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Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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(Feb. 28, 2021  1:45 PM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]But read it in illeagal means you make it finish it soon.
Actually unfortunately Bakuten Shoot beyblade next chapter which will relese March 15th will be last chapter.
Why don't they translate?  Because translater's salary is more expensive than sells number.
Because in Japan every month over 100 new comic end and start.
If you translate it all you cost a lot of money.
Listening, Wrighting and Speaking Japanese is really hard but read Japanese is very easy.
Because every letter has each meanings.
So if it ends with the next issue there won’t be a volume 4? Since there’ll be only two chapters 
It’s so sad knowing it will end soon 😢
I think one of the main problems is not buying the manga, not even translating it. I don't know about you. I have seen many manga that, thanks to an illegal translation, legal publication began and there have been two or three mangakas who even give thanks because it is because of them that we know manga in America. I think the main problem is the selfishness or the envy of the fans themselves, and I'm not talking about those who attack which saga is better, if not those who already know where and how to get it and do not support distributing that information, I understand that they It cost them work, but if the problem is that the mangaka is not supported, why not make that information public?
I know this is not the space but I confess that I am a 14-year-old boy who met bakuten through my parents (they don't like it but they told me about the first series). In my eagerness to find more information, I went to various groups and they know what I found? Adults in their 20s and 30s maybe older, being rude and attacking the youngest just "because the beyblade is their life." Does that really give them the right to restrict the information so much?
Aren't we all supposed to support the mangaka?
So why did a boy like me have to put up with the bulling of 3 adults just because I wanted to know how to buy the manga?
As I mentioned before, I begged my dad and thanks to that I was able to support Aoki-sensei by buying all the manga. I don't know Japanese or any other language but I think many of us can buy a volume a month, the youngest of us depend on our parents but adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more Where are they?
(Feb. 28, 2021  9:58 PM)Masterspin Wrote: [ -> ]I think one of the main problems is not buying the manga, not even translating it. I don't know about you. I have seen many manga that, thanks to an illegal translation, legal publication began and there have been two or three mangakas who even give thanks because it is because of them that we know manga in America. I think the main problem is the selfishness or the envy of the fans themselves, and I'm not talking about those who attack which saga is better, if not those who already know where and how to get it and do not support distributing that information, I understand that they It cost them work, but if the problem is that the mangaka is not supported, why not make that information public?
I know this is not the space but I confess that I am a 14-year-old boy who met bakuten through my parents (they don't like it but they told me about the first series). In my eagerness to find more information, I went to various groups and they know what I found? Adults in their 20s and 30s maybe older, being rude and attacking the youngest just "because the beyblade is their life." Does that really give them the right to restrict the information so much?
Aren't we all supposed to support the mangaka?
So why did a boy like me have to put up with the bulling of 3 adults just because I wanted to know how to buy the manga?
As I mentioned before, I begged my dad and thanks to that I was able to support Aoki-sensei by buying all the manga. I don't know Japanese or any other language but I think many of us can buy a volume a month, the youngest of us depend on our parents but adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more Where are they?

But most ppl not everyone of course, when they found it in a language they understand or even their own, the majority won’t bother buying it, that’s why those illegal translations are  harmful to the author. 
I had made an official request to both Aoki sensei and coro coro to share non profit my translations of all manga in both English and Spanish, but until I get an official response I won’t be publishing the volumes for neither, bakuten and rising. I even have in digital format and already translated chapter 16 but I can’t share until I get official approval
Why you can't read Japanese?
Because you gave up before try to study.
In Japanese we say to people like you "If you afraid to lose and give up you don't have chance to win."
(Feb. 28, 2021  1:45 PM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]But read it in illeagal means you make it finish it soon.
Actually unfortunately Bakuten Shoot beyblade next chapter which will relese March 15th will be last chapter.
Why don't they translate?  Because translater's salary is more expensive than sells number.
Because in Japan every month over 100 new comic end and start.
If you translate it all you cost a lot of money.
Listening, Wrighting and Speaking Japanese is really hard but read Japanese is very easy.
Because every letter has each meanings.

