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Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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(Apr. 04, 2017  1:32 AM)Siliva Wrote: [ -> ] I went ahead and translated Spin-Off chapter 1.

Thank you very much!!!
(Apr. 04, 2017  1:32 AM)Siliva Wrote: [ -> ] I went ahead and translated Spin-Off chapter 1.

Many thanks again Siliva, I have to say...
(Apr. 04, 2017  9:50 AM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]Many thanks again Siliva, I have to say...

This I agree with very much!
Many many thanks Siliva :)
Second page of Mao's chapter (spinoff):

[Image: maop2.jpg]

Seems that this is going to be something as a side-story like it was for Daichi.
"Rei-nii"..... 'nuff said.
(Apr. 08, 2017  8:50 PM)C a o S³ Wrote: [ -> ]Second page of Mao's chapter (spinoff):

[Image: maop2.jpg]

Seems that this is going to be something as a side-story like it was for Daichi.

Galux looks super cool. ^^
(Apr. 09, 2017  12:12 AM)TL14 Wrote: [ -> ]Galux looks super cool. ^^

IKR?? It's a pink Galeon Attacker Burst LOL I just wonder how long ago she got it... maybe before following Rei along with the team? It's Burst, so considering the timeline is supposed to be after GRev... she should've had at least a Galux 2 before that!

Thanks for sharing!

Can't wait to see more of this side-story and learn more about Mao! The most important part here to me is the Layer; does it have a free spinning AR, or is built into the Layer? :o
(Apr. 04, 2017  9:50 AM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]Many thanks again Siliva, I have to say... on one hand great! A good female Blader on the other hand OMG! Mary Sue alert! The character is like a typical Beyblade OC seemingly unbeatable and quite arrogant about it (time will tell if Ayaka ticks the other BeyOC cliches) I just don't like the fact that her introduction is absolutely thrashing another established female Blader. 
Sorry Kirsty, but I really need to throw in my two cents: if Ayaka was a new boy thrashing an established male/female blader, things would've been very different: the "Mary Sue" concept is sure well known, yet very few know that there's also the "Gary Stu" counterpart, which is exactly the same, just for the opposite gender, although no one seems to acknowledge that and misuse/abuse the "Mary Sue" term. "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" are nothing else than badly written characters (background/development/dynamics, etc.), not just characters who you may not like because they proved to be superior than an established one.

In this spin off, as far as we know it's in Ayaka's personality to act this way (just check her attitude in the cover), while it's common knowledge that Mao is the weakest of her team (along with Kiki). From a storytelling perspective there's nothing wrong with this, only follows the established route.
In fact, allow me to contradict you: between Ayaka and Mao, it's Mao who can be considered the Mary Sue of the situation, and for several reasons, too: in Rising she tags along with the Bladebreakers for no reason, aside from acting all girly and cute, being a fangirl/cheerleader, asking obvious questions ("What's this? Oh, look! What's that?"), thrashing other characters (e.g Max, ch.3), sheer, pointless fanservice (e.g the neko-maid outfit... =.=;;), and much more.

Among the two of them, the Beygirl who ticked most Mary Sue clichés is Mao (and Hiromi for obvious reasons), especially considering all the gaps and incoherences in her backstory, which is what Mary Sues are all about: incoherence and nonsense.
Let's just say I'm more curious about this new girl's resemblance to Kai. It may be just a coincidence, but right now she looks like she could be related to him. We'll see.

In my case, Aoki-sensei just got back a good bunch of points for bringing Rai back, even if for just a panel. HE STILL EXISTS IN THIS VERSE~!
(Apr. 10, 2017  1:34 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry Kirsty, but I really need to throw in my two cents: if Ayaka was a new boy thrashing an established male/female blader, things would've been very different: the "Mary Sue" concept is sure well known, yet very few know that there's also the "Gary Stu" counterpart, which is exactly the same, just for the opposite gender, although no one seems to acknowledge that and misuse/abuse the "Mary Sue" term. "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" are nothing else than badly written characters (background/development/dynamics, etc.), not just characters who you may not like because they proved to be superior than an established one.

