January 20, 2018 at Anime Shogatsu 2018 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada • BURST FORMAT
Group photo after the event! We had 31 players for the tournament itself.
We were back at Anime Shogatsu for the third time this year with BEYBLADE SHOGATSU 2018! We’ve always had success with our events at anime conventions over the years, and it’s something I would definitely recommend Organizers around the world look into doing if they want to try and grow their local community. You really can’t beat the exposure you get at conventions. Each year we’ve consistently pulled in 20 or 30+ participants, and this year was no different with 31 players joining the competition.
This year, the convention moved to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. I didn’t have too much time to explore the convention itself, but I had never been to the JCCC and the building made a good impression on me. Hope I’ll have a chance to go back sometime!
As far as the tournament itself is concerned, after having tested the newly released Spriggan Requiem earlier in the week it was pretty much guaranteed in my mind that it would dominate the event. Particularly when paired with Destroy, which to my knowledge at this point has nothing that will counter it 100% due to the new mode change ruling we introduced back in October. This is something that everyone quickly caught onto right before the event started.
The mode switching works fine in Deck since the matches are longer and making the decision to switch modes can be critical to later on in the match when maybe you would have wanted the original mode you were in. But in the first stage of our events, mode switching has no negative consequences if you know what you're doing because you can just switch to the optimal spin direction and win the match. And if you're in a mirror match, it's just 50/50, which is no fun.
I won a couple matches in the first stage using variants of it, lost a near mirror match to OldSchool™ in the fifth round, and just barely beat JesseObre who was using Sr on Hold with my Nightmare Longinus Bump Xtreme. Xtreme-based Attack is really the only thing which stands a pretty good chance, but even that is probably not as reliable as I would like. As I mentioned in my WELCOME TO A&C GAMES VI report:
Kei Wrote:Overall, this tournament did leave a bit of worry amongst 1234beyblade and I afterwards because of how dominant Destroy was. It felt like Xtreme-based combos weren’t as viable as they should be because of it. You can certainly win with Xtreme-based combos against Destroy, but the Destroy-based combos are easier to use. We struggled to come up with ideas for what Attack types would consistently beat Destroy. In my mind, I think something like Merge or Impact-based Attack types which move faster than Xtreme could maybe do it, but the question then is: are they good enough against other types of combos?
Not to take anything away from them at all because when a powerful combo exists you have to take advantage of it, but it is also worth noting that the players who won the tournament (1st Crimsonlemon, 2nd Cam77), as well as OldSchool™ who placed 4th did so leaning heavily on Spriggan Requiem Destroy as well. The final match itself was exclusively Sr.0B.Ds vs. Sr.0B.Ds.
In the finals I consciously tried to counter it with Attack and Sr.0B.Br because it felt totally meaningless to play the mirror match, but was unable to overcome Cam77 and lost 6-4. As the score implies however, it certainly wasn’t a blowout; I could have won as I failed to cash in on 2/4 opportunities of nL Xtreme vs. Sr Destroy in left-spin and unluckily lost two bK.7S.X vs. nL.Star.X matches partly due to some apprehension on my part with regards to how I should launch nL. And there was probably more opportunities for me to use Sr.0B.Br than I realized in the moment (for example, I imagine I could have won against the Ark Bahamut 7 Meteor Atomic in Cam77’s Deck because of aB’s poor burst resistance, but I was scared to use Bearing in a same-spin direction battle even though if that match-up had happened he probably would have had even poorer burst resistance). I did however beat OldSchool who was also using Sr.0B.Ds in the third place match 5-3 with a similar approach.
With all of that being said, after what I experienced at this event I am of the opinion that for now we should immediately ban mode changes for parts which require disassembly in the first stage of events. Spriggan Requiem is still powerful with mode changes in Deck Format, but not as much as the first stage. I'd like to see it play out in a few more tournaments first before we make a decision about that, but for now it is clear to me that the change should absolutely be made for the first stage of our events.
Another option would be to ban mode changes on Spriggan Requiem in the first stage specifically because the mode change ability for Alter Chronos is inconsequential, while the mode change for Legend Spriggan gives it a much needed boost in viability … It’s just Sr that sort of breaks things because it can be used as a Stamina type. Even though I don't want to lower Legend Spriggan's viability by removing these mode changes for the first stage entirely, I am apprehensive about this option personally because I don't like introducing ruling exceptions for specific parts.
I’ve heard a few people also say we should ban Destroy at this point. Not sure that’s a step I’m willing to take yet, but it is certainly worth thinking about.
In any case, your feedback is welcome and we will definitely be talking about this as a team, so please stay tuned for a decision on this front.
Winning Combinations
1st: Crimsonlemon
Twin Nemesis 7 Glaive Atomic
Drain Fafnir 7 Bump Atomic
Spriggan Requiem 0 Bump Destroy (Deck Format Finals Only)
Drain Fafnir 7 Glaive Ωcta (Deck Format Finals Only)
Twin Nemesis 4 Meteor Atomic (Deck Format Finals Only)
2nd: Cam77
Spriggan Requiem 7 Flow Destroy
Spriggan Requiem 0 Bump Atomic
Spriggan Requiem 0 Bump Destroy
Ark Bahamut 7 Star Atomic (Deck Format Finals Only)
Beat Kukulcan 7 Star Xtreme (Deck Format Finals Only)
3rd: Kei
Spriggan Requiem 0 Glaive Destroy
Spriggan Requiem 0 Glaive Revolve
Nightmare Longinus Bump Xtreme
Spriggan Requiem 0 Bump Bearing (Deck Format Finals Only)
Nightmare Longinus Star Xtreme (Deck Format Finals Only)
Deck Format Finals
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to post below!
More Beyblade Tournament Reports
If you enjoyed this report, then you may also enjoy some of my other Beyblade Burst tournament reports:
- WELCOME TO A&C GAMES VI – December 17, 2017 [BST]
- WELCOME TO A&C GAMES V – November 25, 2017 [BST]
- Kei vs. The World: NYC – October 8, 2017 [BST]
- Wait, what? This isn't High PArk... – August 13, 2017 [BST]
- Rowdy in the Dish - July 29, 2017 [BST/PLA]
- HIGH PARK THROWDOWN 9 - July 16, 2017 [MFB]
- Rowdy in the Dish - July 9, 2017 [BST]
- U Wot m8?! LMAO’s Burstday Beynanza! - June 24, 2017 [BST]
- MORE GRIP! MORE RIP! - June 18, 2017 [Hasbro BST]
- BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - May 26–28, 2017 [TMB/BST/MFL]
- Hasbro Bursts RARELY Onto the Scene - April 23, 2017 [Hasbro BST]
- LIVE ACTION REBOOT - April 15, 2017 [BST]
- WELCOME TO A&C GAMES IV - March 12, 2017 [BST]
- WELCOME TO A&C GAMES III - February 18, 2017 [BST]
- WELCOME TO A&C GAMES II - January 29, 2017 [BST]
- MFB/Team/HMS BeyBattle Revolution @ Anime North 2015 - May 22–24, 2015 [MFB/TMM/HMS]
- BEY OR DIE - September 27, 2014 [TMM]