Balro Balro W145WSF
Hey guys!
I've been looking for a new combo to post for a while now... I thought I had tried everything, but then I found this!
The concept:
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This beyblade is remotely similar to the classic Flash Orion W145MF combo, but with a slightly different application. This combo is designed to out-spin anything by dealing critical damage at the very beginning of the match, and then breaking into a stall to OS , which is accomplished with WSF.
KO-ing is definitely an option against anything, and a bank is critical to this combo's effectiveness anyway. However, the real goal is to destabilize/drain the spin of the opposing bey by mercilessly slamming it over and over, without sacrificing much spin velocity at the beginning of the match, and being able to shift to a stall even after a perfect sliding shoot to wait out the rest of the battle.
Of course, this will work brilliantly as a tornado staller, and it can substitute as a passable attacker if you need one, but the above application will be effective against most everything.
The launch:
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Against stamina types of any kind (IE tornado stallers, spin-equalizers, conventional endurance types, etc.), your best option is always to bank. Some may use a normal shot banking, others may use the sliding shoot, but the important thing is that the beyblade makes continual contact with its opponent as early in the match as possible. This will usually lead to a KO, but if it doesn't WSF's stalling power will take over, using the early damage to its advantage.
^This launch is relatively hard to learn, but a couple hundred rounds of testing will get you used to it . It's kinda tricky to actually hit something with WSF, so you may not get the best results at first, but after a while you'll begin to see high win rates against most stamina types.
Against defense, tornado stalling is most likely the best option. This combo does, like most tornado stallers, have a noticeable amount of recoil (causing it to be occasionally KOed by defense). Although this isn't that much of a problem, stalling against defense is arguably safer than the conventional launch for this combo.
Against defensive stamina types (IE Reviser Dragooon SA165RDF, Wyvang Dragooon BD145RDF, etc.), always stall. This combo does not have the LAD to be OS-ing these variations of Dragooon combos. WSF has some seriously impressive stalling ability with Balro^2, so OS-ing these types of beyblades won't be a problem at all if you can avoid making contact.
Against attack, well, just bank relatively deep and hope for the best. XD
Parts Choice:
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Normal Face:
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I bet a few of you are wondering, "Why didn't you use MSF-L/M/H to reduce the combos recoil?"
Well, there are 2 reasons... The first is that the recoil of this combo, although noticeable, in my experience is not all that much of a problem; at least in comparison to combos like Flash W145MF or Phantom 85MF.
The second reason is that any variation of metal face I put on this seemed to slow it down a LOT (kinda weird for a plastic-tipped custom... go figure :\), and reduce its stall time, which I just couldn't afford to trade for slightly lower recoil.
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The reason I didn't use the all-powerful supreme Wyvang in this custom, is that Balro has, in my experience, much higher stamina than Wyvang in a custom like this. I've also found that, though its smash is a little behind, it has considerably less recoil than Wyvang and/or Flash.
Girago was my initial option when I began to develop this custom, but Girago's spin-draining properties involve more of a grinding behavior, rather than a blow-it-into-the-air-and-beat-all-the-spin-out-of-it-in-the-mere-seconds-you-have-to-make-contact-with-it type of approach that Balro has (Allowing it to drain spin faster, which is preferable with a tip like WSF). Balro also just had more smash than Girago... simple as that.
Balro is also particularly well balanced, with mostly evenly-distributed weight, which allows it to stall for an exceptional amount of time (for a synchrom; not quite as well as phantom) before making contact.
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I chose this track simply for its impressive solo spin-time (essential to a tornado-stalling type of combo). Not much else...
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This piece is absolutely essential to this combo... I have found WSF to work astoundingly well as a tornado stalling bottom (so far it has out-done MF every time!).
It also has a tendency to go through the middle a few times, and then break into a perfect tornado stall. As I mentioned in the "concept" and "launch" sections, this behavior is what allows the combo to deal critical damage at the beginning of the match without sacrificing the stamina that a flower pattern takes in the long-run.
Testing Videos:
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Sorry guys, no recording device. Mine broke... guess you won't have the privilege of listening to the melodious sound of my voice this time (). I only filmed five rounds for the sake of time, but I think it gives a pretty good idea of how this combo works.
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Flash Orion GB145R2F vs. Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
Reviser launched first on all launches. Worn-ish RDF, worn R2F.
Orion: wins, 6/10 (4 KO, 2 OS)
Reviser: wins, 4/10 (All OS)
Flash Orion GB145R2F win rate: 60%
2 OSes were just rounds with a hundred billion wall saves, and Reviser just couldn't take the hits.
I'd say 60% against Reviser with Flash and a worn R2F is pretty good.
Vs. Stamina:
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Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Cancer launched first on all launches. Mint WD.
Balro: wins, 17/20 (10 KO, 7 OS)
Cancer: wins, 3/20 (All OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 85%
This launch takes a little practice, but after that Balro has absolutely no problem with these types of conventional stamina combos.
