Overly Complicated Rules
Silver Spring, Maryland Burst Format Unranked
Martin Luther King jr Park
1120 Jackson Rd, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904
We will try to have it at the covered pavilion, but may need to use an open field near the bathroom building if it's in use
1120 Jackson Rd, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904
We will try to have it at the covered pavilion, but may need to use an open field near the bathroom building if it's in use
01:00 PM on 08/14/2021
This is a Burst Standard format tournament, with 3v3 rules! Read carefully before deciding to register!
Host: Deceased Crab
Format: Burst Standard. Consult the rules at
This tournament will be operating using the experimental WBO 3v3 rules identified here:
* Each Blader assembles 3 Beyblades with no repeating parts in secret. A deck box will be provided at each stadium, with spots numbered 1 through 3. Each blader uses the deck box to determine the play order of their 3 beys.
* Bladers reveal their beys and their order.
* The match then begins using the first bey from each Blader's deck box. Once a point is scored by one of those beys or a launch ends in a tie, the next beys in each Bladers' lineup will be used.
* If all 3 beys of the Bladers are used in a match, and neither Blader has yet scored 3 or more points, then the Bladers will turn around and in secret take 30 seconds to (optionally) reorder their 3 beys in the deck box how they see fit. Bladers may make one non-disassembly mode change on each of their three beys at this time, but it is limited to one mode change per bey per match.
* Bladers then reveal the new order of their beys as well as announce any mode changes.
* Play resumes using the first bey in each Blader's roster, moving on to the second or third as necessary until one of the Bladers scores the points necessary to win the match.
* This process will repeat until one of the two Bladers has won the match.
A more detailed version of these rules will be available in the tournament thread, and while we can only assume that many of you will not read them, you will still be bound by them.
If you do not have 3 beys that are legal for Burst Standard, you probably should not register.
Location: This event will be held outdoors at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Please note the address in the description as the park itself is quite large and typing the park name into Google Maps may lead you in the wrong direction. Look at the picture for guidance.
![[Image: 209914165_329425355479803_88577279805146...e=60F28914]](
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 1:00pm, please plan to arrive around 12:00pm when registration will begin. Registration will close at 12:45pm. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
Prizes: None at this time. If your only motivation is prizes, maybe skip this one. This isn't even a ranked tournament. Maybe I'll add prizes later. It is, however, using an experimental format for the first stage, which is its own reward. EDIT: Everyone gets an appropriately sized cardboard deck box that is big enough to hold 3 burst DB beys, even on the Hybrid driver.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, as well as the WBO Covid-19 Guidelines effective from last year. This effectively means that you SHOULD mask up and stay away from people when possible, but those are just Strong Recommendations now.
Other Information:
We have a 32 participant cap.
This is not a standard "One bey per match" during the first stage tournament! This is a WBO 3v3 tournament. The rules are posted above. Bring 3 beys with non-repeating parts to each match. A deck box will be provided at each stadium. The process will be demonstrated before the tournament begins.
A WBO Account is required to participate. They're free. Go make one now, and then click "Join Tournament" if you want to participate. Do not just show up and assume everything will be okay; without an account, you will not participate in the tournament, and without registering in one of the 32 participant slots by joining the tournament, your participation is denied.
It is important that you know what your WBO account name is. Otherwise, how will you participate? We cannot look that information up for you. It would help if you were logged into the account on a smartphone when you get there.
All participants must check in with the Organizer once registration begins. If you don't check in, it doesn't matter if you register online; you won't be playing. We will make numerous announcements reminding you to check in. We will do a roll call before the tournament begins. We will give you every opportunity in the world to let us know you are present at the tournament.
Be aware of your surroundings. This is a public park. Small children will be running around, it is right next to a playground. Some of them have lax attitudes towards property ownership. It is recommended that you do not leave your beys unattended.
Please come prepared. It is helpful for both hosts and judges if all participants bring at least three Takara Tomy or Hasbro-manufactured Beyblades of their own with non-repeating parts and more than one launcher when possible. Additionally, parents of children under the age of 13 must be present for the duration of the event, as tournament end times can be difficult to estimate, and we would hate for someone to be left behind once it is over.
Be aware of your belongings. We'd advise users to please, please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!
