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Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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(Mar. 12, 2017  4:19 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]The way I see it, bringing back BSB was one of those "good ideas on paper" type of things, it was really just a throwback to the older fans and I doubt it was meant to last that long, so I guess they didn't put 100% effort onto it (even when they probably expect their goals to be 100%), probably because they wanted to focus on the main line. If they had to focus on this throwback any more, it would become too big for just a throw back and then it would "poison" the Burst atmosphere. The throwback wasn't necessary sure, but it was at least a nice thing to do, it's certainly better than the tribute characters from Zero G. BSB Rising could've been integrated in the continuity better but I always saw it as more of a reboot, even if it isn't really. I haven't read the manga yet (and I don't plan on it for a while) but is there anything on that manga that tried to tie in with the continuity other than someone claiming it was part of the continuity?

Yeah, the character themselves say so. Also, you have a flashback with Takao talking about "last year" where he and Kai battled..... in GRev outfits. So yes, there certainly is a continuity... aside from the timeline, which is at least 11 years off considering the technology and environment...

It just feels like there's an utter lack of planning, like they looked at the calendar and went "WOW it's been 15 years, let's grab Aoki", shoved money in his arms and gave him pen and paper: "here, take this series you left 12 years ago and bring it back to life, but we also need a girl in the script to please the female fans and we need modern technology. But make it modern, the characters are 1 year older than where you left off" .....what?
(Mar. 12, 2017  4:29 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, the character themselves say so. Also, you have a flashback with Takao talking about "last year" where he and Kai battled..... in GRev outfits. So yes, there certainly is a continuity... aside from the timeline, which is at least 11 years off considering the technology and environment...

If beyblade didn't have an already established year it was set in, the Tablet situation would be fine, but that's not how it is. I guess they threw it in because Focus Testing says Tablets and all that carp are all the rage. I think having the BSB styled Burst blades are alright, the manga does admittedly have a messy continuity, but I assume the main focus was that it's a throwback at all.
(Mar. 12, 2017  2:52 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]There's very little to say left (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution, that's how stories work, that's why at some point they end), they've gone through three seasons where they basically covered pretty much everything, getting overly powerful Beyblades only to come back to S-plastic styled Burst Beyblades with no explanation whatsoever. If any of these options were to be considered by a group of professionals, OMG I'd be very disappointed, they sound so trite and cliché...

Heck no, thank you very much. Please don't mention it to me again, it brings back daunting memories.

Absolutely, every generation of Beyblade basically went through a repeating pattern, same is with Burst now.

Regarding Bakuten, I wished in a special that would be like a simple tribute to the series for its 15 years (one or two special chapters, a reprint of the original manga, maybe a remastered version of the three seasons in Blu Ray, an event and that's it, yay, all happy), not in an attempt at raising other money.
I guess there's more than we know beneath all this. I don't think Aoki could be that unreasonable to mess up his own story's timeline and characters without a purpose (even if in his own manga there are rather big inconsistencies already)... unless he likes to swing on wrecking balls for some more green Tongue_out

As for Takao Aoki. I feel there's probably some demand on him if to do this that he has to promote their new Products. I don't know what the copyright relationship are like and how much Power the toy Selling has but i Believe they have some say in it.

I Think Takao Aoki is probably rather practical that he knows there are certain sacrifices he has to make to get his Product out there. There could still be some form of sense of I just wanna play around with this story some more without it being 100% wrecking ball cause I don't Think the demand to continue BSB has been that high that they'd see a fortune at best it'd probably be a bit of side Money.

Where Companys are involved and can make Money they are gonna do it, it's their duty to make Money and it's the fans decision whether they wanna buy it. I do share your concerns but Think maybe you speak too much in absolutes when I say they could have followed different characters in the same universe and I'm not saying it'd needed to involve the old characters or their Children at all. I'm just saying the old universe were more interesting and although you don't like the idea of new stories in that sphere that's not neccesarily a statement on whether or not it'd have worked as in the end it all depends on execution rather then the concept alone. If you've a creative team anything is possible to be made interesting.