In this spin off, as far as we know it's in Ayaka's personality to act this way (just check her attitude in the cover), while it's common knowledge that Mao is the weakest of her team (along with Kiki). From a storytelling perspective there's nothing wrong with this, only follows the established route.
In fact, allow me to contradict you: between Ayaka and Mao, it's Mao who can be considered the Mary Sue of the situation, and for several reasons, too: in Rising she tags along with the Bladebreakers for no reason, aside from acting all girly and cute, being a fangirl/cheerleader, asking obvious questions ("What's this? Oh, look! What's that?"), thrashing other characters (e.g Max, ch.3), sheer, pointless fanservice (e.g the neko-maid outfit... =.=;Wink, and much more.

Among the two of them, the Beygirl who ticked most Mary Sue clichés is Mao (and Hiromi for obvious reasons), especially considering all the gaps and incoherences in her backstory, which is what Mary Sues are all about: incoherence and nonsense.
Let's just say I'm more curious about this new girl's resemblance to Kai. It may be just a coincidence, but right now she looks like she could be related to him. We'll see.

In my case, Aoki-sensei just got back a good bunch of points for bringing Rai back, even if for just a panel. HE STILL EXISTS IN THIS VERSE~!

I am familiar with over-powered BeyOCs/Mary Sues and I just feel Ayaka is a underdeveloped/over-powered BeyOC/Mary Sue in canon (you mention her resemblance to Kai in fact I am half expecting her to be revealed as Kai's sister a very common BeyOC cliche). Yes I know the Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept (characters who are seemingly perfect) and I thought Daichi was a Gary Stu/Creator's Pet (more in the manga not so much in the anime and Rising where he has disappeared). 

I haven't abused the Mary Sue term with Ayaka, I just hope that Mao gets more developed to be more powerful than push Ayaka on us what I don't like atm is that instead of making the existing female Bladers stronger, powerful, unlikable, arrogant Ayaka is here no explanation! If Ayaka just beat Mao rather than totally thrash her both in battle and verbally I would probably be more ok with her, my first impression of Ayaka is she is insufferably unlikable. It is personal preference as I tend to prefer likable characters over powerful but unlikable ones.

Mao is far from a Mary Sue (she's not perfect, nor powerful and isn't fawned over by every male character) though I dislike her "cheerleader" persona in Rising I get the impression you just don't like Mao which is ok. Hiromi I totally agree with however.
(Apr. 10, 2017  6:42 PM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]I am familiar with over-powered BeyOCs/Mary Sues and I just feel Ayaka is a underdeveloped/over-powered BeyOC/Mary Sue in canon (you mention her resemblance to Kai in fact I am half expecting her to be revealed as Kai's sister a very common BeyOC cliche). Yes I know the Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept (characters who are seemingly perfect) and I thought Daichi was a Gary Stu/Creator's Pet (more in the manga not so much in the anime and Rising where he has disappeared). 

I haven't abused the Mary Sue term with Ayaka, I just hope that Mao gets more developed to be more powerful than push Ayaka on us what I don't like atm is that instead of making the existing female Bladers stronger, powerful, unlikable, arrogant Ayaka is here no explanation! If Ayaka just beat Mao rather than totally thrash her both in battle and verbally I would probably be more ok with her, my first impression of Ayaka is she is insufferably unlikable. It is personal preference as I tend to prefer likable characters over powerful but unlikable ones.

Mao is far from a Mary Sue (she's not perfect, nor powerful and isn't fawned over by every male character) though I dislike her "cheerleader" persona in Rising I get the impression you just don't like Mao which is ok. Hiromi I totally agree with however.

Err, no, I actually do like Mao, it's her fans I dislike. Aside from her backstory's incostistencies, she's a kickass character, a very sweet sister, a caring teammate and a fierce blader, even if she's more of a "player" than a competitor. But by that phrase you just said ("she's not perfect, nor powerful and isn't fawned over by every male character") I grasped that no, you have no idea what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept is about. Or at least, not completely.

If you judge Ayaka a Mary Sue only because she handed Mao's butt to her and may be related to Kai, I'm backing out of here. It's pretty useless pulling the "she thrashed an established character" card, because throughout the whole three series and 14 volumes, tons of new male bladers thrashed and humiliated our big four, but in my experience there's been nobody calling the "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" concept.

