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(Aug. 11, 2013  10:27 PM)Ifrit Wrote: can someone please rank the following chrome wheels?
For Attack, I think Balro is best, followed by Gryph and Bregirados.
Defense: Revizer, and I guess Saramanda just for something to pair it with.
Stamina: Genbull, and you should pair it with Revizer.

Goreim, Pegasus, Orojya, Gargole, and Bahamdia aren't really good for much, but Goreim and Bahamdia might work for something, seeing as Goreim is small and can reveal Bahamdia's contact points.
Do you all know if Hasbro will release more Hyperblades? e.g Duo uRanus, Wing pegaSus...
well as far as I know there are now new metal fury releases and it doens't look like hasbro's going to release more hyperblades now that they already released shogun steel but there is a chance as hasbro is completly unpradictable like when they released beywheels
can someone please rank the following chrome wheels?
1. Balro
2. Begirados
3. Gryph or Bahamdia
4. Pegasus
5. Goreim

1. Reviser
2. Genbull or saramanda(see genbull thread.)
3. Gargole

1. Genbull
2. Orojya
Lll youbguys are funny. Wyvang is THE best for attack. Revizer and Girago are the best for defense, Saramanda is a step down. Genbull is definitely the best for Stamina and Killerken would be second. Orojya is kinds bad.
What makes Wyvang so good for attack?
I know that but he didnt ask about killerken, girago, or wyvang.

It has so many attack points and heavy weight for really good smash.
You still shouldn't mislead him like that though. Wyvang has a high spin velocity and two bulges that disrupt an otherwise smooth and consistent design.
so some guy on youtube said that mfb doesn't have upper attack, it is all jut smash.
is he right because it sounds stupid but who knows every time lightning lifted another bey on his slopes it must have just been god clutch
well as far as I know upper attack by definition would be to attack under the opposing mw so that it that lifts up the other bey but I think he might be right as usally what people mistake for upper attack is really just a smash attack under the mw that hit's hard enough so that the other bey is flying out of the stadium over the walls
MFB has Upper Smash, not upper attack. Upper smash is really just smash in an upwards direction. Parts like Flash, Begirados, Balro, Wyvang, Ifraid, etc. all have upper smash.
(Aug. 11, 2013  11:49 PM)DrPepsidew Wrote: Lll youbguys are funny. Wyvang is THE best for attack. Revizer and Girago are the best for defense, Saramanda is a step down. Genbull is definitely the best for Stamina and Killerken would be second. Orojya is kinds bad.
They were answering a question about what chrome wheels were best for each category in which the list didnt include wyvang. Thats why they listed balro as the top one on the attack list.
Y'all know where to get plastic stone faces?? Not metal stone faces.
(Aug. 12, 2013  5:38 AM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Y'all know where to get plastic stone faces?? Not metal stone faces.

With almost every Zero-G Beyblade ... Just look at the articles on Beywiki.
Sorry, I meant plastic stone faces WITHOUT the beys, I mean śtuff like stone face lots... Without the beys Like 3D printed..
In that case, no. Maybe you can find a seller or dealer.
3D printed faces would be illegal anyways...
What mode is SA165 usually used in on Dragooon? And is the disk up or down in normal mode?
It's used with the disk up (so it doesn't look like your beyblade is wearing a skirt).
I think it's called defence mode, but I've drawn a blank Tongue_out
It's called normal mode.

Do keep in mind Wyvang Dragooon SA165 R2F uses it with the disk down, though...
Is there any other way to get Genbull besides random boosters?
(Aug. 12, 2013  2:57 PM)H3LLO Wrote: Is there any other way to get Genbull besides random boosters?

Try to find a guaranteed booster, but it'll probably be expensive

Sonokong never released it, so currently, until Hasbro does, no.
(Aug. 09, 2013  1:11 AM)OwnageDerp Wrote: How do you remove a bey stadium design? (Pegasus light blue stadium)

You could try nail polish remover. Just an idea, I don't know for sure what it'll do to your stadium. xD
I bet nail polish remover would eat the plastic or do something similarly nasty to it...