But back to the main subject I Think we've made it pretty clear how a continuation with the blade breakers as the main cast is not gonna work. And yes all stories have a peak and after the peak it's best to end it.
(Mar. 12, 2017  4:35 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]If beyblade didn't have an already established year it was set in, the tablet situation would be fine, but that's not how it is. I guess they threw it in because Focus Testing says Tablets and all that carp are all the rage. I think having the BSB styled Burst blades are alright, the manga does admittedly have a messy continuity, but I assume the main focus was that it's a throwback at all.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

The manga's continuity is not that bad, it's more like the logic behind: in a chapter a character says one thing, 3 chapters later it's the complete opposite.
If it was like a "special throwback reboot" then it would've made more sense, especially with the technology and S-series styled Burst beyblades (really? We get from MS back to S??) but then again they deliberately chose to make it a "sequel" with a 11 years gap, and anime-styled characters that are going to steal Burst's spotlight. Good marketing right here!
The only thing more is if the BSB Beybladers all have god like powers and every blader they meet is the power of a 4D legend blader.
Breedo, you put down perfectly what was needed to be said.

Though the majority of fans are not like you or me, meaning we love the story and characters so much we would love to keep their integrity intact, they are like "oh wow, it's my childhood, give that to me regardless of what they do".
For all that counts, Aoki could've given us Takao & co. doing a burping challenge and it'd have been the same, as long as they were there... IDK if you see my point.
One thing I kinda would've liked was if the BSB beys were like Burst in the way it looks so we have something really new.
(Mar. 12, 2017  4:55 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Breedo, you put down perfectly what was needed to be said.

Though the majority of fans are not like you or me, meaning we love the story and characters so much we would love to keep their integrity intact, they are like "oh wow, it's my childhood, give that to me regardless of what they do".
For all that counts, Aoki could've given us Takao & co. doing a burping challenge and it'd have been the same, as long as they were there... IDK if you see my point.

I see your Point but I Think you also can see my Point that it all depends on how creative you are. There are plenty of idea's and Powers you could come up with if you had been doing a continuation, granted they could not have gone on for too long and there'd need to be a large time skip for a new threat to be believable. I am not gonna lie and say I wouldn't have enjoyed one final challenge for them. But it'd be very difficult to make and would probably require a lot of time and planning. Sometimes I thought of something like a secret society such as the illuminati dating back to the dawn of beyblade itself. Like the evil group mentioned by ozuma the brotherhood. If a hidden Group intentionally hid their Power waiting for the right moment and were perhaps involved with Voltaire and Boris that'd make sense if they were that powerful. Or if perhaps there was others with Brooklyns special ability and perhaps a different attitude, for example hiro spoke of something being different with Brooklyn and how boris was looking for other bladers like him. You could also fill in the problem of where Boris got all his Money to buy out all of BBA. Again that continuation concept would be a one time thing and only appeal to the original fans remembering the original show so it's very unlikely they'd go in such a route.

Still a one time AU thing or reboot wouldn't have been so bad. But honestly I'm gonna be more for seeing something different. I don't know if I said this Before but I've Always wanted a show on the ancient past of beyblading that we're Always told about in different parts of the show. Like it'd be refreshing to move away entirely from tournaments and go into a more rogue type of concept where bey's are used as weapons. Once again that's not gonna happen cause it'd probably seem too violent at some parts.
(Mar. 12, 2017  5:55 PM)Breedo Wrote: [ -> ]I see your Point but I Think you also can see my Point that it all depends on how creative you are. There are plenty of idea's and Powers you could come up with if you had been doing a continuation, granted they could not have gone on for too long and there'd need to be a large time skip for a new threat to be believable. I am not gonna lie and say I wouldn't have enjoyed one final challenge for them. But it'd be very difficult to make and would probably require a lot of time and planning. Sometimes I thought of something like a secret society such as the illuminati dating back to the dawn of beyblade itself. Like the evil group mentioned by ozuma the brotherhood. If a hidden Group intentionally hid their Power waiting for the right moment and were perhaps involved with Voltaire and Boris that'd make sense if they were that powerful. Or if perhaps there was others with Brooklyns special ability and perhaps a different attitude, for example hiro spoke of something being different with Brooklyn and how boris was looking for other bladers like him. You could also fill in the problem of where Boris got all his Money to buy out all of BBA. Again that continuation concept would be a one time thing and only appeal to the original fans remembering the original show so it's very unlikely they'd go in such a route.