Last chapter ?....what do you mean last chapter here ?? this manga going to be finished ...🤔🤪🤔🤔🤔
Corocoro Aniki will finish in March which published rising
(Mar. 01, 2021  8:14 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]Why you can't read Japanese?
Because you gave up before try to study.
In Japanese we say to people like you "If you afraid to lose and give up you don't have chance to win."

Sorry to say, but I think you should know about other perspectives than your only perspectives, before you judge other people with your views.

Gave up before try to study? You've judged who couldn't read Japanese properly as you or another Japanese readers. 

Not everyone has priviledge(s) to learn Japanese. Priviledge can be time or money. 

"Maybe they're lazy to learn Japanese and not try enough to learn about it", no. It isn't just about that. I think you should survey and understanding more about Beyblade communities outside WBO about their problems to learn Japanese properly. 

I think why Rising manga would end soon isn't because of illegal reading, since CoroCoro Aniki is focused more to Japanese readers. But, as you've said, because CoroCoro Aniki changed its format to digital only.

(Feb. 28, 2021  11:41 PM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 28, 2021  9:58 PM)Masterspin Wrote: [ -> ]I think one of the main problems is not buying the manga, not even translating it. I don't know about you. I have seen many manga that, thanks to an illegal translation, legal publication began and there have been two or three mangakas who even give thanks because it is because of them that we know manga in America. I think the main problem is the selfishness or the envy of the fans themselves, and I'm not talking about those who attack which saga is better, if not those who already know where and how to get it and do not support distributing that information, I understand that they It cost them work, but if the problem is that the mangaka is not supported, why not make that information public?
I know this is not the space but I confess that I am a 14-year-old boy who met bakuten through my parents (they don't like it but they told me about the first series). In my eagerness to find more information, I went to various groups and they know what I found? Adults in their 20s and 30s maybe older, being rude and attacking the youngest just "because the beyblade is their life." Does that really give them the right to restrict the information so much?
Aren't we all supposed to support the mangaka?
So why did a boy like me have to put up with the bulling of 3 adults just because I wanted to know how to buy the manga?
As I mentioned before, I begged my dad and thanks to that I was able to support Aoki-sensei by buying all the manga. I don't know Japanese or any other language but I think many of us can buy a volume a month, the youngest of us depend on our parents but adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more Where are they?

But most ppl not everyone of course, when they found it in a language they understand or even their own, the majority won’t bother buying it, that’s why those illegal translations are  harmful to the author. 
I had made an official request to both Aoki sensei and coro coro to share non profit my translations of all manga in both English and Spanish, but until I get an official response I won’t be publishing the volumes for neither, bakuten and rising. I even have in digital format and already translated chapter 16 but I can’t share until I get official approval

I think Marutti was mistaken you as illegal translations and 'start to blame' people who can't read Japanese properly. Same as I've mistaken you at first, but now I understand your points. 

I agree, illegal translations are harmful to authors and artists. I think you've did right thing to request your translations to official parties (Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki). You did great job to request them with your hardwork.
(Mar. 04, 2021  4:45 AM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 01, 2021  8:14 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]Why you can't read Japanese?
Because you gave up before try to study.
In Japanese we say to people like you "If you afraid to lose and give up you don't have chance to win."

Sorry to say, but I think you should know about other perspectives than your only perspectives, before you judge other people with your views.

Gave up before try to study? You've judged who couldn't read Japanese properly as you or another Japanese readers. 

Not everyone has priviledge(s) to learn Japanese. Priviledge can be time or money. 

"Maybe they're lazy to learn Japanese and not try enough to learn about it", no. It isn't just about that. I think you should survey and understanding more about Beyblade communities outside WBO about their problems to learn Japanese properly. 

I think why Rising manga would end soon isn't because of illegal reading, since CoroCoro Aniki is focused more to Japanese readers. But, as you've said, because CoroCoro Aniki changed its format to digital only.

(Feb. 28, 2021  11:41 PM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]But most ppl not everyone of course, when they found it in a language they understand or even their own, the majority won’t bother buying it, that’s why those illegal translations are  harmful to the author. 
I had made an official request to both Aoki sensei and coro coro to share non profit my translations of all manga in both English and Spanish, but until I get an official response I won’t be publishing the volumes for neither, bakuten and rising. I even have in digital format and already translated chapter 16 but I can’t share until I get official approval

I think Marutti was mistaken you as illegal translations and 'start to blame' people who can't read Japanese properly. Same as I've mistaken you at first, but now I understand your points. 

