (Metal Fury) Metal Wheel Banned
Our first ban list update for MFL in nearly two years! With Metal Fight Beyblade’s tenth anniversary just around the corner, we felt now the time was right to inject some life and shake things up for the format.

As such, the Scythe (Metal Fury) Metal Wheel is now banned.

The Scythe (Metal Fury) Metal Wheel has proven itself to be an extremely versatile and powerful Metal Wheel. It exhibits respectable traits in all three types: Attack, Defense, and Stamina depending on the situation and combination used. It is for this reason we’ve chosen to add Scythe to the ban list for the first time.

[Image: beyblade-gravity-metal-wheel.png]

Metal Fight Limited Format: Gravity Metal Wheel Mode Changing Restrictions
The mode (spin direction) of the Gravity Metal Wheel may now only be changed once per match in both the first and final stages of our events.

Gravity has always been an inherently versatile Metal Wheel with the ability to switch spin directions. This, combined with its also respectable traits in all three types has made it just a bit too safe and centralizing, so we’ve decided to impose this restriction to lower its versatility slightly.

You can view past ban lists and discuss this update here, in the Metal Fight Limited Ban List Discussion thread.

New WBO Contributors
Earlier this year we created the WBO Contributor team in order to improve our ability to maintain existing practices such as our social media channels, approving events and Organizer quizzes, producing Youtube videos, publishing and writing wiki articles, and moderating the forums.

It’s become evident lately that we are in need of even more help in all of these areas, so I’m happy to announce that the following members have now been added to the team!

  • @[The Supreme One] - Organized Play Contributor
  • @[1234beyblade] - Organized Play Contributor
  • @[Frostic Fox] - Organized Play & Forum Moderation Contributor (Global Moderator)
  • @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] - Forum Moderation Contributor (Global Moderator)
  • @[kjrules17] - Beyblade Wiki Contributor

If you have any feedback on these particular changes, or any questions or suggestions for further adjustments or additions, please post your thoughts below or in the WBO Organized Play Rules thread.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of WBO Organized Play! We appreciate any and all feedback and are always looking to improve and clarify things where possible.

View all WBO Organized Play Rules & Resources here.
Woah, I did not see that coming! I thought I was just a Mod on the Wiki haha. Glad to be on the team, thanks a bunch for the opportunity!
Thank you for the updates, Kei! Looking forward to applying my organizer experience to my role as a WBO Contributor Smile
Congratulations @[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA]! Congratulations once again!
Congratulations @[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA]!

Frostic Fox, you are on my clipboard right now, brace yourself for getting tagged for every spam I spot
@[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] hahaha i'm gonna hop on the bandwagon and say congratulations again! :)
Hey, no update in the Sr and mG ban? I thought it was into discussion?
(Aug. 01, 2018  11:51 AM)Suhasini Wrote: Hey, no update in the Sr and mG ban? I thought it was into debate?

also, I need a hS ruling.  ToT
(Aug. 01, 2018  11:51 AM)Suhasini Wrote: Hey, no update in the Sr and mG ban? I thought it was into discussion?

We haven't forgotten about it! Stay tuned  Cool
I think Sr should be unbanned ( bec , it is no longer that OP ) INSTEAD one shoud ban RP ( it takes long to burst it )
(Aug. 01, 2018  4:41 PM)GOD CHIPS Wrote: I think Sr should be unbanned ( bec , it is no longer that OP ) INSTEAD one shoud ban RP ( it takes long to burst it )

Check Bladers of the fall group bro. Sinchan Ghosh just uploaded something.
(Aug. 01, 2018  11:38 AM)Suhasini Wrote: Congratulations @[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA]! Congratulations once again!

(Aug. 01, 2018  11:47 AM)Adarsh Abhinav Wrote: Congratulations @[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA]!

(Aug. 01, 2018  11:50 AM)leosama Wrote: @[Frostic Fox], @[The Supreme One], @[kjrules17], @[1234beyblade] and @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] hahaha i'm gonna hop on the bandwagon and say congratulations again! Smile

Thanks, you guys! Grin Happy to help out, and it's cool to be able to take off some of the load the team's been carrying.

(Aug. 01, 2018  11:47 AM)Adarsh Abhinav Wrote: Frostic Fox, you are on my clipboard right now, brace yourself for getting tagged for every spam I spot
Haha, just fine. It looks like everyone with "the superpowers" will see a message if someone reports a post/thread, so that might be better to do so the first one around can jump on it. Keeps the thread from floating back up to the top, too.

But yeah, I'll keep an eye out for tags and PMs. Anything more pressing might do better with a PM, since I can read the message in an email if I'm not logged in. (Granted, I should try not to be on my email all the time, but still....haha)
Haha I always knew @[Frostic Fox] would become a mod.
Congrats to all the new contributors!
Can we get an update on the Sr ban, or some parts that have come close to bans in the past.
For the record, just because you tagged me doesn't mean I took care of it, haha. If I didn't post, you never know who did.... Too easy to give me credit when I didn't do it.

I still recommend the report button over tagging me, seeing as that notifies everybody with the powers to deal with it and the first person online can then help.

(Aug. 01, 2018  8:13 PM)BlackMirror Wrote: Haha I always knew @[Frostic Fox] would become a mod.
Congrats to all the new contributors!

Haha, thanks! :D
I hate to bring up old matters, but th!nk crusaded to get the Scythe (MF) Metal Wheel banned long ago, to the point of him getting a 90% warning level. This was when Limited was still in its first year IIRC.

If only he was patient enough to see this. He would be happy.