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Cancer launched first on all launches.
Balro: wins, 16/20 (10 KO, 6 OS)
Cancer: wins, 4/20 (All OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 80%
This combo was notably harder to OS than the W145 variant, but it was still not much of a challenge for Balro. Just as a side note, there were a very, very high number of wall saves during this match. I'm guessing it could've hit 12-14 KOs easily.
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Genbull launched first on all launches.
Balro: wins, 9/10 (8 KO, 1 OS)
Genbull: wins, 1/10 (1 OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 90%
Yah... Genbull has extremely high recoil from above and below :\ This wasn't much of a challenge.
Vs. Attack:
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Balro Balro W145WSF vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Balro launched first on all launches. Worn-ish R2F.
Balro: wins, 10/20 (6 KO, 4 OS)
Orion: wins, 10/10 (7 KO, 3 OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 50%
This was one of the most bizarre set of tests I have ever seen. :\ I really don't know what to make of this... I launched the beys, one of them hit, they both went flying into the air, and the lucky one stayed in the stadium. All the other times they both just repeatedly slammed into the walls until one of them stopped spinning.
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F
Balro launched first on all launches. Worn-ish R2F.
Balro: wins, 1/10 (1 OS)
Dragooon: wins, 9/10 (7 KO, 2 OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 10%
Fail... just, total, complete fail.
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Wyvang Wyvang GB145R2F
Balro launched first on all launches. Worn-ish R2F.
Balro: wins, 0/10
Wyvang: wins, 10/10 (8 KO, 2 OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 0%
This was painful to watch. Wyvang just shattered it... total slaughter. However, that's not exactly abnormal. The only stalling-type combo I've ever seen that attack types don't slaughter is Genbull Dragooon T125GCF (mostly because it's opposite-spin); everything else loses to attackers (IE Girago Girago SA165MF, MF-L Phantom Cygnus 85 MF, Duo Cancer W145MF, Flash W145MF, etc.).
Vs. Defense:
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Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
Reviser launched first on all launches. Slightly worn RDF.
Balro: wins, 25/25 (22 OS, 3 KO)
Reviser: wins, 0/25
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 100%
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Reviser Killerken BD145CS
Killerken launched first on all launches. Calm CS.
Balro: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 100%
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Duo Aquario BD145RB
Aquario launched first on all launches. Slightly worn RB.
Balro: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Aquario: wins, 0/10
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 100%
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Reviser Dragooon BD145RDF
Dragooon launched first on all launches. Slightly worn RDF.
Balro: wins, 19/10 (All OS)
Dragooon: wins, 1/10 (1 OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 95%
^Balro just stalled and won without making contact in these (save the second half of the rounds against Reviser when I banked)... this thing obviously has no problem with defense.
Vs. Balance
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Balro Balro W145WSF vs. Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF
Wyvang launched first on all launches. Slightly worn RSF.
Balro: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Wyvang: wins, 0/10
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 100%
Balro was able to avoid being KOed during these rounds, just because it stalled so wide without making contact until Wyvang's spin velocity dropped enough... there were some pretty close hits though.
Balro Balro W145WSF vs. MF-H Duo Cancer 230MB
Cancer launched first on all launches.
Balro: wins, 14/20 (3 KO, 11 OS)
Cancer: wins, 6/20 (All OS)
Balro Balro W145WSF win rate: 70%
I lost count of the wall saves during this match... I'm confident Balro could've pulled at least 8 KOs out of these, but it just ended up out-spinning in the end. :\
Comparison to MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF:
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MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF vs. Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
Reviser launched first on all launches. Worn-ish RDF.
Balro: wins, 12/15 (2 KO, 10 OS)
Reviser: wins, 3/15 (All OS)
MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF win rate: 80%
Pretty darn good... but not quite as good as W145WSF. From these tests, and the benchmark I posted, it would seem that the TR145 variant of this combo cannot actually KO any more efficiently than Balro^2 W145WSF.
MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF vs. Reviser Dragooon BD145RDF
Dragooon launched first on all launches.
Balro: wins, 1/10 (1 OS)
Dragooon: wins, 9/10 (All OS)
MSF-H Balro Balro TR145MF win rate: 10%
Balro just couldn't stall nearly as long as the W145WSF variant. :\ I banked 3 of these rounds, but Balro didn't KO once.
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(MSF-H) Wyvang Wyvang H145/GB145/W145R2F/RF
Wyvang Dragooon SA165R2F/LRF
Overall, I think this is a great, safe balance combo to use. Tell me what you think!
Unfortunately, due to several random (and expensive) breakages over the past couple weeks, I will not be available to test ANYTHING for the next few weeks. I have a bunch of parts/equipment that needs to be replaced, and I can't really test efficiently until I can purchase them... but feel free to test all you want! Thanks!