DefStamina88's Writing Tournament!!!

(Jan. 02, 2014  1:31 PM)Kujikato Wrote: sarab, ok, we can understand. We'll discuss about it.

For everyone else, I've only gotten 2 entries. Deadline is coming up real soon.

Wow that's it..........I sent mine in, but still some people will be getting 0 this round.
Should have my entry in by tonight!
(Jan. 02, 2014  9:09 PM)Naijalak Wrote: Should have my entry in by tonight!

I said I wouldn't procrastinate and look what I did. I'm halfway through, so I'll turn it in hopefully in the next 20 minutes, unless I fall asleep, haha.
I'll do my best to get my entry in before 12, but I haven't given the prompt much thought & I'm going out for the day... unfortunately I figured this would be the case Uncertain
Edit: Sorry about this, but I won't be able to participate right now. Feel free to take me off the list; I may drop in for a later round if I have the time.
Sent my entry in just now. Not my best work but we'll see.
Well, unfortunately life gets in the way. Big project at work just came up, so I'm going to have to bow out.
Judging is underway!! Sorry for delay. I've been completely off the internet for a few days. I have entries from:

-Thunder Dome

Unless you sent your entries to another judge, you have a zero for this round.
good luck with your ternement it looks really goodTongue_out
Any idea when judging will be finished and the tournament continue?
I have finished judging!!! (FInally... Tired)

I will announce the next round soon. All I have to say about this round is that there was an overall improvement IMO, and my MVP for this Round (Who was Ga' last round) is NoodooSoup. Damn, this round was a perfect score for you! Grin
Awesome! When will chalonge be updated? I'm itching to see my score Grin

EDiT: it's updated. Dang, I lost Unhappy. I think Ga' is gonna make it to the finals.
I did great this round! I know my other one wasn't good because I had to rush it.

So, the format is like Round Robin? And I have 1 win : 1 loss?
woah.... neat. will kujikato be doing his review here on the thread again?
Format is Round Robin, so no eliminations, even if you don't compete. It'll just be a bye or something like that.
The OP says the person with the most wins from each block will go to the finals. What if it's the case as it is now, where Noodoosoup is in first, but I have more wins and am in second?


Same criteria as last time, mostly an improvement!

NOOODDOOOOOO WAIIII!!! I had to punch a wall to feel manly again :3 XD
JK, but I had a few man tears, lol. Great work on that NDS.

Overall awesome work ya'll, great improvement!

#2996 is
Thanks for posting that Kuji. I'll try to improve on each of those for the next round. I'll also try to work a lot harder on my writing than I did in Round 1 or 2.
Wow. mine was that bad?

LOL I really wanna read Noodoo's story.
This is really interesting! Host another one of these and I'm in!
lol I knew I screwed this one up.

w/e we'll see for the next round how it goes
TO answer Ultra's question, the bracket isn't based off of win-loss record. It's based off of points scored in games (basically, your score determines your rank), so that way someone who scores a bunch of 90+'s and is winless has a chance...
Sorry for double post, but I have now started round 3!!!

The topic for this round is...

A Survival Story!!!

Tell me a wonderful survival story, whether it be war or a catastrophe, show me what you got!!! If somebody can make me cry with one of the most touching stories in WBO history (which is pretty hard), I will give you an automatic 100.

Due date is January 18th at midnight EST. No late entries will be accepted...
Aw shucks, well good luck to everyone else still going!

Also, I'd rather not you guys post my entries. They're not my best work or work that I would like to put on display. Ehh, if that is possible. If not, then go ahead Pinching_eyes
Everybody, you keep going on in the competition. Everybody is still in for every round...