I may be wrong, of course, but I get the feeling you probably just dislike OCs and new additions altogether, especially if girls (which makes me wonder how you feel about Charlotte, since she's Max's sister, aka a BeyOC cliché). From start to finish in BSB or the whole Beyblade franchise there's plenty of boys who did exactly the same, and Ayaka, only because she's a girl, is no different...
(Apr. 10, 2017  7:09 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Err, no, I actually do like Mao, it's her fans I dislike. Aside from her backstory's incostistencies, she's a kickass character, a very sweet sister, a caring teammate and a fierce blader, even if she's more of a "player" than a competitor. But by that phrase you just said ("she's not perfect, nor powerful and isn't fawned over by every male character") I grasped that no, you have no idea what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept is about. Or at least, not completely.

If you judge Ayaka a Mary Sue only because she handed Mao's butt to her and may be related to Kai, I'm backing out of here. It's pretty useless pulling the "she thrashed an established character" card, because throughout the whole three series and 14 volumes, tons of new male bladers thrashed and humiliated our big four, but in my experience there's been nobody calling the "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" concept.

I may be wrong, of course, but I get the feeling you probably just dislike OCs and new additions altogether, especially if girls (which makes me wonder how you feel about Charlotte, since she's Max's sister, aka a BeyOC cliché). From start to finish in BSB or the whole Beyblade franchise there's plenty of boys who did exactly the same, and Ayaka, only because she's a girl, is no different...

I am not a die-hard Mao fan (I am more of a Galux fan funnily enough and hoping a Galux Bey will come out with more Mao focus), well that was the concept I was familiar with anyway. Sorry about saying you dislike Mao.

I think for me it's Ayaka's personality that irks me, the thing is there were not so many OCs back in BSB's day which could be why I say Ayaka is like a over-powered BeyOC as I have seen more after BSB originally ended. 

I actually like OCs and new additions depending on the character (and yes I dislike overpowered OCs I have seen and RPed opposite quite a few) and on how they affect established canon dynamics (why I am not keen on Daichi and Hiromi additions though I don't hate the characters outright), and don't worry there are plenty of boy Bladers I don't like either. I find the addition of Charlotte odd I do like her however (now she is someone I wanna see Blade though that is not likely!).
(Apr. 10, 2017  7:09 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Err, no, I actually do like Mao, it's her fans I dislike. Aside from her backstory's incostistencies, she's a kickass character, a very sweet sister, a caring teammate and a fierce blader, even if she's more of a "player" than a competitor. But by that phrase you just said ("she's not perfect, nor powerful and isn't fawned over by every male character") I grasped that no, you have no idea what a Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept is about. Or at least, not completely.

If you judge Ayaka a Mary Sue only because she handed Mao's butt to her and may be related to Kai, I'm backing out of here. It's pretty useless pulling the "she thrashed an established character" card, because throughout the whole three series and 14 volumes, tons of new male bladers thrashed and humiliated our big four, but in my experience there's been nobody calling the "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" concept.

I may be wrong, of course, but I get the feeling you probably just dislike OCs and new additions altogether, especially if girls (which makes me wonder how you feel about Charlotte, since she's Max's sister, aka a BeyOC cliché). From start to finish in BSB or the whole Beyblade franchise there's plenty of boys who did exactly the same, and Ayaka, only because she's a girl, is no different...

I think people mainly call her a Mary-Sue because there has never really a super strong female character in the entire franchise, only ones that come to mind so far is Ming Ming and Mao. However, people never say Brooklyn a Mary-Sue or whatever the male equivalent term for it is, and hes practically the OP character a lot of people may want their May Sue OC's to be. If the day comes where Ayaka one shots Kai, then maybe she can be considered a Mary-Sue. Personally there are far more players that demonstrate some serious hax from Beyblade anime's, the most notable examples I can think of is Ryuga, because out of many of his battles, he's only lost two times, though it's not saying a whole lot when it's to the main antagonist and main protagonist. I find Ryuga more of a "Mary-Sue" character than Ayaka ever could and if we're only talking about BSB, is Brooklyn also a Mary Sue? He destroyed Kai first time after all, and is Kai a Mary Sue for destroying Mao easily? On the topic of strong female bladers, I personally would like to see more strong female bladers, and not those who resort to useless roles like Hiromi, so I'm kind of glad Ayaka exists.

My thoughts of Ryuga are pretty much your thoughts on Mao, I like the character somewhat but cannot stand his hardcore fanbase, and while I sound like I'm beating a dead horse, I don't really care, my opinions are my opinions.