I agree, illegal translations are harmful to authors and artists. I think you've did right thing to request your translations to official parties (Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki). You did great job to request them with your hardwork.
 As far as I can see, the cooro ani will be the testing magazine to the digital format because of all the magazines it has it’s the less profitable, since it dis not sells as much as their others. 
The translations are not the problem, but the distribution since making it available in other languages free without permission ends up being harmful to both the author and the mgazine (no sells for the magazine means they can cancel publishing the series) 
As for the learning Japanese part I won’t comment on that, but I can say this, I have spent half my life learning the language and certifying myself and even now taking a course to properly translate and properly adapt manga, I started learning it thanks to bakuten, also thanks to Aoki sensei I started drawing and learning other languages (currently learning three new languages), I can say even if I am grateful for the official translation to Spanish back in 2007 it doesn’t compare to being able read and watch bakuten in it’s original language because there are things tou can’t adapt in translations so you have to change them
(Feb. 28, 2021  9:58 PM)Masterspin Wrote: [ -> ]I think one of the main problems is not buying the manga, not even translating it. I don't know about you. I have seen many manga that, thanks to an illegal translation, legal publication began and there have been two or three mangakas who even give thanks because it is because of them that we know manga in America. I think the main problem is the selfishness or the envy of the fans themselves, and I'm not talking about those who attack which saga is better, if not those who already know where and how to get it and do not support distributing that information, I understand that they It cost them work, but if the problem is that the mangaka is not supported, why not make that information public?
I know this is not the space but I confess that I am a 14-year-old boy who met bakuten through my parents (they don't like it but they told me about the first series). In my eagerness to find more information, I went to various groups and they know what I found? Adults in their 20s and 30s maybe older, being rude and attacking the youngest just "because the beyblade is their life." Does that really give them the right to restrict the information so much?
Aren't we all supposed to support the mangaka?
So why did a boy like me have to put up with the bulling of 3 adults just because I wanted to know how to buy the manga?
As I mentioned before, I begged my dad and thanks to that I was able to support Aoki-sensei by buying all the manga. I don't know Japanese or any other language but I think many of us can buy a volume a month, the youngest of us depend on our parents but adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more Where are they?

I love your views about this and I couldn't agree more. 

I'm sorry for being rude and Out Of Topic to pointing one of the most Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fandom's problem : Gatekeeping and being judgemental to other pereverence and views. 

"You aren't a true Beyblade fans if you don't have their toys!"

"Fangirls/fanboys are different than true Beyblade fans!"

"You have to know Bakuten Shoot Beyblade if you're Beyblade true fan. MFB and Burst are worse!"

"Japanese is easy! Why people couldn't understand that!?" 

Well, a lot of Beyblade fans appreciated Beyblade in different ways. No matter as they support Beyblade in legal ways (buying Beyblade toys, merchandises, manga (both in digital and/or physical manga), etc), as long as they've supported Beyblade in legal ways, are fine. 

I can understand both of Nekodarkitten and Marutti views. Marutti views are focused on Rising selling in pure legal ways and Nekodarkitten views are focused on how to help people who couldn't read Japanese and support to buy legal manga in the same time. 

I agree, Beyblade Rising informations are too limited. 

Marutti already pointed the reason about this : The publisher doesn't want Rising to beat Burst popularity and sales, since Rising is assumed to be supporting of Burst sales to allure older fans to have interest into Burst. 

Sadly, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade still has strong fanbase(s) and most of the fans just couldn't move on from it (yeah, same as me too). I know the translations cost is high. But.... too bad because Rising has chance to sells more for international fans.

"But adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more, where are they?"

This. Not everyone in Beyblade fandom is understand how to buy Beyblade manga (both online or offline). Not everyone have same informations and knowledges as us who know to buy Beyblade manga.

(Mar. 04, 2021  5:12 AM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 04, 2021  4:45 AM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry to say, but I think you should know about other perspectives than your only perspectives, before you judge other people with your views.

Gave up before try to study? You've judged who couldn't read Japanese properly as you or another Japanese readers. 

