To cut down on all of the clutter topics where users are asking for us to build combos for them, without providing a combo already and providing a strong concept, I am making this topic.
If you want us to give you advice on building combos, post:- What Beyblades/parts you own;
- What Beyblade Format or BeyStadium you intend play in;
- Your best attempt at a combo. (OPTIONAL)
Before posting a request, try checking out our
Beyblade articles on Beyblade Wiki. It's an excellent resource, and each article provides suggestions for how to best use their individual parts.
Another great source for the latest and best combinations is the
Winning Combinations at WBO Organized Play Events thread.
The Metal Fight Beyblade top-tier list topics for
MFB Standard Format,
MFB Limited Format, and
MFB Zero-G (TENTATIVE) are also resources to consult before posting here, because you can see on your own which good parts you already have and how they could be put together to create good combinations.
I am doing this so that the rest of the forum will be for legitimate customization discussion. Thanks!
Sounds very good. You have fixed some Flaws with the Customization forum. Thanks
I am going to start Helping with this. I havent really contributed to Build me a Combo. Im going to try on this one
I'll try to contribute too, like Chups is. I'm going to need to learn the goods and bads about the parts first though... OFF TO BEYWIKI!
I'll help like Chups said
we should have committee Ask a Q and get an A thread and a committee for Build me a combo, would save stress for everyone cause only select people can give the combos and they are good ones, but yeah, im gonna help even more here
This is good, I can't even see my post in the old topic so:
Need a good defense and stamina bey:
Earth Aquila 145WD (Missing Track)
Wolf D125B
Gemios DF145FS ( missing track and tip)
Pegasis 105F
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Dark Wolf DF145FS (missing track and tip)
L Drago 105F (Gold ver.) (missing tip)
Burn Phoenix 135MS
Sagittario 145S (track has a crack in it)
Lightning L Drago 100HF (flattened tip)
You only have one competitively viable customization, and that is only for Stamina:
Burn Aquila 145/105WD. (Decent, though perhaps a Clear Wheel change will help, along with AD145 or 230)
You have no feasible defense combinations, sorry. I suggest you buy Basalt Horogium or Earth Virgo along with Ray Unicorno or Grand Ketos.
Are all these entrenched threads being remade because of the post-disappearing issue?
(Jun. 01, 2011 3:07 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Are all these entrenched threads being remade because of the post-disappearing issue?
Yes. I try to add whatever new rule I can think of when remaking them too though.
I haven't really contributed to the old one. Only some. So I'll help too.
Hey, i would like an attack bey but that doesnt stop too easely, the beys i have are: rock aquario(missing tip), storm pegasus(original colors),storm pegasus(limited edition),lightning l-drago(gold edition)
Ps. I have tried a combo that goes:
Face: l-drago
Ring: pegasus(limited edition)
Wheel: storm(original)
Track: 100
Tip: HF
Pss: i have beaten a max of 3 beys all at ones with this bey in 2 different stadiums, the beys were all differnet types- 2 atk(counting my bey, but without mine it would be 1), 1 defense, 1stamina. The stadiums were- l-drago and super votex
Psss: what do u think bout my bey?
Attack : Lightning L Drago 100RF (Add a Metal face for top-Tier. Very Good)
Defense: Rock Aquario 125SF (Add MF/MF-H, Basalt, BD145/230 and CS/RSF/RS for Top tier. Mediocre.
Stamina: Rock Aquario 100SF (Add Burn and WD/SD/D for Top Tier. Mediocre)
2 things:
1- what u think bout the bey?
2- i dunno how to get the metal face, pls were do i?
Ps- does the metal face have the l-drago stiker, cus although his original form sucks, the stiker is cool man
Pss: doesnt the metal face give him more weight, therefor giving him more stamina, defense and balance, so it reduces speed also, therefor giving him less atack and/or momentum?
Psss: because i have found a way to launch it making him literaly extremly fast and powerful( it goes like 20 mph in my super votex stadium) because it goes on the edges of the circle and starts to go in circles( the 1st time it did it i thought he was going to break the other bey and the stadium)
(Jun. 01, 2011 5:11 AM)kevin121 Wrote: [ -> ]2 things:
1- what u think bout the bey?
2- i dunno how to get the metal face, pls were do i?
Ps- does the metal face have the l-drago stiker, cus although his original form sucks, the stiker is cool man
Pss: doesnt the metal face give him more weight, therefor giving him more stamina, defense and balance, so it reduces speed also, therefor giving him less atack and/or momentum?
Psss: because i have found a way to launch it making him literaly extremly fast and powerful( it goes like 20 mph in my super votex stadium) because it goes on the edges of the circle and starts to go in circles( the 1st time it did it i thought he was going to break the other bey and the stadium)
1. I think that's Illegal...
2. Ebay.
ps. what? the metal face is the only thing in there.
pss. It makes it heavier...
psss. that is impossible. 20 rpms of coarse, but that's slow.
Could you make me a Balance type bey out of Thermal (Defense and Stamina)?
I could buy the parts I don't have, so feel free to mention any parts
My best attempt was Thermal Cancer GB145WD
Thank You

Thermal can't be used at all for a Balance combination.
It can be used in Stamina, however it is outclassed.
Well you can't really make any defence stamina beys with out CS so CS would be your bottom and Gb145 Would be a good track and Aquario CW
so Thermal Aquario GB145CS Although this combo isn't to good maybe try thermal as destabilzer
Thermal Cancer 85WB
I see... Kinda disappointed

But...Oh well, Thanks for telling me
thanks I'll try that
well can someone build me stamina-defense combo i have 3x earth wheel and 3x wd tips and all season1 bey parts and please try that no part except earth wheel and wd repeats
my best custom using these parts r :
1. earth bull gb145 wd
2. earth sagittario c145 wd
3. earth eagle ed145 b
Earth Aquario GB145WB
Earth Aquario 100WD not much you can make with season 1 parts execpt LLD CH120RF

I think Earth Aquario GB145 WD will also have good stamina and so will be for Earth Bull 100/105 WD
Um, I think you can make use of Earth Bull DF145WD. I think it'll work out well. Other than that, you may also want to try wheels other than Earth, which can prove out to be good destabilizers too, example- Flame, Burn.
Your 3rd combo actually seems to be more like a defense combo. If you have all the parts of the first season beys, you may also make use of tips like SD, which work out well on lower tracks, I suppose.
The combos I may think of-
Flame Aquario(maybe)100SD is quite decent a Stamina combo.
Burn Bull(sorry, had to repeat)100SD is also good.
I would also like to tell you, that the tracks you are using in the combos you mentioned, are all good tracks for Defense. Thus, I suggest you to use parts like DF145 here...
ill see if i can contribute to this thread more

also here is my parts
can u make me an attack,defense and stamina out of the 4 4D BEYS
its for one of my school friends, i do know what to tell him though he wont believe me, and i think some of my combos arnt right so yeah
Attack MF Beat Lynx GB145RF
defence MF-H Big Bang Bull/Kerbecs/Aquario BD145CS
Stamina well there isn't much

Attack: MF/MF-H Beat Lynx GB145/R145 RF/R2F and MF/MF-H Fang Leone S130/WA130 RF/R2F.
Yeah your defense Combo is OK.
one of my friends want a combo to be build which can beat earth eagle 145 wd which his brother owns he has nearly all hasbro beys ( he don't own legend series beys ).