All players must arrive on time to participate. The tournament will begin no later than 1:00 PM and is expected to run for about 4 hours or less. We will start without you if you're later than than that. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events – Challonge – does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started. Once a single first round match has begun, no one else may be added.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
Host: Deceased Crab
Format: Burst Standard. Consult the rules at
This tournament will be operating using the experimental WBO 3v3 rules identified here:
* Each Blader assembles 3 Beyblades with no repeating parts in secret. A deck box will be provided at each stadium, with spots numbered 1 through 3. Each blader uses the deck box to determine the play order of their 3 beys.
* Bladers reveal their beys and their order.
* The match then begins using the first bey from each Blader's deck box. Once a point is scored by one of those beys or a launch ends in a tie, the next beys in each Bladers' lineup will be used.
* If all 3 beys of the Bladers are used in a match, and neither Blader has yet scored 3 or more points, then the Bladers will turn around and in secret take 30 seconds to (optionally) reorder their 3 beys in the deck box how they see fit. Bladers may make one non-disassembly mode change on each of their three beys at this time, but it is limited to one mode change per bey per match.
* Bladers then reveal the new order of their beys as well as announce any mode changes.
* Play resumes using the first bey in each Blader's roster, moving on to the second or third as necessary until one of the Bladers scores the points necessary to win the match.
* This process will repeat until one of the two Bladers has won the match.
A more detailed version of these rules will be available in the tournament thread, and while we can only assume that many of you will not read them, you will still be bound by them.
If you do not have 3 beys that are legal for Burst Standard, you probably should not register.
Location: This event will be held outdoors at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Please note the address in the description as the park itself is quite large and typing the park name into Google Maps may lead you in the wrong direction. Look at the picture for guidance.
![[Image: 209914165_329425355479803_88577279805146...e=60F28914]](
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 1:00pm, please plan to arrive around 12:00pm when registration will begin. Registration will close at 12:45pm. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
Prizes: None at this time. If your only motivation is prizes, maybe skip this one. This isn't even a ranked tournament. Maybe I'll add prizes later. It is, however, using an experimental format for the first stage, which is its own reward. EDIT: Everyone gets an appropriately sized cardboard deck box that is big enough to hold 3 burst DB beys, even on the Hybrid driver.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, as well as the WBO Covid-19 Guidelines effective from last year. This effectively means that you SHOULD mask up and stay away from people when possible, but those are just Strong Recommendations now.
Other Information:
We have a 32 participant cap.
This is not a standard "One bey per match" during the first stage tournament! This is a WBO 3v3 tournament. The rules are posted above. Bring 3 beys with non-repeating parts to each match. A deck box will be provided at each stadium. The process will be demonstrated before the tournament begins.
A WBO Account is required to participate. They're free. Go make one now, and then click "Join Tournament" if you want to participate. Do not just show up and assume everything will be okay; without an account, you will not participate in the tournament, and without registering in one of the 32 participant slots by joining the tournament, your participation is denied.
It is important that you know what your WBO account name is. Otherwise, how will you participate? We cannot look that information up for you. It would help if you were logged into the account on a smartphone when you get there.
All participants must check in with the Organizer once registration begins. If you don't check in, it doesn't matter if you register online; you won't be playing. We will make numerous announcements reminding you to check in. We will do a roll call before the tournament begins. We will give you every opportunity in the world to let us know you are present at the tournament.
Be aware of your surroundings. This is a public park. Small children will be running around, it is right next to a playground. Some of them have lax attitudes towards property ownership. It is recommended that you do not leave your beys unattended.
Please come prepared. It is helpful for both hosts and judges if all participants bring at least three Takara Tomy or Hasbro-manufactured Beyblades of their own with non-repeating parts and more than one launcher when possible. Additionally, parents of children under the age of 13 must be present for the duration of the event, as tournament end times can be difficult to estimate, and we would hate for someone to be left behind once it is over.
Be aware of your belongings. We'd advise users to please, please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!
All players must arrive on time to participate. The tournament will begin no later than 1:00 PM and is expected to run for about 4 hours or less. We will start without you if you're later than than that. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events – Challonge – does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started. Once a single first round match has begun, no one else may be added.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
Need-to-Know Information
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.
Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .
2. Terms of Service
All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.
This event has been approved.
In 3v3, Bladers assemble 3 Beyblade combos in numbered order to reveal to their opponent prior to the best-of-5 match. If a Blader does not have 3 combos, they may borrow from other people as necessary.
The finals of 3v3 Type events are played using WBO Deck Format.
3v3 (First Stage Only)
* When a match between two Bladers is announced, each Blader assembles 3 Beyblades with no repeating parts in secret. The same rules for no repeating parts in WBO Deck Format apply here. The Bladers will number the order of the beys being used by either using their own or tournament provided deck boxes, with places for the beys numbers 1 through 3.
* After both Bladers have their Beyblades ready, they turn around and present their combinations to the judge. At this point spin directions or modes on parts which require disassembly can no longer be changed.
* Each Blader is given 30 seconds to identify the Beyblades presented. The judge will inspect each of the 6 beys, without changing their order for either Blader. The Bladers will provide up to 3 launchers for launching each of their beys being used. The Bladers will indicate which launchers are for launching which beys. The judge will inspect the launchers.
* The match then begins using the first bey from their roster. Once a point is scored by one of those beys or a launch ends in a tie, the next beys in each Blader's lineup will be used. Once the first beys are used, the second beys in the lineup will be used. Once the second beys are used, the third beys in the lineup will be used. If 3 points are reached by either Blader before using all 3 of their beys, the match is over and the Blader who scored 3 or more points is the winner.
* If all 3 beys of the Bladers are used in a match, and neither Blader has yet scored 3 or more points, then the Bladers will be instructed to turn around, and take 30 seconds to reorder their 3 beys. They may leave the beys in their original order, or they may reorder the 1 through 3 order of their three beys. They may not remove or add new beys to their roster of 3 beys for that match. They are not allowed to disassemble their beys for mode changes. They may make one non-disassembly mode change on each of their three beys, but it is limited to one mode change per bey per match.
* Once the 30 seconds are up, Bladers will reveal the new order of their beys, as well as announce any mode changes, to the judge and their opponent. Bladers must use the same launcher for a given bey that they used to launch that bey previously in the match.
* Play will resume using the first bey in each Blader's roster, moving on to the second or third as necessary until one of the Bladers scores the points necessary to win the match.
* This process will repeat until one of the two Bladers has won the match.
I cannot stress this enough: Even a single tied result, from Double KO, Double Burst, Double Same Spin Stamina Tie, or (the most likely outcome) Opposite Spin Stamina Tie, will result in the next beys in the order being switched to.
In 3v3, Bladers assemble 3 Beyblade combos in numbered order to reveal to their opponent prior to the best-of-5 match. If a Blader does not have 3 combos, they may borrow from other people as necessary.
The finals of 3v3 Type events are played using WBO Deck Format.
3v3 (First Stage Only)
* When a match between two Bladers is announced, each Blader assembles 3 Beyblades with no repeating parts in secret. The same rules for no repeating parts in WBO Deck Format apply here. The Bladers will number the order of the beys being used by either using their own or tournament provided deck boxes, with places for the beys numbers 1 through 3.
* After both Bladers have their Beyblades ready, they turn around and present their combinations to the judge. At this point spin directions or modes on parts which require disassembly can no longer be changed.
* Each Blader is given 30 seconds to identify the Beyblades presented. The judge will inspect each of the 6 beys, without changing their order for either Blader. The Bladers will provide up to 3 launchers for launching each of their beys being used. The Bladers will indicate which launchers are for launching which beys. The judge will inspect the launchers.
* The match then begins using the first bey from their roster. Once a point is scored by one of those beys or a launch ends in a tie, the next beys in each Blader's lineup will be used. Once the first beys are used, the second beys in the lineup will be used. Once the second beys are used, the third beys in the lineup will be used. If 3 points are reached by either Blader before using all 3 of their beys, the match is over and the Blader who scored 3 or more points is the winner.
* If all 3 beys of the Bladers are used in a match, and neither Blader has yet scored 3 or more points, then the Bladers will be instructed to turn around, and take 30 seconds to reorder their 3 beys. They may leave the beys in their original order, or they may reorder the 1 through 3 order of their three beys. They may not remove or add new beys to their roster of 3 beys for that match. They are not allowed to disassemble their beys for mode changes. They may make one non-disassembly mode change on each of their three beys, but it is limited to one mode change per bey per match.
