(Jun. 13, 2016 12:25 AM)Kei Wrote: I’ve been focusing so much on Burst for the past year that my skill in and amount of time dedicated to Limited has been seriously compromised, but I was happy to make it to the double-tiebreak with Yami and Cye Kinomiya for my block to determine who went to the finals (and I can always accept a loss when it’s to Cye Kinomiya
), and to lose to *Ginga* only by a score of 3-2 haha. There was a double tiebreak in one of the other three blocks too, so things were very tight! Would love to hear more about how things played out in the other blocks from anyone who played in the event.
General question for everyone: what is–in your own opinion–the most reliable way to defeat Dark Knight Girago RF and Scythe MF combos?
And Wombat, I think I asked you at the event, but would you mind explaining again your choice of HF/S for MSF-H Dark Knight Girago (Crystal Up) 90HF/S? Why HF/S over MF or RF? When would you use S mode? Anyways, really impressive to see you place with such a large list of combinations!
The Block I was in (Block C) had Jesse, Clara, Cronus, Mitsu, U wot m8, Dominick, and of course myself. Jesse and I both advanced uncontested with 5-1 records (his only loss was to me and my only loss was to Clara). I believe Mitsu was 3rd with a 4-2 record losing to both of us. The Clara fight I went into mostly blind, so I ended up making a bad pick against her. Before the tournament began I had heard 1234beyblade telling her that Flame 230MB was "basically the Deathscyther of Limited" and that "it beats everything" so I went with DK Zirago HF/S confident that I could KO it, unfortunately she surprised me and pulled out a W105R2F variant. Cronus had been using Burn/Earth Cancer L/MTSC so I was able to beat him with Flame 230CS (although it helped that he somehow managed to put his GB145 on upside down lol). I used Bandid Wyvang to beat U wot m8 and Jesse 3-0, and I used Bakushin against Dominick (shoutout to him for using probably the two most threatening stock Beyblades in Limited though) and beat his Cosmic Pegasus 3-0.
As for the other Blocks, I know Cake once again proved himself to be
King of the
Tiebreaker, so that was pretty
The best way to beat Dark Knight LTAC is with Bakushin LTDC. I ran *Ginga* (and 2 other users) over with it 3-0 back in January, so I was thinking he would remember that and, expecting Bakushin, switch to something else (Like that Meteo F230 combo I think I saw him use). Unfortunately, I made the same mistake I did in January against geetster99 as well and outplayed myself, which once again kept me from winning the decisive battle of the tournament.
As for Scythe, in preparation to deal with Time back in January ZachBob helped me find 2 combos that beat Scythe MF consistently: Flame 230CS and Earth 90EWD. Flame is too high for Scythe to reach on W105 and being taller, will OS it. Likewise Earth is too short for Scythe to hit with its Scythes, and also outspins it with a similar launch strength. When the tournament came I saw that Time had also been using DK Balro F230GCF so I opted to use Earth against him first, seeing as LTSC is also a solid counter to F230GCF. I needed to launch at full power though, since Time is a pretty muscley dude and I was afraid he would OS me otherwise. However, my EWD picked the worst possible time to go aggro and ran head first into an angry Scythe. As I posted earlier, I beat it 3-0 in the finals with Meteo S130GCF but have been unable to replicate that with testing, so I'm not sure how reliable it really is. I have a feeling most Attack types would wreck Scythe MF too, but I knew Time had used a bunch of other shenanigans to beat Attack types with it in the past so I didn't feel as confident using Attack against him in particular.
The reason I used HF/S over MF on my DK Staller was because of several reasons: When I
first tested it, I found that while its Stamina wasn't quite up to MF's Standard, it hit noticeably harder, which is useful for a more offensive wheel like Dark Knight/Vulcan/maybe Scythe as opposed to Burn. Also, HF/S wider surface area than MF in HF mode makes it slightly better at late-game Spin Equalization. S mode can be used to fake out Attack types, as the Attack type user will likely Tornado Stall and launch on the same side of the Tornado Ridge as you to hit you head on rather than chasing you around the stadium (which basically turns Attack vs. Staller matchups into a game of "who launches first"). However, if you are in S mode they should just circle the stadium while you sit in the center. I tried using this tactic against ClaraM after I failed to outrun her mint R2F twice. It worked once and she self-KOed, the second time she skipped the Tornado Ridge, bounced off the wall, and KOed me to win 3-1. S mode may have other uses yet to be discovered, but I
did find a rather niche use in a niche matchup in Standard: in S Mode BD145HF/S combos are able to outspin same-spin LTSC by grinding them down similar to E230, while they are unable to KO or OS the same LTSC in HF mode or with MF.
P.S.: @[Kei] You forgot my 2nd/3rd place tiebreaker win against Jesse in the spreadsheet.

I actually went 9-3.
(Jun. 13, 2016 12:25 AM)Kei Wrote: (Jun. 09, 2016 3:37 PM)Time Wrote: To say that I'd be a proponent of banning the yellow stadium from tournament play would be a bit of an understatement.
Where is this stadium from? Anyone else who played in the tournament: what are your thoughts on it? Is it as bad as Time suggests?
(Jun. 13, 2016 12:34 AM)Kai-V Wrote: It comes from SonoKong, it is the yellow-painted BeyStadium Attack Type. Unlike what everybody had told me on this board before, there is definitely a difference because the paint makes the ridge shallower and Beyblades exit the stadium on their own a lot more easily. Yes, there is always the risk of ending up with a different stadium and having to adjust your strategy to it, but at the same time, I am quite sure that we had legalised it because we were told that it was essentially identical, and it is not.
Speaking of that yellow Sonokong Stadium, I've noticed a definite difference in both appearance and performance between that and the TT BB-10s. The Sonokong Stadium has a noticeable shift in slope about halfway into the main dish that screws with Attack types, and according to @[Cake] the Tornado Ridge is also slanted/not as large as the TT versions, which may have been part of the reason he developed RSF/RB Attack long before it was cool. Literally throughout my entire block at AN I complained about how I got stuck in the Sononkong BB-10 lol.
A few other members seem to not have this problem with their Black Sonokong BB-10s (I want to say @[Angry Face] and @[Dracomageat] have opposed this point in the past?), so it may only be an issue for some releases? How pastel was that yellow stadium, because it seems to be mainly a problem for the pastel pink/blue ones?
oh jeez this was a long post sorry for the wall of text guys