(Jan. 10, 2017 5:51 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, there's no proof that it ended either. Takao Aoki nor Aniki editors have stated it would only be 2 chapters.
Doesn't chapter 2 say "the end"?
In chapter 2 on the last page, there is no "to be continued" at all on the page (in the Japanese raw) I think... either way, it seems weird that when they announced it, they didn't even say it would be a special 2 chapter manga.
(Jan. 10, 2017 1:58 PM)Ninja Blader Wrote: [ -> ]OWARI . what is it?
Owari means The end
Makes sense that it's only this short because if it were longer it would be taking too much attention away from the main new Cast of Beyblade Burst, it's amazing that we even got this at all considering how much time and effort is put into Beyblade Burst as an anime & manga at the same time, so my expectations were exceeded by far

Usually when there is a one-shot or a two chapter special, said companies say so when a news press is released or said in said magazine, but it wasn't mentioned anywhere. Even if this is just a two chapter short, they should've said so from the start.
Like for example in one of Jump's magazines, a 3 chapter special spin-off of DBZ's Yamcha, it was announced at the start it would be 3 chapters only.
So we got two chapters and that was awesome! Yay!
Now if we're getting a third one, whatever. Let's just wait and stop spamming the thread saying the same thing over and over, please. Let's just be patient. If there will be or not a third chapter (probably not), we can't do much about it. After all, we already had more than expected with a second chapter. :)
Sort of related to this, but to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first few CoroCoro comics, Sanrio and CoroCoro collaborated to create chibi designs for the main character from many comics, including Bakuten Shoot Beyblade's Takao Kinomiya. Apparently there will be merchandise sold with those designs, and perhaps with Sieryuu (Dragoon), since we can see that design in the background too?
The merchandise seems to include stuffed characters and keyholders so far, like these ones:
(Feb. 27, 2017 4:06 PM)Harsimran306 Wrote: [ -> ]When 3rd chap will come?
There is no information about a third chapter and the second one ended with "The End", so there will probably be no third chapter at all.
When will be the third chapter coming?
(Feb. 28, 2017 5:02 AM)Dragoons x Wrote: [ -> ]When will be the third chapter coming?
Check the post above you and you'll have your answer. Might've been worth checking if it'd already been asked before asking, haha.
It says "Last fall they republished Bakuten Shoot Beyblade series in convinience store." But already sold out them.
(Mar. 09, 2017 1:31 PM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]It says "Last fall they republished Bakuten Shoot Beyblade series in convinience store." But already sold out them.
Is that it? No news? Wonder why he posted these two drawings then.
Thanks for pointing this out, HellenaMaezono!
While he probably drew these and is just displaying them, it makes me think that we will get another chapter of BSB: Rising. Seeing this being posted and knowing that Darkness Driger will be a mail order Beyblade in the next Aniki, it makes me wonder.
(Mar. 09, 2017 1:45 PM)Hato Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for pointing this out, HellenaMaezono! 
While he probably drew these and is just displaying them, it makes me think that we will get another chapter of BSB: Rising. Seeing this being posted and knowing that Darkness Driger will be a mail order Beyblade in the next Aniki, it makes me wonder.
You're welcome!
Although, now the "owari" at the end of the second installment makes absolutely no sense.
I doubt there will be a new chapter. I think they are introducing a new Driger S recolour just so they have an excuse to advertise the white Dragoon S now available in wbba. stores, because that alone would be odd.
(Mar. 09, 2017 3:35 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt there will be a new chapter. I think they are introducing a new Driger S recolour just so they have an excuse to advertise the white Dragoon S now available in wbba stores, because that alone would be odd.
IKR I was thinking the same... though you gotta admit these random drawings are odd too.
Unless they're doodles like Nagamori sensei's or Takafumi sensei's, that they keep sketching and posting on their Twitter... although these are
sketches, while the ones you see here are actual
complete illustrations. Sure, nothing new, but still... odd.
Aoki Takao never posts sketches though, they are always fully coloured drawings. He is sort of old-school in that regard hah. I would not read too much into it.
I wonder why he drew Max so weird. LOL
Both colored official pictures we have with Max from this Rising special are really weird.

(Mar. 10, 2017 1:59 AM)BeyGa Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder why he drew Max so weird. LOL
Both colored official pictures we have with Max from this Rising special are really weird. 
LOL you're right! I still can't help but cringe at Rei-kun's copy-pasted yin-yang on his hairband xDD
(Mar. 10, 2017 1:59 AM)BeyGa Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder why he drew Max so weird. LOL
Both colored official pictures we have with Max from this Rising special are really weird. :S
Well, actually Max has always been a -mayonnaise addict- weirdo. ROTFL.
Anyway, IMHO I think that those new drawings by Aoki are just homages to his work, nothing more.