Not everyone has priviledge(s) to learn Japanese. Priviledge can be time or money. 

"Maybe they're lazy to learn Japanese and not try enough to learn about it", no. It isn't just about that. I think you should survey and understanding more about Beyblade communities outside WBO about their problems to learn Japanese properly. 

I think why Rising manga would end soon isn't because of illegal reading, since CoroCoro Aniki is focused more to Japanese readers. But, as you've said, because CoroCoro Aniki changed its format to digital only.

I think Marutti was mistaken you as illegal translations and 'start to blame' people who can't read Japanese properly. Same as I've mistaken you at first, but now I understand your points. 

I agree, illegal translations are harmful to authors and artists. I think you've did right thing to request your translations to official parties (Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki). You did great job to request them with your hardwork.
 As far as I can see, the cooro ani will be the testing magazine to the digital format because of all the magazines it has it’s the less profitable, since it dis not sells as much as their others. 
The translations are not the problem, but the distribution since making it available in other languages free without permission ends up being harmful to both the author and the mgazine (no sells for the magazine means they can cancel publishing the series) 
As for the learning Japanese part I won’t comment on that, but I can say this, I have spent half my life learning the language and certifying myself and even now taking a course to properly translate and properly adapt manga, I started learning it thanks to bakuten, also thanks to Aoki sensei I started drawing and learning other languages (currently learning three new languages), I can say even if I am grateful for the official translation to Spanish back in 2007 it doesn’t compare to being able read and watch bakuten in it’s original language because there are things tou can adapt in translations so you have to change them

Yes. I can understand what Marutti stated : CoroCoro Aniki fans are tempted to buy physical edition because bonuses. If CoroCoro Aniki changed their sales into digital only, fans who buy physical edition for bonuses wouldn't buy CoroCoro Aniki anymore. 

Yes, we have to support Aoki-sensei in legal ways, but I agree that distribution for legal translation is the problem. 

I also learned Japanese for years, but I can understand why people is struggled to learn Japanese and not everyone has priviledge to learn Japanese properly. Blame to people who couldn't learn Japanese isn't help to solve this problem. 

Beyblade is masterpiece and Aoki-sensei is amazing. I should admit that he changed a lot of Beyblade fans life 😊
If it's 20 or 30 years ago I don't say you didn't try to study.
But now you have enough money to study Japanese.
In front of you what is there? PC or Smartphone with internet.
You don't have time to study? What do you do now?
You do net sarfing.
Then you have money and time.
I'm sure Corocoro Aniki online will be failure.
Because a lot of people buy it for Kaijudo cards.
ebooks doesn't have card and sells number will decrease.
(Mar. 04, 2021  8:35 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]If it's 20 or 30 years ago I don't say you didn't try to study.
But now you have enough money to study Japanese.
In front of you what is there? PC or  Smartphone with internet.
You don't have time to study? What do you do now?
You do net sarfing.
Then you have money and time.
I'm sure Corocoro Aniki online will be failure.
Because a lot of people buy it for Kaijudo cards.
ebooks doesn't have card and sells number will decrease.

And you just focused on CoroCoro Aniki because of questionnaire instead to think that you can support Aoki-sensei with buying Rising tankoubon version too 😅

Yes, buying tankoubon version isn't get questionnaire, but at least it help Aoki-sensei to get more money and still legal. 

"But now you have enough money to study Japanese.
In front of you what is there? PC or  Smartphone with internet."

Ah yes, priviledged people with insensitive thought that never think other people shoes who doesn't have same priviledged as them and act highly to people who 'below' them. 

And if Beyblade Rising is decided to be discontinue, what we can do? If Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki is decided to that, I won't complain. Actually, I was expected that Beyblade Rising just for an oneshot or just a few chapters. Rising is survive until 16 chapters is surprised me and Aoki-sensei did great job until now. 

If Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki decided to discontinue Rising, I will respect them and accept that. At least, I'm happy to see Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fans still support Bakuten Shoot Beyblade until now, although in different ways. 
Learn Japanese is great, I admit it as I was learning Japanese too. But, instead blame Beyblade fans who can't read Japanese properly, I would be glad if Beyblade fans started to support Beyblade manga legally (buy physical manga and/or online version, CoroCoro Aniki and/or tankoubon version, old manga and/or Rising).
(Mar. 04, 2021  5:45 AM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 28, 2021  9:58 PM)Masterspin Wrote: [ -> ]I think one of the main problems is not buying the manga, not even translating it. I don't know about you. I have seen many manga that, thanks to an illegal translation, legal publication began and there have been two or three mangakas who even give thanks because it is because of them that we know manga in America. I think the main problem is the selfishness or the envy of the fans themselves, and I'm not talking about those who attack which saga is better, if not those who already know where and how to get it and do not support distributing that information, I understand that they It cost them work, but if the problem is that the mangaka is not supported, why not make that information public?
I know this is not the space but I confess that I am a 14-year-old boy who met bakuten through my parents (they don't like it but they told me about the first series). In my eagerness to find more information, I went to various groups and they know what I found? Adults in their 20s and 30s maybe older, being rude and attacking the youngest just "because the beyblade is their life." Does that really give them the right to restrict the information so much?
Aren't we all supposed to support the mangaka?
So why did a boy like me have to put up with the bulling of 3 adults just because I wanted to know how to buy the manga?
As I mentioned before, I begged my dad and thanks to that I was able to support Aoki-sensei by buying all the manga. I don't know Japanese or any other language but I think many of us can buy a volume a month, the youngest of us depend on our parents but adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more Where are they?

I love your views about this and I couldn't agree more. 

I'm sorry for being rude and Out Of Topic to pointing one of the most Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fandom's problem : Gatekeeping and being judgemental to other pereverence and views. 

"You aren't a true Beyblade fans if you don't have their toys!"

"Fangirls/fanboys are different than true Beyblade fans!"

"You have to know Bakuten Shoot Beyblade if you're Beyblade true fan. MFB and Burst are worse!"

"Japanese is easy! Why people couldn't understand that!?" 

Well, a lot of Beyblade fans appreciated Beyblade in different ways. No matter as they support Beyblade in legal ways (buying Beyblade toys, merchandises, manga (both in digital and/or physical manga), etc), as long as they've supported Beyblade in legal ways, are fine. 

I can understand both of Nekodarkitten and Marutti views. Marutti views are focused on Rising selling in pure legal ways and Nekodarkitten views are focused on how to help people who couldn't read Japanese and support to buy legal manga in the same time. 

I agree, Beyblade Rising informations are too limited. 

Marutti already pointed the reason about this : The publisher doesn't want Rising to beat Burst popularity and sales, since Rising is assumed to be supporting of Burst sales to allure older fans to have interest into Burst. 

Sadly, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade still has strong fanbase(s) and most of the fans just couldn't move on from it (yeah, same as me too). I know the translations cost is high. But.... too bad because Rising has chance to sells more for international fans.

"But adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more, where are they?"

This. Not everyone in Beyblade fandom is understand how to buy Beyblade manga (both online or offline). Not everyone have same informations and knowledges as us who know to buy Beyblade manga.

(Mar. 04, 2021  5:12 AM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ] As far as I can see, the cooro ani will be the testing magazine to the digital format because of all the magazines it has it’s the less profitable, since it dis not sells as much as their others. 
The translations are not the problem, but the distribution since making it available in other languages free without permission ends up being harmful to both the author and the mgazine (no sells for the magazine means they can cancel publishing the series) 
As for the learning Japanese part I won’t comment on that, but I can say this, I have spent half my life learning the language and certifying myself and even now taking a course to properly translate and properly adapt manga, I started learning it thanks to bakuten, also thanks to Aoki sensei I started drawing and learning other languages (currently learning three new languages), I can say even if I am grateful for the official translation to Spanish back in 2007 it doesn’t compare to being able read and watch bakuten in it’s original language because there are things tou can adapt in translations so you have to change them

Yes. I can understand what Marutti stated : CoroCoro Aniki fans are tempted to buy physical edition because bonuses. If CoroCoro Aniki changed their sales into digital only, fans who buy physical edition for bonuses wouldn't buy CoroCoro Aniki anymore. 

Yes, we have to support Aoki-sensei in legal ways, but I agree that distribution for legal translation is the problem. 