Still a one time AU thing or reboot wouldn't have been so bad. But honestly I'm gonna be more for seeing something different. I don't know if I said this Before but I've Always wanted a show on the ancient past of beyblading that we're Always told about in different parts of the show. Like it'd be refreshing to move away entirely from tournaments and go into a more rogue type of concept where bey's are used as weapons. Once again that's not gonna happen cause it'd probably seem too violent at some parts.
Yes I can totally see your point... still, they chose to go this way, with a rickety timeline, the "fantastic four" mains plus a lady to appease the feminine public (I wouldn't have minded the sausage fest) and one more chapter incoming after a clear "owari".
Wonder what they chose to come up with this time... a full volume of fanservice? God, I can only see damage and I'm completely and utterly terrified of whatever it will be.
(Mar. 12, 2017  6:10 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I can totally see your point... still, they chose to go this way, with a rickety timeline, the "fantastic four" mains plus a lady to appease the feminine public (I wouldn't have minded the sausage fest) and one more chapter incoming after a clear "owari".
Wonder what they chose to come up with this time... a full volume of fanservice? God, I can only see damage and I'm completely and utterly terrified of whatever it will be.

An entire volume of fan service is still better then a new bunch of generic villains that just do the same stuff the old villains did but are better for some unexplained reason. Let's hold our thumbs that it's fan service. It'd be really shocked though if it turned out well planned, good and original. You never know but it is unlikely I Think. XD
(Mar. 12, 2017  6:28 PM)Breedo Wrote: [ -> ]An entire volume of fanservice is still better then a new bunch of generic villains that just do the same stuff the old villains did but are better for some unexplained reason. Let's hold our thumbs that it's fanservice. It'd be really shocked though if it turned out well planned, good and original. You never know but it is unlikely I Think. XD
You gotta be kidding me, enough damage has been done with fanservice back in 2004, preferring certain fans over others, and now Rising is once more rubbing salt into the wound... fanservice is worse than disease. I guess that's enough, I get nothing but a really, really bad vibe from this thing. I hope it's a one-shot chapter without anything controversial, or you're gonna hear me scream in rage from wherever you're sitting right now.
(Mar. 12, 2017  6:48 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]You gotta be kidding me, enough damage has been done with fanservice back in 2004, preferring certain fans over others, and now Rising is once more rubbing salt into the wound... fanservice is worse than disease. I guess that's enough, I get nothing but a really, really bad vibe from this thing. I hope it's a one-shot chapter without anything controversial, or you're gonna hear me scream in rage from wherever you're sitting right now.

I am only saying it's less painful then a generic villain repeat that's stronger for unexplained reasons. But then again I guess it's a question of taste.
(Mar. 12, 2017  7:15 PM)Breedo Wrote: [ -> ]I am only saying it's less painful than a generic villain repeat that's stronger for unexplained reasons. But then again I guess it's a question of taste.
More than taste, I'd rather say experience :/ fanservice is not just "painful", it's painful as @#%&, and I really, really wish you to never go through that like I did.
Seriously, if they're going to go for fanservice I'm going to scream my vocal cords out and turn to the voodoo side of life...
(Mar. 12, 2017  8:17 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]More than taste, I'd rather say experience Uncertain fanservice is not just "painful", it's painful as @#%&, and I really, really wish you to never go through that like I did.
Seriously, if they're going to go for fanservice I'm going to scream my vocal cords out and turn to the voodoo side of life...

look i've experienced negative fanservice Before. However when an official author of a series makes new enemies that aren't good or Changes the story for the negative that's worse then fanservice cause fanservice is easy to ignore. You view it as just a odd Little nostalgia trip. It's true that ur experiences shape your tastes. But I still say if the story continues in a serious way and is generic or bad that's worse then several chapters of fanservice. That's just my opinion though.
(Mar. 12, 2017  10:59 PM)Breedo Wrote: [ -> ]look i've experienced negative fanservice Before. However when an official author of a series makes new enemies that aren't good or Changes the story for the negative that's worse then fanservice cause fanservice is easy to ignore. You view it as just a odd Little nostalgia trip. It's true that ur experiences shape your tastes. But I still say if the story continues in a serious way and is generic or bad that's worse then several chapters of fanservice. That's just my opinion though.
I guess what you mean, but I still must disagree, especially on the "ignore" part.
However, this discussion is not over what is better to be done or not, because whatever we say, the chapter is already written, rendered, printed and ready to be published in less than 3 days. 
There's nothing else left than see what the fuss is about..... considering I'm astonished at the lack of advertising this new chapter got. Literally, just a pamphlet tweeted by a fan. No news nor tweets at all from CoroCoro Aniki, TakaraTomy or anything.
All I've seen is that pic marutti posted here being shared by Takafumi sensei. And the updated banner on Aoki sensei's website plus 3 more pictures. End.
One more picture: this time with Kai and a dog...