EDIT: BTW I totally forgot to read your definition of a Mary Sue, the examples I brung didn't have anyone fawn over them, and were mainly examples of super OP characters, ones that also don't get the "Mary Sue/Gary Stu" label.
(Apr. 10, 2017  7:09 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]Err, no, I actually do like Mao, it's her fans I dislike.

Ehehe... now you know how I feel about some of Ryuga's fanboys Pinching_eyes_2


(Apr. 10, 2017  7:09 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]I may be wrong, of course, but I get the feeling you probably just dislike OCs and new additions altogether, especially if girls (which makes me wonder how you feel about Charlotte, since she's Max's sister, aka a BeyOC cliché). From start to finish in BSB or the whole Beyblade franchise there's plenty of boys who did exactly the same, and Ayaka, only because she's a girl, is no different...

I'm probably really clueless about the situation but I don't think Kirsty dislikes new additions as a whole per say, she probably does like the new OCs. She just dislikes the way Akaya was introduced. She has that very cold, snobbish and generic introduction which (whilst sometimes cool) can come off as a little repetitive.

And yeah, I'll agree over-powered characters (if done wrong) are mostly a little boring (sorry, did I say a little...).
(Apr. 10, 2017  10:49 PM)LOL-y Rancher Wrote: [ -> ]I'm probably really clueless about the situation but I don't think Kirsty dislikes new additions as a whole per say, she probably does like the new OCs. She just dislikes the way Akaya was introduced. She has that very cold, snobbish and generic introduction which (whilst sometimes cool) can come off as a little repetitive.

And yeah, I'll agree over-powered characters (if done wrong) are mostly a little boring (sorry, did I say a little...).

So... she's like Emily then? I actually haven't fully read her introduction so I apologize if I come of as a newb.

(Apr. 09, 2017  12:44 AM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]IKR?? It's a pink Galeon Attacker Burst LOL I just wonder how long ago she got it... maybe before following Rei along with the team? It's Burst, so considering the timeline is supposed to be after GRev... she should've had at least a Galux 2 before that!


I do kind of wish they had a black one though, I mean if it was originally Lee's beyblade but recoloured, isn't it a little odd they used what was originally Lee's beyblade as Mao's, and without having Lee either?
(Apr. 10, 2017  10:49 PM)LOL-y Rancher Wrote: [ -> ]I'm probably really clueless about the situation but I don't think Kirsty dislikes new additions as a whole per say, she probably does like the new OCs. She just dislikes the way Akaya was introduced. She has that very cold, snobbish and generic introduction which (whilst sometimes cool) can come off as a little repetitive.

And yeah, I'll agree over-powered characters (if done wrong) are mostly a little boring (sorry, did I say a little...).

^ My thoughts in a nutshell Hellena (I can be very long winded), thank you Rancher...

...and no I was never keen on Emily either Jinbee and yes Brooklyn is a Gary Stu (they never explained why he was so powerful) but he wasn't introduced as Ayaka was. First impressions count. 

Hmmmm Kai wasn't a GS for destroying Mao though I do think he is one or at least has traits. I have seen a little of the Ryuga fanbase but unaware Mao had a diehard one.

I do think Ming-Ming whilst annoying was the best female BSB Blader.
(Apr. 11, 2017  9:49 AM)Killer-Kirsty Wrote: [ -> ]I do think Ming-Ming whilst annoying was the best female BSB Blader.

Oh for sure, she seems to be the only one with a somewhat perfect record despite her low battle count. I think she's definitely the most powerful of the old gen characters, although for some reason the whimpy G-Rev Lee was able to hold his ground against her and making her quit the battle... Still, I would likely put her in the top 20 most powerful bladers in any beyblade anime, well... maybe.
Excuse you, Jinbee, but you better check Rai's background before going with the "whimpy" detail... I don't think you guys really realize that it's a result of character development (which Mary Sues/Gary Stus lack), and nothing really changed about him, only the fact that in GRev REI is back and with him, a lot of Rai's troubles: Rei-kun may be my favourite character, but that doesn't stop me from seeing what a self-centered brat he is, especially towards his brother.

Also, my apologies, Kirsty: I misunderstood you, the way Rancher worded it makes it clearer and I can see your point now.

