World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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Being tracked by an attack type
Looking for its flower pattern
A predator on the verge of sleep
Close to its last spin
Getting close to its last spin!

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ RULES OF NATURE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Just to keep everyone updated, we are going to receive the new chapter today, so expect scans and translations very soon this week!
Awesome, thanks Kai-V!

Want those Dragoon bit stickers ...
I hope Hasbro releases the burst plastics
Man I can't wait to read this chapter!

All this OG beyblade hype has me purchasing OG beys again and rewatching Bakuten Shoot Beyblade too lol.
Awesome to know that we'll have this chapter this week! Grin
I can't wait to read it and translate it to Portuguese as well! Smile
Well that was a fun little chapter after 12 years. Too bad we have to wait 4 months for the next one.
(Jul. 18, 2016  6:59 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Just to keep everyone updated, we are going to receive the new chapter today, so expect scans and translations very soon this week!

Was I supposed to be cleaning this? Because if so nobody notified me.
Oh, I did not know if you would be able to do much since you had just moved, so I only contacted Siliva and DranzerX13.
No. Siliva said he would do the cleaning.
Actually in a funny twist of miscommunication, Kai-V is taking care of it. Don't worry, it'll get done!
Another image;

[Image: 2gwru5l.jpg]

And he updated the images with the names of the characters in the each image on his website.
Slightly later than what I had planned because I underestimated all the work it took, but finally it is here:

Thanks to Siliva for helping me!

It was so great seeing Takao still hold dear to his rivality with Kai, the result of their fight before Kai leaves to study in London for a year, and how he uses an obvious but awesome move to un-burst Dragoon. Also how Rei was down and really angry when he found out that Takao was there the whole time but did not enter the tournament. Max was good to see again as well, for his optimism. Even Mao was a welcomed addition to the usual cast this time around because yes she always took Rei's side, but you could see more of her personality and interests as well. The only one that was too obvious or bothersome in my opinion was Kyoujyu, Kenny, hah.
Great work, Kai-V and Siliva! It all looks nice, and it's well translated as well! Thanks for sharing!
In the first translated chapter, there is a typo on page 22.

"What that in mind, there's no way I can stay down."

Should be "With that in mind, there's no way i can stay down."
Fab work Kai-V and Siliva, it was a great chapter and my goodness
I also loved how some of the characters had some characteristics of their anime counterparts

thanks guys!
(Jul. 22, 2016  7:55 AM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]Fab work Kai-V and Siliva, it was a great chapter and my goodness
I also loved how some of the characters had some characteristics of their anime counterparts

thanks guys!
Funny thing about that is we actually haven't seen Kai lose to Takao the last three times they battled in the manga.

I wonder where Daichi is. Maybe he returned home?
This was a really fun read. All the characters feel like them and I can image those anime Dub voices for every line. Great stuff, thanks for translating.
WOW! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! This felt just like old times!!!! I'm ecstatic! Thank you Kai-V and Siliva! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Excellent work guys!
You guys are the MVP's!!
This is awesome. Thanks you, guys!
Studying abroad, huh? Kai is so smart probably. I also wonder if they kept the same heights as before with him being tall.
(Sep. 23, 2016  12:11 AM)TBB Wrote: [ -> ]This is awesome. Thanks you, guys!
Studying abroad, huh? Kai is so smart probably. I also wonder if they kept the same heights as before with him being tall.

Thank you to you. And I suppose that they all grew a bit hah.
I wondered about Mao's line about prize money, and Kyoujyu's reply because I don't remember how much she bladed in the manga. Eh, maybe it was just a funny line for the sake of being funny.
(Sep. 23, 2016  3:02 PM)TBB Wrote: [ -> ]I wondered about Mao's line about prize money, and Kyoujyu's reply because I don't remember how much she bladed in the manga. Eh, maybe it was just a funny line for the sake of being funny.

I think it was just meant to show her personality, like she grew up and has other interests than Beyblade, while not entirely mocking Bladers. And/or she just never won a tournament, which is true, and thought that there was a prize money based on other sports, quite simply hah.
Very great chapter. It's cool that Suzuki is using a Victory Valkyrie .B.V. Grin But I thought you've lost once your Beyblade bursted. When your Beyblade gets assembled back are you automaticly back in play then?