* Once the 30 seconds are up, Bladers will reveal the new order of their beys, as well as announce any mode changes, to the judge and their opponent. Bladers must use the same launcher for a given bey that they used to launch that bey previously in the match.
* Play will resume using the first bey in each Blader's roster, moving on to the second or third as necessary until one of the Bladers scores the points necessary to win the match.
* This process will repeat until one of the two Bladers has won the match.
I cannot stress this enough: Even a single tied result, from Double KO, Double Burst, Double Same Spin Stamina Tie, or (the most likely outcome) Opposite Spin Stamina Tie, will result in the next beys in the order being switched to.
Oh wow, SO MANY Maryland tournaments! Good luck, have fun DeceasedCrab!
(Jul. 15, 2021 4:05 AM)JCE_13 Wrote: Oh wow, SO MANY Maryland tournaments! Good luck, have fun DeceasedCrab!
What can I say? We have a LOT of organizers in Maryland, and this year we got a couple more. TSO/Yami/Beymaster have been doing this for ages, and then I showed up, and then Geetster unretired, and then Crisis and Allen started up. It's to the point where Maryland bladers can pick or choose tournaments based on format rather than register for any and every tournament based on "I am starved for Beyblade tournaments".
This one's more of an experiment. We're doing real science here, folks!
(Jul. 15, 2021 4:13 AM)DeceasedCrab Wrote:Yep.(Jul. 15, 2021 4:05 AM)JCE_13 Wrote: Oh wow, SO MANY Maryland tournaments! Good luck, have fun DeceasedCrab!
What can I say? We have a LOT of organizers in Maryland, and this year we got a couple more. TSO/Yami/Beymaster have been doing this for ages, and then I showed up, and then Geetster unretired, and then Crisis and Allen started up. It's to the point where Maryland bladers can pick or choose tournaments based on format rather than register for any and every tournament based on "I am starved for Beyblade tournaments".
This one's more of an experiment. We're doing real science here, folks!
Nice! I'm excited to see the outcome!!
I will be on vacation in North Carolina the weekend of this tournament. 😢 However, good luck and the next tournament we meet at after this let me know how it went. Good luck DeceasedCrab
I went ahead and ordered cardboard deck boxes. I'm going to have a lot of extras, so everyone at the tournament gets one if they want one. Consider it a prize! Some assembly required, but I will have cardboard separators appropriate to the size. There will also be one at each stadium in case anyone doesn't want one. I'm going to have around 50 of them so I will keep extras around for other events.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the first stage match rules? I would rather everyone understood them ahead of time instead of running into trouble during the tournament. I like to think I was detailed enough, but I'm well aware that people don't read the things I write.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the first stage match rules? I would rather everyone understood them ahead of time instead of running into trouble during the tournament. I like to think I was detailed enough, but I'm well aware that people don't read the things I write.
(Jul. 15, 2021 5:26 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the first stage match rules? I would rather everyone understood them ahead of time instead of running into trouble during the tournament. I like to think I was detailed enough, but I'm well aware that people don't read the things I write.
I believe I understand the rules. Usually when I hear 3v3 I think of the WBBA 3on3 rules so that makes me confused sometimes. But I think I got it now. I just want to confirm that if there is a wall bounce, it still counts as a KO? Just asking since in Toronto they experimented with the knock out rule while doing 3on3.
Pocket far wall bounce still a KO. We're testing changing one thing at a time.
I'm mostly unfamiliar with WBBA 3v3. Could you explain the significant differences to me?
I'm mostly unfamiliar with WBBA 3v3. Could you explain the significant differences to me?
(Jul. 16, 2021 5:04 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: Pocket far wall bounce still a KO. We're testing changing one thing at a time.
I'm mostly unfamiliar with WBBA 3v3. Could you explain the significant differences to me?
I'm not 100% familiar with the WBBA 3on3 rules but I'd say it's the same as this format minus the KO rules, mode changes, and frame/chip removals.
(Jul. 16, 2021 6:06 PM)RED NINJA 0829 Wrote:(Jul. 16, 2021 5:04 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote: Pocket far wall bounce still a KO. We're testing changing one thing at a time.