I also learned Japanese for years, but I can understand why people is struggled to learn Japanese and not everyone has priviledge to learn Japanese properly. Blame to people who couldn't learn Japanese isn't help to solve this problem. 

Beyblade is masterpiece and Aoki-sensei is amazing. I should admit that he changed a lot of Beyblade fans life 😊

I habe had the most terrible experience with so called fans I even had to close my fb account to get away from all the insults and horrible things the people who wanted EVERYTHING EASY AND FREE where doing to me

I’ll continue supporting as always legally and I will never approve illegal distribution. 

I’ve always known rising will end someday so I’ve been in a personal mission as fan of Aoki sensei to buy all his published work so far, not just bakuten so I’m just focusing on that until I get a response to know if I get the official permission to share what I’ve translated, so hopefully coro coro and Aoki sensei might response for my request until then I think I’ll keep my distance from commenting on that. I’ve already explained why it’s ilegal so I hope ppl can support Aoki sensei legally, that’s all
(Mar. 04, 2021  11:15 AM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 04, 2021  5:45 AM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]I love your views about this and I couldn't agree more. 

I'm sorry for being rude and Out Of Topic to pointing one of the most Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fandom's problem : Gatekeeping and being judgemental to other pereverence and views. 

"You aren't a true Beyblade fans if you don't have their toys!"

"Fangirls/fanboys are different than true Beyblade fans!"

"You have to know Bakuten Shoot Beyblade if you're Beyblade true fan. MFB and Burst are worse!"

"Japanese is easy! Why people couldn't understand that!?" 

Well, a lot of Beyblade fans appreciated Beyblade in different ways. No matter as they support Beyblade in legal ways (buying Beyblade toys, merchandises, manga (both in digital and/or physical manga), etc), as long as they've supported Beyblade in legal ways, are fine. 

I can understand both of Nekodarkitten and Marutti views. Marutti views are focused on Rising selling in pure legal ways and Nekodarkitten views are focused on how to help people who couldn't read Japanese and support to buy legal manga in the same time. 

I agree, Beyblade Rising informations are too limited. 

Marutti already pointed the reason about this : The publisher doesn't want Rising to beat Burst popularity and sales, since Rising is assumed to be supporting of Burst sales to allure older fans to have interest into Burst. 

Sadly, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade still has strong fanbase(s) and most of the fans just couldn't move on from it (yeah, same as me too). I know the translations cost is high. But.... too bad because Rising has chance to sells more for international fans.

"But adults who don't know they can buy manga online and like beyblade and who can support more, where are they?"

This. Not everyone in Beyblade fandom is understand how to buy Beyblade manga (both online or offline). Not everyone have same informations and knowledges as us who know to buy Beyblade manga.

Yes. I can understand what Marutti stated : CoroCoro Aniki fans are tempted to buy physical edition because bonuses. If CoroCoro Aniki changed their sales into digital only, fans who buy physical edition for bonuses wouldn't buy CoroCoro Aniki anymore. 

Yes, we have to support Aoki-sensei in legal ways, but I agree that distribution for legal translation is the problem. 

I also learned Japanese for years, but I can understand why people is struggled to learn Japanese and not everyone has priviledge to learn Japanese properly. Blame to people who couldn't learn Japanese isn't help to solve this problem. 

Beyblade is masterpiece and Aoki-sensei is amazing. I should admit that he changed a lot of Beyblade fans life 😊

I habe had the most terrible experience with so called fans I even had to close my fb account to get away from all the insults and horrible things the people who wanted EVERYTHING EASY AND FREE where doing to me

I’ll continue supporting as always legally and I will never approve illegal distribution. 

I’ve always known rising will end someday so I’ve been in a personal mission as fan of Aoki sensei to buy all his published work so far, not just bakuten so I’m just focusing on that until I get a response to know if I get the official permission to share what I’ve translated, so hopefully coro coro and Aoki sensei might response for my request until then I think I’ll keep my distance from commenting on that. I’ve already explained why it’s ilegal so I hope ppl can support Aoki sensei legally, that’s all

Tbh I'm often online on Facebook too, and see your names in a Facebook page (since I followed some Beyblade pages). I've seen some of your translations too. 

