(Aug. 17, 2021 9:11 PM)Dread hades12 Wrote: I just got a really good idea Big bang apocalypse 1' dagger metal Xtreme or Xtreme' I think with this combo it's actually possible to break a bey
this is build me a combo not suggest a combo
and it cannot break anybey
1' and dagger, though aggressive, cannot hit the opponent's bey
big bang apocalypse is not very aggressive
(Aug. 16, 2021 3:15 AM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: I’m about to get vanish Fafnir, and I have dynamite Belial. So I’m planning to use dynamite f gear with nexus, and vanish Fafnir with tapered. Which bey should I use drift on? And if I use drift on one of them, which driver should I use on the 2nd one? I’m using drift so I can be able to spin steal and beat an entire selection of opposite spin beys, that will narrow down my options.
Vanish Fafnir Tapered Drift
Dynamite F Belial Giga/Over Rise
(Aug. 16, 2021 4:02 AM)SeaBASS90 Wrote: I need help making a Tourney legal DB combo. The only good parts I have that might come in handy are Destroy' and Evolution'. So any good discs, blades and armor combos? Please list a name of the beyblades that come with the parts that I am assuming someone will listSavior Belial Giga Evolution'
Roar Bahamut Over Destroy'
idk what armour