[London, UK, Regents Park, 15/10/11] The Autumn Battle Bash!




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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It's time for another UK tournament! This will be held on the 15 of October!
That's right, another tournament, this time held by myself and Hell Kid!
My co-host won't be participating as he isn't up to it, but he will help with the judging and sorting out the groups.

Specific info:

When: 15th of October 11:30AM until it finishes.
If you do not turn up after 11:30AM there is a chance you won't be able to take part and your place will be given to someone else!

Where: Regents Park Bandstand

Directions to the bandstand:
If you don't know this by now you can find the directions here -

Map of the Park -

Tournament Format: Standard MFB
Block Round Robin / Double Elimination -
(Event Guide - http://worldbeyblade.org/eventguide.pdf )

This is the WBO universal format rule book (READ IT, if not already)-

The regular price is £3
Or free If you have purchased a Blader Passport,
which is available to buy on the day for £6

Credit to Blitz for format.

You can only go on the attendance list if you are 120% sure you can come!
Remember if a parent/s is bringing you to the tournament to let them know that the times may vary!

Confirmed Attendees: Block Round Robin.
ControL_s SouL_
Hell Kid
= 22


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YES! I hope this does get processed! So just like Control_ said, the day doesn't go to waste!
it sounded like a really interesting day its a shame i wasn't there
The tournament ran quite smoothly and was quite fun with the help of LeeDraciel and Hell Kid. They were great assets and I couldn't have asked for better help. I guess it was an alright experience for my first time hosting a tournament.

1st- ControL_
2nd ControL_s SouL_ (me)
3rd beyblade247

4th BeyHyperKiLLer

All in all it was a good day, other than the incident (got a fat bruise on my leg).
Beyblade is a game of making friends but beating them as opponents it not about voilence some people need to know that lesson
today was really cool i hope is like this next week not the whole incident thing really confusing and aaarrrrr loool
but over all what a day :p
I will make this clear for everybody : next time a banned member shows up at a tournament, if they do not leave after you told them to, you call the police. We live in a technological era, so surely a few people can keep them busy while almost anybody else can call. We do not wish for such incidents to happen ever again.
Would the police cover for an incident like this? After all they probably won't know what beyblade is let alone the WBO. Also are you leaning towards processing this and i was thinking last night, doesn't it have to get processed since, the people without bladers passports payed.
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:32 AM)BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote: Would the police cover for an incident like this? After all they probably won't know what beyblade is let alone the WBO. Also are you leaning towards processing this and i was thinking last night, doesn't it have to get processed since, the people without bladers passports payed.
Kai-V already said she would find a way to process this. Even though she was banned, it's much sweeter since he lost every match he played.
There is an unexpected aspect to processing this tournament though : apparently you all played in a legal BeyStadium with an illegal state.

BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote:Would the police cover for an incident like this? After all they probably won't know what beyblade is let alone the WBO.

If you tell them that you are having a gathering and that there is someone who is banned from attending those gatherings who is causing trouble, they should intervene.
(Oct. 16, 2011  4:50 PM)Kai-V Wrote: There is an unexpected aspect to processing this tournament though : apparently you all played in a legal BeyStadium with an illegal state.
Sorry, i don't understand, what do you mean? Either i don't understand the words as i am only 11 or there is a mistake in the sentence.
The stadium, while it was an Attack Type BeyStadium, had bumps and holes in it, apparently.
It never had holes and bumps on the surface. It had cracks in the stadium wall, a little dent that looks like someone launched a MF-H Basalt Bull R145 MS really hard on it and quite a lot of scratches on the surface but there thin it's just because there is so many scratches it looks mashed up! The stadium i would say and some other people said, it was just about legal...
The stadium we used was my stadium.
To be truthfull it wasn't in the best condition.
It desn't heve any bumps, nor does it have any cuts/cracks on the surface.
But It does have minourish crators on the sides of the walls. (Index finger size)
No one eles was able to supply a stadium so this was our only option.
It didn't seem to affect game play at all.

So you can guarantee that the play area of the stadium was completely fine ?
(Oct. 16, 2011  6:01 PM)Kai-V Wrote: So you can guarantee that the play area of the stadium was completely fine ?
It was completely fine for use, it was smooth and nothing at all happened to the play. It really did not affect the play.
Could you please post a picture of the stadium in question to clear up any issues.

It has been seen at a few tourneys and has not been aloud to be used for official play.
I am not going t be ble to upload pictre any time soon, As I am notin possesion of a camera.
Surely on Saturday someone can take pictures of it and post for me/us.
Reason being we didn't use it for official play before was because we had enough stadiums, which were in better condition than this one. Also a picture won't show the exact conditions, it will just show the white marks and the cracks in the side of the walls. Also the white marks where made, basically like you know how when you hit plastic hard, a white mark shows, showing where it will crack.
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:00 PM)Hell Kid Wrote: I am not going t be ble to upload pictre any time soon, As I am notin possesion of a camera.
Surely on Saturday someone can take pictures of it and post for me/us.

Saturday? Whats happening on saturday? There are vids of it in use too. http://www.youtube.com/user/EnzoBladerz = Hell Kid's stadium.
Sorry I ment Sunday.
It's kinda confusing lol.
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:25 PM)Hell Kid Wrote: Sorry I ment Sunday.
It's kinda confusing lol.

So youre coming for definate? I can take pics for you.
The state in them videos weren't bad. It was in alright condition. But now, it has got quite a lot more scratches.
:\ It moves around alot compared to a different stadium, even then. Its not moving around on the floor mostly because of the cracks in the bottom where it says 'Made in China'.

@ Hell Kid, where you holding the stadium down?
(Oct. 16, 2011  8:40 PM)Enzoxs Wrote: :\ It moves around alot compared to a different stadium, even then. Its not moving around on the floor mostly because of the cracks in the bottom where it says 'Made in China'.

@ Hell Kid, where you holding the stadium down?
Clothing was put underneath to stadium to stop the breaking of bottoms and preventing the stadium from moving. We made sure the clothing was even etc.
the direction link didnt work for my pc
Because I didn't get to the tournament, is it possible if I could know what incident happened please? Thank you, any information would be much appreciated!