That's why I discussed about why no legal manga reader that provide legal translation for Beyblade manga (especially Rising). Actually, there's a lot of Beyblade fans has interest to buy legal Rising manga to support Beyblade, but they've lost interest to read them legally because no manga translation in legal manga provider and end up to rely too much to illegal translation. That isn't a good sign to see fans relied too much for illegal reading. 

I understand that translation cost and manga's popularities have impact to the demand of manga translations in legal manga readers. But it's nothing related to do with manga readers' Japanese languange ability. Blame them for their inability aren't right thing to do. 

Sadly, there's also a lot Beyblade fans who want to read manga translation with easily and freely without any effort to buy them, although there's many ways to buy them in digital or physically. It isn't your fault to translate them, but it's their fault who have tried to take advantage with your translate.

I've bought Rising manga and read by myself since I can read Japanese (although I'm still far from perfect). But I support you because I can understand your mission and your effort to contact Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki.

I also wish same thing as you, I wish there's manga legal translation from official release, so Beyblade fans who have interest to read legal manga with legal translation can buy it and support Beyblade manga properly.
(Mar. 04, 2021  1:03 PM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 04, 2021  11:15 AM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]I habe had the most terrible experience with so called fans I even had to close my fb account to get away from all the insults and horrible things the people who wanted EVERYTHING EASY AND FREE where doing to me

I’ll continue supporting as always legally and I will never approve illegal distribution. 

I’ve always known rising will end someday so I’ve been in a personal mission as fan of Aoki sensei to buy all his published work so far, not just bakuten so I’m just focusing on that until I get a response to know if I get the official permission to share what I’ve translated, so hopefully coro coro and Aoki sensei might response for my request until then I think I’ll keep my distance from commenting on that. I’ve already explained why it’s ilegal so I hope ppl can support Aoki sensei legally, that’s all

Tbh I'm often online on Facebook too, and see your names in a Facebook page (since I followed some Beyblade pages). I've seen some of your translations too. 

That's why I discussed about why no legal manga reader that provide legal translation for Beyblade manga (especially Rising). Actually, there's a lot of Beyblade fans has interest to buy legal Rising manga to support Beyblade, but they've lost interest to read them legally because no manga translation in legal manga provider and end up to rely too much to illegal translation. That isn't a good sign to see fans relied too much for illegal reading. 

I understand that translation cost and manga's popularities have impact to the demand of manga translations in legal manga readers. But it's nothing related to do with manga readers' Japanese languange ability. Blame them for their inability aren't right thing to do. 

Sadly, there's also a lot Beyblade fans who want to read manga translation with easily and freely without any effort to buy them, although there's many ways to buy them in digital or physically. It isn't your fault to translate them, but it's their fault who have tried to take advantage with your translate.

I've bought Rising manga and read by myself since I can read Japanese (although I'm still far from perfect). But I support you because I can understand your mission and your effort to contact Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki.

I also wish same thing as you, I wish there's manga legal translation from official release, so Beyblade fans who have interest to read legal manga with legal translation can buy it and support Beyblade manga properly.

The first bakuten manga released with an official translation to Spanish in 2007 but it was cancelled because ppl didn’t buy it, they pushed 12 out of 14 volumes. 

The publisher eventually closed and now there’s a new one and fans have asked for bakuten and burst manga but the new publisher have already stated that they won’t spend a cent in bringing it since 1 it was cancelled back in the day for bad sell numbers and 2 because ppl are already reading then for free so they have no desire to spend money and resources to bring something ppl is already reading for free and won’t bother buying it; that’s why I asked for permission to share mine and of course it’ll be non profit for me since I’m not doing it for money, I just want to help Aoki sensei reach both Spanish and English readers, But I don’t know if either of them, Aoki sensei and coro coro, will reply
(Mar. 04, 2021  3:38 PM)nekodarkkitten Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 04, 2021  1:03 PM)SleepingTsuyoi Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh I'm often online on Facebook too, and see your names in a Facebook page (since I followed some Beyblade pages). I've seen some of your translations too. 

That's why I discussed about why no legal manga reader that provide legal translation for Beyblade manga (especially Rising). Actually, there's a lot of Beyblade fans has interest to buy legal Rising manga to support Beyblade, but they've lost interest to read them legally because no manga translation in legal manga provider and end up to rely too much to illegal translation. That isn't a good sign to see fans relied too much for illegal reading. 

