I have a question pertaining to Burst format rules. Specifically, the standard, Limited, and Classic rulebooks all say that if you replace a broken part on a launcher, it must be an "identical" substitute. My question here is, how rigidly does the word "identical" apply here? Does it mean that if I were to say, break a prong on a Venom Diabolos LR light launcher, I could replace the prongs with those of a Legend Spriggan LR light launcher, since the launches themselves only differ by color? Or does it mean *absolutely* identical, in that it must be obtained from another copy of the exact same launcher that you're repairing?
One must never, never, never rush the plumb bob~
Slow is the way, the only way to go~
Clear your schedule, before you use the plumb bob~
Yes, the plumb bob, is mighty, mighty, miiighty, sloooooooooooowww~