I'm mostly unfamiliar with WBBA 3v3. Could you explain the significant differences to me?
I'm not 100% familiar with the WBBA 3on3 rules but I'd say it's the same as this format minus the KO rules, mode changes, and frame/chip removals.
I wanted to keep our 3v3 format consistent with existing WBO rules. As for mode changes, I decided we needed some allowance for them, but the timing had to be careful. We don't want people changing modes before two beys first battle each other.
Just found a stupidly broken combo, hope I can go
![Smile Smile](
(Jul. 17, 2021 3:47 PM)Awooopi Wrote: Just found a stupidly broken combo, hope I can go
Well good on ya! But remember, you're gonna need at least 3 combos, of non-repeating parts. Plus, we're running Burst Standard, so no TT and Hasbro parts are banned, except for the standard rules against illegal combos such as mixing TT/Hasbro layers and tips.
So ideally, find 3 stupidly broken combos, or 3 combos that work together well.
Ooo. Looks like deck format but interesting. Bet.
Haha only one drift combo, prob gonna be some more rages now
(Jul. 17, 2021 5:00 PM)DeceasedCrab Wrote:(Jul. 17, 2021 3:47 PM)Awooopi Wrote: Just found a stupidly broken combo, hope I can go
Well good on ya! But remember, you're gonna need at least 3 combos, of non-repeating parts. Plus, we're running Burst Standard, so no TT and Hasbro parts are banned, except for the standard rules against illegal combos such as mixing TT/Hasbro layers and tips.
So ideally, find 3 stupidly broken combos, or 3 combos that work together well.
Haha only one drift combo, prob gonna be some more rages now
As a reminder to all participants about WBO's no-show policies:
If you don't show up at the tournament, at least mention something in this thread indicating on the day of that you have to bail on the tournament. That's fine, life happens, traffic happens, accidents happen.
If you register and don't show up and don't say anything about not showing up, that's less good. We're not too close to participant cap at this time in this tournament, but in other tournaments, your registration takes away a participation slot from another blader, so, if you can't show up, maybe don't register.
We used to have stricter policies for no-show participants, but those have ceased being enforced, even before the pandemic.
We have a lot less flexibility for bladers who register for a tournament, participate in 3-4 out of 5 rounds, and then mysteriously vanish without letting tournament organizers know.
If you have a valid reason to leave a tournament midway ("I am sick", "My family has an emergency") then by all means, tell the organizers and then go; we hope you and your family will be okay, and thank you for telling us. They will be able to handle the remaining matches with a minimum of interruption. If you have to leave and your reason is not good ("I am losing", "This is taking too long") then you can still go, and it's still better than not telling the organizer, and it will still allow the tournament to progress smoothly.
If you leave a tournament halfway through without telling the organizers, they will have to spend a lot of time looking for you, and your opponents will spend a lot of time waiting for opponents who never show up. That's bad. Doing this once is bad. Doing this more than once will be a tournament violation that may prevent you from attending WBO tournaments for a while, or worse, for good.
And if you bail in the middle of a tournament and then register for other tournaments in the future, organizers are going to notice that. And if you think I'm not keeping track of this sort of thing in the Central Atlantic region, well, you are mistaken.
Folks, if you're losing, that doesn't mean leave. That means practice, that means try, that means learn. Don't quit, just keep trying. In any given 5 round swiss tournament, it matches you against people with similar win records from that tournament. That means if you have 0 wins and 3 losses, or 0 wins and 4 losses, it is going to pair you against an opponent who also has a very similar or exact win record for that tournament. And you're never going to improve or win without trying.
If you don't show up at the tournament, at least mention something in this thread indicating on the day of that you have to bail on the tournament. That's fine, life happens, traffic happens, accidents happen.
If you register and don't show up and don't say anything about not showing up, that's less good. We're not too close to participant cap at this time in this tournament, but in other tournaments, your registration takes away a participation slot from another blader, so, if you can't show up, maybe don't register.
We used to have stricter policies for no-show participants, but those have ceased being enforced, even before the pandemic.
We have a lot less flexibility for bladers who register for a tournament, participate in 3-4 out of 5 rounds, and then mysteriously vanish without letting tournament organizers know.