[Image: kaihana.jpg]
(Feb. 03, 2017  3:31 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Sort of related to this, but to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first few CoroCoro comics, Sanrio and CoroCoro collaborated to create chibi designs for the main character from many comics, including Bakuten Shoot Beyblade's Takao Kinomiya. Apparently there will be merchandise sold with those designs, and perhaps with Sieryuu (Dragoon), since we can see that design in the background too?

[Image: Bakuten_Shoot_Sanrio_Takao_Design.jpg]

[Image: C3t6m2EUoAIyvVY.jpg]

The merchandise seems to include stuffed characters and keyholders so far, like these ones:

Will I finally get Beyblade LINE stickers to spam at people???
(Mar. 13, 2017  9:03 AM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]One more picture: this time with Kai and a dog...

[Image: kaihana.jpg]

A dog named Hana? I am glad I ordered the upcoming CoroCoro Aniki hah.
It seems a Shiba Inu. So in the next chapter we might see Kai's dog?
Anyway. From what I remember Kai used to spend time with some cats during the G-Revolution and in the ending "Oh Yes!".
So Kai seems to be the only character to like animals.

EDIT: I have to correct myself, in the "Oh Yes!" ending Kai is with a dog.
(Mar. 13, 2017  3:11 PM)C a o S³ Wrote: [ -> ]It seems a Shiba Inu. So in the next chapter we might see Kai's dog?
Anyway. From what I remember Kai used to spend time with some cats during the G-Revolution and in the ending "Oh Yes!".

EDIT: I have to correct myself, in the "Oh Yes!" ending Kai is with a dog.

Wasn't there a dog at one point, or was it always cats? There was a cat in episode 47 or 48 of G Revolution when he got out of his lethargy.
From what I remember he also gives food to a cat in one of the first episodes.

EDIT: Episode 4, it seems.
However I also remember another scene with Kai that gives food to some cats in one of the first episodes of the G-Revolution.
Awesome to know that someone else realises that dogs are better than cats in the end hah.
Kai gives food to stray, mostly. In ep.4 he feeds that white cat as Caos mentioned, then in ep.31 he was going to feed a group of cats (a mom and her kittens) but Daichi already did so, and in that ending that Caos mentioned, Kai is feeding a dog. But it's not a Shiba Inu!

Edit: added pictures!
that's a nice doggo he's got there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm interested to see the actual significance of this doge, since it seems odd to just give him a doggo now. I'm excited to see this next chapter!
(Mar. 13, 2017  3:39 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome to know that someone else realises that dogs are better than cats in the end hah.

The other cool thing is that...the cat from the episode four seems to be the same from the episode where Kai learn to use Dranzer MS haha.
Moreover, after we had Hokuto in the Metal Fight, I'm quite worried about the possibility that he could be a talking dog lol

(Mar. 13, 2017  3:45 PM)Hato Wrote: [ -> ]that's a nice doggo he's got there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm interested to see the actual significance of this doge, since it seems odd to just give him a doggo now. I'm excited to see this next chapter!

I feel in the air something like Souichirou that gift Hana to his grandson for some reason. Could it be possible, mh?

(Mar. 13, 2017  3:41 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Kai gives food to stray, mostly. In ep.4 he feeds that white cat as Caos mentioned, then in ep.31 he was going to feed a group of cats (a mom and her kittens) but Daichi already did so, and in that ending that Caos mentioned, Kai is feeding a dog. But it's not a Shiba Inu!

Edit: added pictures!

Yes, these scenes are what I'm talking about. In addition there is the cat (probably the same from the episode four) when Kai learn how to use Dranzer MS.