Our worldwide ranking system for pariticipants of WBO Organized Play Beyblade tournaments has regrettably been out of commission for some time now due to problems which occurred after the launch of our new site design on our eighth anniversary. But we’re happy to announce that the ranking system is now working again!
Ranking System Updates Overview
New Ranking System Features
We have more features coming in the near future relating to our ranking system (battle profiles and notifications for tournaments near you, to name a couple), but with this latest update some key new features have now been added which will make processing events much easier and quicker for everybody.
Previously, each battle for each tournament required the winner and the loser to be manually input on the back-end of the site, accessible only to administrators. This has made for an enormous amount of work for the WBO Committee over the years. It was inefficient.
Winner/Loser Text Fields
With this new system, winners can be pasted into one column and losers into another column, allowing for all matches to be added essentially instantly for review before approval.
Organizer Pre-Processing
A “Winners” button will now appear for Organizers on their event page (not other event pages created by someone else) below its main description after their event has passed.
This will allow them to pre-process their results directly to our system after completing and posting their results spreadsheet. The results will not be added to the rankings immediately as we still need to do a final review to ensure everything is correct, but Organizers who choose to do this will help speed up the process for everyone immensely. And it will only take an extra couple minutes to do.
Pre-Processing “Winners” Screen. Visible only to Organizers on their Event Page after their event has passed. Organizers can simply copy and paste the winners and losers from their results spreadsheet all at once.
Once a Committee Member has reviewed and approved the results, they will be added to the rankings. Organizers, please check the Organizers’ Circle forum for a video tutorial and more details on how to do this.
Event Page Winners Display
Organizers can also submit the top three players when submitting their results using the above method.
Once the accompanying results have been approved, these three winners will be displayed on the thread itself showing that they won the tournament!
In the future, we also plan to have the ability to review the specific results for any given tournament on the event pages themselves so that it will be easy to identify how everyone did in the event you attended.
Working Through the Queue
However, since we haven’t been able to process tournament results into the rankings for some time now, there is a large queue of events that we will have to work through. You can view them in our WBO Organized Play Tournament Data Archive:
This archive will be updated gradually as the tournaments are processed. Once a tournament is fully processed (results, Bits, and Credits), it will be moved to the corresponding sheet for the format it belongs to (ex. a Burst Format event will be moved to the BST Archive sheet from the Unprocessed Tournaments sheet).
Ranked and Burst Events Will Be Prioritized
We will be prioritizing ranked and Burst tournaments first so that we can finally get the rankings up to date again.
Credits Usage Will be Announced Later On
Credits will be added, but cannot be spent until we get closer to completing the queue. We will announce when Credits may be used again.
Tournaments Will Be Processed Gradually
Rather than going on a blitz and trying to complete everything as quickly as possible, we will be taking our time with the processing of the results in order to provide the opportunity for the players involved to review the results after they have been processed. We don’t want to process 10 tournaments and then have someone say “a battle was missing” or “this result was wrong”!
Doing it slowly will also give us the opportunity to more easily assess who needs to be awarded the Platinum Bit (for reaching the Top 5 in the Burst or Metal Fight Rankings) and to capture a list of what the Top 15 or so looked like over the past year or so at any given time.
Thank You For Your Patience!
We’d like to thank everyone for their immense patience over the past year plus since the rankings went down and for their patience moving forward as we start to move through the queue of past events.
We’ve been committed to getting the system back up and running since it went down, but it’s become incredibly complex, especially given the eight years worth of results currently processed within it and the additional features we wanted to add.
It took longer than we would have liked to get the new features added, but we feel that with the features described here (and even more improvements we are planning in the future), it will be the best thing for us in the long run in terms of being able to efficiently process events and reduce our workload, which will in turn allow us to spend more time working on other improvements to the site.
Ranking System Updates Overview
- New Ranking System Features – Winner/Loser Text Fields, Organizer Pre-Processing, Event Page Winners Display
- Working Through the Queue – Prioritization, Credits, Pacing
New Ranking System Features
We have more features coming in the near future relating to our ranking system (battle profiles and notifications for tournaments near you, to name a couple), but with this latest update some key new features have now been added which will make processing events much easier and quicker for everybody.
Previously, each battle for each tournament required the winner and the loser to be manually input on the back-end of the site, accessible only to administrators. This has made for an enormous amount of work for the WBO Committee over the years. It was inefficient.
Winner/Loser Text Fields
With this new system, winners can be pasted into one column and losers into another column, allowing for all matches to be added essentially instantly for review before approval.
Organizer Pre-Processing
A “Winners” button will now appear for Organizers on their event page (not other event pages created by someone else) below its main description after their event has passed.
This will allow them to pre-process their results directly to our system after completing and posting their results spreadsheet. The results will not be added to the rankings immediately as we still need to do a final review to ensure everything is correct, but Organizers who choose to do this will help speed up the process for everyone immensely. And it will only take an extra couple minutes to do.
Pre-Processing “Winners” Screen. Visible only to Organizers on their Event Page after their event has passed. Organizers can simply copy and paste the winners and losers from their results spreadsheet all at once.
Once a Committee Member has reviewed and approved the results, they will be added to the rankings. Organizers, please check the Organizers’ Circle forum for a video tutorial and more details on how to do this.
Event Page Winners Display
Organizers can also submit the top three players when submitting their results using the above method.
Once the accompanying results have been approved, these three winners will be displayed on the thread itself showing that they won the tournament!
In the future, we also plan to have the ability to review the specific results for any given tournament on the event pages themselves so that it will be easy to identify how everyone did in the event you attended.
Working Through the Queue
However, since we haven’t been able to process tournament results into the rankings for some time now, there is a large queue of events that we will have to work through. You can view them in our WBO Organized Play Tournament Data Archive:
This archive will be updated gradually as the tournaments are processed. Once a tournament is fully processed (results, Bits, and Credits), it will be moved to the corresponding sheet for the format it belongs to (ex. a Burst Format event will be moved to the BST Archive sheet from the Unprocessed Tournaments sheet).
Ranked and Burst Events Will Be Prioritized
We will be prioritizing ranked and Burst tournaments first so that we can finally get the rankings up to date again.
Credits Usage Will be Announced Later On
Credits will be added, but cannot be spent until we get closer to completing the queue. We will announce when Credits may be used again.
Tournaments Will Be Processed Gradually
Rather than going on a blitz and trying to complete everything as quickly as possible, we will be taking our time with the processing of the results in order to provide the opportunity for the players involved to review the results after they have been processed. We don’t want to process 10 tournaments and then have someone say “a battle was missing” or “this result was wrong”!
Doing it slowly will also give us the opportunity to more easily assess who needs to be awarded the Platinum Bit (for reaching the Top 5 in the Burst or Metal Fight Rankings) and to capture a list of what the Top 15 or so looked like over the past year or so at any given time.
Thank You For Your Patience!
We’d like to thank everyone for their immense patience over the past year plus since the rankings went down and for their patience moving forward as we start to move through the queue of past events.
We’ve been committed to getting the system back up and running since it went down, but it’s become incredibly complex, especially given the eight years worth of results currently processed within it and the additional features we wanted to add.
It took longer than we would have liked to get the new features added, but we feel that with the features described here (and even more improvements we are planning in the future), it will be the best thing for us in the long run in terms of being able to efficiently process events and reduce our workload, which will in turn allow us to spend more time working on other improvements to the site.