Lazer's 7th Custom tournament (IMPORTANT: READ THE OP)

Poll: Do you like my custom tournaments?

yes they're awesome XD
Eh kind abut they could be better
No they suck you should stop trying Unhappy
Total: 100% 32 vote(s)
Semi-Finals Uploading here
Final's uploading here
So having my 7th but as the OP states theres a twist you have to lose a match to move on and winning will get you eleminated into the Losers bracket I just decided to spice things up for this tourny Grin
can i use mf-m flame nemisis ch120 s please
Infero Orion 90 ES, please

Thanks. Grin
okay bladery66 and Leone19 your in Dr.pepsidew and oddity don't have a single one of those parts except C145
look at my sig first
Phantom SGTO2 W105XF Smile
ok your in Grin

EDIT: Oddity I have to change Nemesis to Lyre since I don't have it anymore

Duoble Edit: Kaizer which Phantom do you want?
Thief reviser 85rsf please (can I use your worn RDF please?)
sure Grin you in too BTW both my W2D's are worn flat and are more aggro then my friends GF however it has aserious precession advantage
The Takara or Hyperblades.
Wing Cygnus S130 GCF. Launch it straight each time too please....
I'd like: Revizer Dragoon B D. This is like the worst Beyblade ever! For real!!
(Dec. 23, 2013  3:55 AM)Galaxy Blade Wrote: I'd like: Revizer Dragoon B D. This is like the worst Beyblade ever! For real!!

I already took reviser XD.
Oh, silly me. Just slap a Killerken insted of Revizer. That just made my combo better Unhappy !
reviser dragoon does not suck it's awsome
Yeah, Reviser/Killerken Dragoon BGrin is Top Tier in Zero-G and still pretty good in BB-10.
Umm.... I thought I was clear, I was just joking. I know that it's Teir. I know alot about Beyblade and still do for 2 years...
(Dec. 23, 2013  1:29 PM)Galaxy Blade Wrote: Umm.... I thought I was clear, I was just joking. I know that it's Teir. I know alot about Beyblade and still do for 2 years...

Oh, haha. Sarcasm is hard to tell online.
My combo is spiral leone SA165W2d attack mode.
galaxyblade you were joking? i could not even tell if you were joking, like what leone19 said it's hard to tell sarcasm onlineTongue_out