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Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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Woah, Original Wolborg vs. Burst Dranzer? Never thought I'd ever see that in an official medium, lol

*crosses fingers that wolborg wins the vote for the plastic remake poll*
(Jun. 14, 2017  1:40 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]

So RBV7 will be on the one released on the 30th?
So much is going on in the bey world.......u all know what.....If we all each get a coro coro comic book....then may be we will all get required answers to our questions.......and I am in desperate need of the coro coro comic book.....but only if it is translated in english......

I wish Trypio was an option since the only new part would be the Layer anyway. Wolborg is likely to have Ring Gyro or something. It's weird to see a Burst, and Dranzer S burst of all Beyblades to beat an old gen beyblade.
I would not like to see Galzzly or Cyber Dragoon or Salamolyon or Gaia Dragoon. WAY too much recoil. Galeon is the most likely to be top tier, or Trygle. Trygle would be a good replacement for Valkyrie, me thinks.
(Jun. 14, 2017  2:38 AM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]@[TrainiacJ]

I wish Trypio was an option since the only new part would be the Layer anyway. Wolborg is likely to have Ring Gyro or something. It's weird to see a Burst, and Dranzer S burst of all Beyblades to beat an old gen beyblade.

That's a good point. I guess Galeon would be cool because of it's free ring, and hopefully it would be better than Tornado Wyvern. Trygle and Frostic Dranzer would be awesome too, they'd essentially be Valkyrie and Deathscyther with broad teeth, haha.
Man, I cannot wait to see this chapter and work on it. We seem to get an interesting flashback for the Borgs, and one of the pictures of Kai basically begs to be used in an avatar or signature graphic hah.

By the way, I should receive my copy before the end of the week, and spend the whole weekend on it. 

Also, if anybody wants to vote, the period to order the CoroCoro Aniki that is required, from shipped directly to you anywhere in the world for almost no costs, is coming to an end basically tomorrow. Do not come to me asking how to purchase it in a week, like with the Lost Longinus guide: it will be too late.
I'm really happy that Yuriy will come back. Will there be a Wolborg Burst Version in the future?
To think that whatever Bey wins the vote will determine the story of a future chapter, most likely.
I'm convinced they're already developing Wolborg Burst. That's the only explanation I can come up with that explains why Tala would be using a plastic gen Beyblade instead of HMS. Wolborg MS was Tala's final Beyblade in the manga. Even anime Tala would be using Wolborg 4 (then again, based on some of the previous dialog in this manga, Engine Gear appears to have been retconned out of existence). All of the Bakuten Burst tops have been based on their first promoted appearances, right? Have him lose embarrassingly with the iconic Wolborg non-hobbyists remember so he can return with a new one that looks identical - that you can buy now!!!!

Nice for advertising. Horrible for storytelling.

Either that, or Aoki is senile and doesn't know what happened in the original manga anymore.
Wow......I cant wait for the next chapter....seems like we will be undergoing through the dark past of borgs......I really wanna know about 1st series....I thought he was a robot....of boris and voltaire....but in g revolution I found out how much little I know about Tala....
(Jun. 14, 2017  10:55 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Wow......I cant wait for the next chapter....seems like we will be undergoing through the dark past of borgs......I really wanna know about 1st series....I thought he was a robot....of boris and voltaire....but in g revolution I found out how much little I know about Tala....

Robot, Tongue_out_wink
No he is not.
See the new chapter in YouTube, although it is in Japanese language, still you can see the pictures,
But those pictures r not so good, edges of those pages were not there..!
I feel like a total dumbo
(Jun. 14, 2017  11:47 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like a total dumbo

DJ - Yeah!  lol!
Everybody and lola want to tell u something......we both went through the 4th chapter....and found out Barthes battalion is back....but couldnt understand a single thing since its in japanese.......and its upon kai v to translate the chapter......but....that chapter I think is very interesting....plse do read it
(Jun. 14, 2017  3:00 AM)TrainiacJ Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 14, 2017  2:38 AM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]@[TrainiacJ]
I wish Trypio was an option since the only new part would be the Layer anyway. Wolborg is likely to have Ring Gyro or something. It's weird to see a Burst, and Dranzer S burst of all Beyblades to beat an old gen beyblade.
That's a good point. I guess Galeon would be cool because of its free ring, and hopefully it would be better than Tornado Wyvern. Trygle and Frostic Dranzer would be awesome too, they'd essentially be Valkyrie and Deathscyther with broad teeth, haha.
Gotta be honest, though, with Yuri as basically the protagonist for this chapter, I can't see many chances for other Beyblades to win. Unless they take like a top three and produce those three in Burst version? IDK.
I would love a Burst Galeon (oh my Goood *squeak*), though I have some doubts on the free ring... it would make it hard to burst, or impossible to burst at all, considering the way the Burst blades are designed to work. If anything, I don't think it will be conceived with the same concept.

(Jun. 14, 2017  11:47 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like a total dumbo
No worries, anyone raised with the US dub -- or any dub based off the US adaptation -- would believe the same thing. But no, Yura is anything but a robot!
[Image: boseiw.jpg]

Yuri is back!!!
Superb....awesome.....fanatastic....amazing....mindblowing......I am at a lose of words
(Jun. 14, 2017  12:08 PM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Everybody and lola want to tell u something......we both went through the 4th chapter....and found out Barthes battalion is back....but couldnt understand a single thing since its in japanese.......and its upon kai v to translate the chapter......but....that chapter I think is very interesting....plse do read it

I tried to convert it into English from coro coro comic videos.
 but picture quality is soo poor, could not understand some letter, some conversation was not there. -_-

So we have to wait for kai v..
(Jun. 14, 2017  1:40 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]

Kai at the bench lifting, but of course, lol  ^.^
How does he change his clothes that quickly though? And in the 2nd chapter as well "Hey dude, nice blade! Gotta go! What up bro I'm back wearing my belts let it rip"
EDIT: The art looks so good this chapter. Aoki is really getting in shape again.
(Jun. 14, 2017  3:48 PM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Me and my frnd lola are such a huge fan of beyblade that we r not even waiting for kai v to translate to english chapter 4.....we both r just trying to read the japanese characters and just google translate it or just understand the whole comic by just looking at the pictures......we unfortunately cannot understand anything........( cries)...


I told u, Tala's past has been described shortly in this chapter

i translated a short part, there Tala is telling about Boris.
Guys, Google translations are not to be trusted to the word... I will not be the one translating it personally, but the person helping me is much more knowledgeable about Japanese than Google Translate is. Just wait a few days to get the real sentences instead of hyping yourself on potentially super bad and erroneous translations.