If you have a valid reason to leave a tournament midway ("I am sick", "My family has an emergency") then by all means, tell the organizers and then go; we hope you and your family will be okay, and thank you for telling us. They will be able to handle the remaining matches with a minimum of interruption. If you have to leave and your reason is not good ("I am losing", "This is taking too long") then you can still go, and it's still better than not telling the organizer, and it will still allow the tournament to progress smoothly.
If you leave a tournament halfway through without telling the organizers, they will have to spend a lot of time looking for you, and your opponents will spend a lot of time waiting for opponents who never show up. That's bad. Doing this once is bad. Doing this more than once will be a tournament violation that may prevent you from attending WBO tournaments for a while, or worse, for good.
And if you bail in the middle of a tournament and then register for other tournaments in the future, organizers are going to notice that. And if you think I'm not keeping track of this sort of thing in the Central Atlantic region, well, you are mistaken.
Folks, if you're losing, that doesn't mean leave. That means practice, that means try, that means learn. Don't quit, just keep trying. In any given 5 round swiss tournament, it matches you against people with similar win records from that tournament. That means if you have 0 wins and 3 losses, or 0 wins and 4 losses, it is going to pair you against an opponent who also has a very similar or exact win record for that tournament. And you're never going to improve or win without trying.
So it’s just deck format in the first round
Good luck to you DeceasedCrab and hope everyone has fun!!
(Jul. 24, 2021 3:46 AM)DeceasedCrab Wrote:Sorry I just had to reread the rules sorry about that(Jul. 24, 2021 2:09 AM)Xavier Bogard Wrote: So it’s just deck format in the first round
Nope! Not even close!
WBO deck format in the finals. The first stage is an entirely different 3v3 format, the rules of which I have clarified in the announcement and the first post in the thread.
It's worth mentioning that this tournament, unlike many other tournaments at this location, is on a Saturday. The 14th is a Saturday. Personally, I like Saturday tournaments more than I like Sunday tournaments. Please don't miss the tournament because you thought it was on a Sunday.
If the last spot stays untaken, I'mma see if mom will allow me to use some time to take off that day of work and as well as ask if she could take me
Let's talk about weather policy, because I don't want people asking later or claiming they weren't informed:
The location in Silver Spring has a large covered pavilion. If it rains a bit, the tournament will not likely be delayed or cancelled. If traffic and road slowdown is a concern, leave earlier just in case. If you arrive late enough that matches in the first round have already completed, you will have arrived too late to participate.
The tournament starts at 1. You should probably aim to arrive by noon if you're serious about participating.
If it thunderstorms or torrential rain happen before or during the tournament, we will likely have to cancel, even during the event if terrible weather breaks out. But minor to moderate rain? The tournament will continue as scheduled.
From 5 days out? The weather looks like rain, fair warning.
If we don't get the pavilion (very low chance of that in rainy conditions) we'll be a little less rain tolerant.
Weather happens. I can't control it. There's no backup plan for weather. If you or your accompanying adults are rain averse feel free to deregister or not show up.
But if you show up and have to leave partway because of weather concerns, make sure you inform the organizers first. If you do not, you may have difficulty participating in future tournaments.
The location in Silver Spring has a large covered pavilion. If it rains a bit, the tournament will not likely be delayed or cancelled. If traffic and road slowdown is a concern, leave earlier just in case. If you arrive late enough that matches in the first round have already completed, you will have arrived too late to participate.
The tournament starts at 1. You should probably aim to arrive by noon if you're serious about participating.
If it thunderstorms or torrential rain happen before or during the tournament, we will likely have to cancel, even during the event if terrible weather breaks out. But minor to moderate rain? The tournament will continue as scheduled.
From 5 days out? The weather looks like rain, fair warning.
If we don't get the pavilion (very low chance of that in rainy conditions) we'll be a little less rain tolerant.
Weather happens. I can't control it. There's no backup plan for weather. If you or your accompanying adults are rain averse feel free to deregister or not show up.
But if you show up and have to leave partway because of weather concerns, make sure you inform the organizers first. If you do not, you may have difficulty participating in future tournaments.
Are you allowed to come even if you aren't competing? I assume not