(Apr. 10, 2017  10:52 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]I do kind of wish they had a black one though, I mean if it was originally Lee's beyblade but recoloured, isn't it a little odd they used what was originally Lee's beyblade as Mao's, and without having Lee either?
Galux has always been a Galeon recolor.
Even in the anime, it was always the exact same shape and concept, just in a pink color:

[Image: k7vlTcs.png]

[Image: Ws9tbYH.png]

[Image: OETMS6h.png]

And yeah, agreed... I've been kind of irked at the fact that she was brought back without Rai... but now everything's fine! x°D
@[HellenaMaezono], first of all, there's no need to be overly serious about it, I was referring to the anime version of Rai, if you don't like my honest opinion on his G-Revolution anime self then... tough luck unfortunately. I don't mean to say I hate the character, I like him, but I definitely like his first season version more. I'm aware he's somewhat developed in the anime, but it's a little quick in my opinion, and Rai still seems reckless a lot of times, even as late as episode 34 and episode 39, but that's probably because he loses pretty often pretty quickly there. I'll agree that Rei is rather arrogant towards Rai in episode 7, and that could explain why he was so worked up later on, but he seemed to have no problems showing how capable he was against Rei. This might be me but I would expect there to be a lot more pressure to fight against Rei in season one versus him working with him and Rai, while he was confident due to his determination to destroy him, he set himself a goal which would probably make him more nervous, but he was rather confident, albeit he did underestimate Rei at the time.

Second, yeah I'm aware Galux was always a Galeon recolour but my point is that, I find it odd that they focus more on the recolour over the original black one in BSB rising as Rai doesn't appear there, at least not that I remember. Just imagine if they had a character with a Wolborg recolour and they focused on that over Yuriy, that's what I'm getting at.

EDIT: I just realised I used "Rai" and "Lee" inconsistently.
(Apr. 11, 2017  6:24 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]First of all, there's no need to be overly serious about it, I was referring to the anime version of Rai, if you don't like my honest opinion on his G-Revolution anime self then... tough luck unfortunately. I don't mean to say I hate the character, I like him, but I definitely like his first season version more. I'm aware he's somewhat developed in the anime, but it's a little quick in my opinion, and Lee still seems reckless a lot of times, even as late as episode 34 and episode 39, but that's probably because he loses pretty often pretty quickly there. I'll agree that Rei is rather arrogant towards Rai in episode 7, and that could explain why he was so worked up later on, but he seemed to have no problems showing how capable he was against Rei. This might be me but I would expect there to be a lot more pressure to fight against Rei in season one versus him working with him and Lee, while he was confident due to his determination to destroy him, he set himself a goal which would probably make him more nervous, but he was rather confident, albeit he did underestimate Rei at the time.

Second, yeah I'm aware Galux was always a Galeon recolour but my point is that, I find it odd that they focus more on the recolour over the original black one in BSB rising as Rai doesn't appear there, at least not that I remember. Just imagine if they had a character with a Wolborg recolour and they focused on that over Yuriy, that's what I'm getting at.

First of all, I'm talking about anime Rai as well.

In S1, we see a heartbroken Rai who is determinated to fight a brother that abandoned his people and broke his trust: the two of them grew up together and Rei was chosen to become the next leader instead of him. However, he accepted it regardless because of his loyalty to his brother, and put his complete trust in Rei, who then "betrayed" him and left his people, taking Byakko with him.
It's only obvious that anyone would get upset and angry over that, considering what Byakko means for the whole clan.
After that, Rai trained, trained and trained. With Rei gone, the new leader title is on him. He overdid himself, hurt himself to master all the techniques and get Byakko back (and give Rei a proper payback).

As soon as he finally has the chance, his own sister turns her back on him to stand on the "traitor's" side, which only added it to the bill. Rai is so heartbroken and hurt at that point he is not just fighting but literally trying to hurt Rei back just like he did with him.
Of course, Rei wins, and Rai has no other choice but to swallow the bitter pill, and accept Rei's decision: he will be back one day and will be the clan's leader instead of him, who should be by birthright.

It's pretty clear by now that all the "badassery" we see from Rai in S1 is because he's mad, and he has every reason to be. We saw him cry and we saw him try to hold his tears back several times. And we know that Rai may forgive, but doesn't forget.

