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Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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(Dec. 01, 2017  10:02 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Will it be available on amazon or only in japan???

You can buy it in any book store in Japan
(Dec. 01, 2017  4:56 PM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 01, 2017  10:02 AM)Eleanor Wrote: [ -> ]Will it be available on amazon or only in japan???

You can buy it in any book store in Japan

Can't we get in it another country?
Here's an image of the cover that isn't a screenshot of a listing:
[Image: aPSbCTI.jpg]
The official release date is December 12th.

Since Viz is out to lunch when it comes to Beyblade, perhaps Shogakukan Asia will release it in English.
I want another anime serie with the Bladebreakers !
I have a question in mind....How r they going to release this manga...I mean...Since only 5 chapters r released till now...So R they going to sell out the comics containing single chapters???
I think Dragoon's eyeballs are looking like evil, don't you think it too?
How much will the English release of the Rising manga censor? Hopefully not at all...
In Mr. Aoki's site the pic says something about the chapters that have been released. I'm not that good at japanese, bit I believe it says something like it will have a special prologue, which I believe it will include the chapters that have been released.
(Dec. 05, 2017  3:24 AM)burapikun Wrote: [ -> ]How much will the English release of the Rising manga censor? Hopefully not at all...

What would there be to censor in this manga? It's not aimed at kids either.

If Viz picks it up they might use the dub names to maintain consistency with their release of the original manga. If it's just Shogakukan Asia, I think they'd go for a straight translation.
Just to let everyone know, I have finally had time to start translating the previous chapter as best as I can (I was busy hanging a lot of Dir en grey frames to my huge wall hah), and I officially preordered the upcoming CoroCoro Aniki, which I can only imagine will include whatever the new manga volume will have.
(Dec. 10, 2017  3:43 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Just to let everyone know, I have finally had time to start translating the previous chapter as best as I can (I was busy hanging a lot of Dir en grey frames to my huge wall hah), and I officially preordered the upcoming CoroCoro Aniki, which I can only imagine will include whatever the new manga volume will have.

Thank you so much for doing this!
Mr. Aoki has changed the at in his site
(Dec. 12, 2017  5:55 PM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Aoki has changed the at in his site

aww...I was late...Well...Takao seems to be mature in the banner...

Athough Takao is wearing his G Revolution clothes...Kai is wearing his season 1 Clothes and max is wearing the new clothes in the rising manga...
If someone happens to get te manga coukd you please upload the scans in japanese too *.* please!

Also, that video was awesome, I wanna read the new manga already! But I didn't understad why Kai broke the wall XD he just said gomen amd his parents were like happy XD didn't get what happened there XD I don't understand a lot of kanji still, but I at least got most part of the story there :p
Well, this is the best I can do:

As for the future, of course, it figures that there would be a Kai-centric chapter in the new cumulative manga volume that I did not plan to have to purchase... Pre-ordered.

Both chapters should arrive to me at the beginning of next week. Personally I would want to start with the Kai-centric chapter, but it is true that that new character is 'intriguing'. Which one do you all want me to prioritise before the other?

I wish her personality was not that goofy... And is she supposed to incarnate every typical goth fangirl of the 2000s?
(Dec. 14, 2017  6:19 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Well, this is the best I can do:

As for the future, of course, it figures that there would be a Kai-centric chapter in the new cumulative manga volume that I did not plan to have to purchase... Pre-ordered.

Both chapters should arrive to me at the beginning of next week. Personally I would want to start with the Kai-centric chapter, but it is true that that new character is 'intriguing'. Which one do you all want me to prioritise before the other?

I wish her personality was not that goofy... And is she supposed to incarnate every typical goth fangirl of the 2000s?

I wonder, what is her name?

Wow, apparently there are important changes between the manga volume 1 and the chapters that were published in CoroCoro up until now. This page is almost entirely different, from:
- Kai's frown/smile
- The dialogue ("I'm home, mother." instead of "Mr. Kai"?! This is not even the same person talking, what the hell.)
- Everybody bowing vs. his mother welcoming him smiling

What is even up? Is that supposed to be censorship?
(Dec. 14, 2017  6:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]

Wow, apparently there are important changes between the manga volume 1 and the chapters that were published in CoroCoro up until now. This page is almost entirely different, from:
- Kai's frown/smile
- The dialogue ("I'm home, mother." instead of "Mr. Kai"?! This is not even the same person talking, what the hell.)
- Everybody bowing vs. his mother welcoming him smiling

What is even up? Is that supposed to be censorship?

But why. This just kind of takes away from Kai’s character, in my opinion. I wonder if Takao Aoki will ever explain this.
Surely the chapter about Souichirou faking illness and making him work despite being underage and such was tweaked as well...
(Dec. 14, 2017  3:58 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]
Oh. My. God. I don't know where to begin. This girl. No effing way. Okay first of all, motorcycle lady looks more like Kai than Kai's mom. So. OMG?! What is this drama? Is this manga going to take a weird turn? What sort of idea did Mr. Aoki get? Second off all both in this chapter and the other chapter and the third extra chapter and the extra extra chapter why the hell is everyone dressed like they are stuck in the early 2000s? Especially Kai. Why is he happy? Don't do that. It's bad enough that things in his life isn't bad, but a happy family?! With a dog even? I don't know what this is but I don't like it even though I'm really happy it exist. And THEN his mother is all exactly like I imagined actually. Well, apart from being, you know, alive. Dude, I knew she was there in the manga but still this is too much, man.

(Dec. 14, 2017  6:19 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Well, this is the best I can do:

As for the future, of course, it figures that there would be a Kai-centric chapter in the new cumulative manga volume that I did not plan to have to purchase... Pre-ordered.

Both chapters should arrive to me at the beginning of next week. Personally I would want to start with the Kai-centric chapter, but it is true that that new character is 'intriguing'. Which one do you all want me to prioritise before the other?

I wish her personality was not that goofy... And is she supposed to incarnate every typical goth fangirl of the 2000s?

Thank you SO MUCH for everything you do. Really, it's amazing.
Ok, I do not like the direction this is going AT ALL. First, more new stuff and confusion, second, I don't even know what Aoki is thinking. I would have loved to make a BSB fan manga, but if this is canon I'm disillusioned.
These are just some fun little chapters. I'm not taking this Rising series seriously. XD
I have three questions...from chapter 5

1. During Takao and Daichi's battle...The attack "Calling Cutter"....Which part of Gaia Dragoon was responsible for the counter storm....???

2. When " Hurricane Rising" was released...Gaia Dragoon was thrown out...But it suddenly revived its strength and released " Calling cutter"... How did it revive on its own??

3. Is this " F Dragoon" was to released in the december Coro Coro aniki edition?? And is Available in Japan stores??

Takao Aoki posted a new image on his website, as seen here. Looks like it says "Great Beyblade Cup II (2)" in the background.

EDIT: Thanks for the reminder @[Kai-V]. Here is the link to the photo. 

And here is another image he recently posted;

Tsuki Bloodn Moon.. that’s a bit.. edgy.