Now, in S3, Rei goes back to the village, and being the champion he is, he of course has much more reason than Rai to be the Baihuzu team's leader. Here's another stone on top of Rai's stomach, and with it, he gets the booby prize by being Rei's "sidekick". Wow, thanks Rei, let me add it to the list of reasons why life sucks!
Rei is also very demanding: we see him scold Rai several times, we see him boss him around, when it was RAI's place to do it within the team. It's now Rei who upgrades the blades, it's Rei who decides when to train and how. Rai has become a nothing, a subordinate. And you can tame a lion only so far.

From a real life psychological perspective, all these things summed up weigh very much on someone's confidence and motivation, and we all know how much Rai suffered because of his brother in S1. Also, keep in mind that in S1 Rai and his team were secondary characters, while in S3 they became deuteragonists, which means we get to see much more of them throughout the series. It's only obvious that, without all the pent up anger for Rei he had in S1, he'd be more friendly and easygoing. But he's no longer what he was supposed to be, he's second place, and now he has to work harder and harder to keep up with Rei's demands. He overworks himself to the point of getting sick, and what does he gain from that? More defeats.

I don't know about you, but you can pull an elastic only so far before it breaks. There you go, here's why Rai became a "whimp".

About Galux, I completely agree. I find it odd and somewhat annoying, too.
But there's only so much you can do against wild fangirls demanding pink stuff, sparkles and rainbows in a shounen like Beyblade.
(Apr. 11, 2017  7:37 PM)HellenaMaezono Wrote: [ -> ]About Galux, I completely agree. I find it odd and somewhat annoying, too.
But there's only so much you can do against wild fangirls demanding pink stuff, sparkles and rainbows in a shounen like Beyblade.

I guess so, I don't want to say that Rai was objectively weaker, he just feels weaker to me and even at the later episodes he feels that way, and that's where he has no tournament pressure or Rei bossing him around, he still manages to slip up in episode 34, though to be fair it's probably because he was against a BEGA blader, though like I mentioned, Ming Ming had trouble against him in episode 50. You could say it was because Rei was there watching and therefore he probably lost confidence but he was rather confident against Mymore... goofy? I think the later half of season 1 where he was kind but sensible was my favourite version of him.

Weird considering how TT normally pushes the beyblade market towards boys. Regardless, a release of a Galux burst would be cool.
(Apr. 11, 2017  7:56 PM)Jinbee Wrote: [ -> ]I guess so, I don't want to say that Rai was objectively weaker, he just feels weaker to me and even at the later episodes he feels that way, and that's where he has no tournament pressure or Rei bossing him around, he still manages to slip up in episode 34, though to be fair it's probably because he was against a BEGA blader, though like I mentioned, Ming Ming had trouble against him in episode 50. You could say it was because Rei was there watching and therefore he probably lost confidence but he was rather confident against Mymore... goofy? I think the later half of season 1 where he was kind but sensible was my favourite version of him.

Weird considering how TT normally pushes the beyblade market towards boys. Regardless, a release of a Galux burst would be cool.

I agree that he's not as focused and more "loose" but we get to see more of the personality he hid behind a barrier of anger and grudge. In episode 34 he's really dorky, which I find more spontaneous and altogether in line with his S1 self, considering that yes, he acted all tough and everything, but was also sensitive and caring towards those who know him. From a storytelling perspective it's only logical to get to see more of his personality when turning from a side character to a deuteragonist.
However, we're talking about "versions" here, while it's always the exact, same character: Rai. He can be tough, prideful, stubborn, hotheaded and impulsive, but also kindhearted, caring, supportive, and of course insecure and doubtful like a lot of other characters and real life people.

Rai is very underrated due to the fact that, as a boy, he showed fragility and struggled, and as such, he's weak. He's not weak. He's "real".

And yes, I am well aware of that, but apparently it was necessary to add a feminine touch to the sausage fest? Or simply, she's more important than her brother? IDK.
But let's keep in mind that regardless, a lot of Beyblades we saw in the anime/manga were not released, for instance Galux Attacker (though they released a salmon pink Galeon), Galux 2, or even Galeon MS. And also Tryhorn, Unicolyon, Sharkrush, all the Cybers (aside from Dragoon), etc...
This has turned quite off-topic.
True... apologies.