I understand that translation cost and manga's popularities have impact to the demand of manga translations in legal manga readers. But it's nothing related to do with manga readers' Japanese languange ability. Blame them for their inability aren't right thing to do. 

Sadly, there's also a lot Beyblade fans who want to read manga translation with easily and freely without any effort to buy them, although there's many ways to buy them in digital or physically. It isn't your fault to translate them, but it's their fault who have tried to take advantage with your translate.

I've bought Rising manga and read by myself since I can read Japanese (although I'm still far from perfect). But I support you because I can understand your mission and your effort to contact Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki.

I also wish same thing as you, I wish there's manga legal translation from official release, so Beyblade fans who have interest to read legal manga with legal translation can buy it and support Beyblade manga properly.

The first bakuten manga released with an official translation to Spanish in 2007 but it was cancelled because ppl didn’t buy it, they pushed 12 out of 14 volumes. 

The publisher eventually closed and now there’s a new one and fans have asked for bakuten and burst manga but the new publisher have already stated that they won’t spend a cent in bringing it since 1 it was cancelled back in the day for bad sell numbers and 2 because ppl are already reading then for free so they have no desire to spend money and resources to bring something ppl is already reading for free and won’t bother buying it; that’s why I asked for permission to share mine and of course it’ll be non profit for me since I’m not doing it for money, I just want to help Aoki sensei reach both Spanish and English readers, But I don’t know if either of them, Aoki sensei and coro coro, will reply

Actually this situation was similiar with my country publisher. The original Bakuten Shoot Manga was published to 13 volumes and they never released the last volume (vol. 14). Sadly, because lack of buyer interest into Beyblade manga and lack of sales too. 

Now in my country, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fandom is really small and couldn't compared with the past of fanbase. Even Burst fandom isn't really big in my country, as I compared with other kids anime. 

I can understand about feeling to help English, Spanish, and another languanges' readers to read Beyblade manga and support them to buy the manga at the same time. I wish Aoki-sensei and CoroCoro Aniki would appreciate your effort someday. 

If first original and Rising manga would get official translation, I wish they would sell it to popular legal manga platform such as Bookwalker, Amazon Kindle, etc. I'm not sure if this would be happened, but it would be good if international Beyblade fans would buy translated manga legally.
🎃I want to say something but marutii can feel offended
No offense 🎃😂😁
And I am really serious 🙂
In Japan questionnaire result is most important.
Because if they don't get good result in questionnaire, Publisher will make author stop to serialised.
if it's stop they'll not sell Tankobon.
And buying beyblade toy or Marchandise will help for TT or Marchandise company but not work to Shogakukan.
For example, Boruto, D-grayman and World Trigger was really popular comic on weekly Jump but, they couldn't get good result in questionnaire and Shueisha make them transfer to other magazine.
Then anyone don't know what's happen to these comic in Japan.
Sounds cool
And one of your misunderstanding is Japanese government didn't deside make copy right law more strictly.
"USA" government which is controlled by disney force Japanese government make copy right law Strictly.
If you complain Japanese copy right law. Ask your government why do you force it to Japanese government.
(Mar. 06, 2021  4:29 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]And one of your misunderstanding is Japanese government didn't deside make copy right law more strictly.
"USA" government which is controlled by disney force Japanese government make copy right law Strictly.
If you complain Japanese copy right law. Ask your government why do you force it to Japanese government.

I won't complain Japanese copyright since I'm not from "USA". 

I don't think the cause of main problem is only from new copyright law, but most of Japan companies are still applied Sakaku system --even before new copyright law was applied. Sakaku system makes most of business and companies just focused on popularity and sales in Japan but not really see how potential of international popularity and sales'. Japanese are tends to make their products for international buyers after their products are super popular and have very high sales in Japan, although their products are already popular before they launch their product officially to international buyers. 

I'm sorry for being OOT, but look at Japan and S. Korea. Both of them are East Asia countries and 'under' USA, and Japanese pop culture are very popular before hallyu wave were coming around the world. But later, Hallyu wave were coming and getting more popular than Japanese pop culture. S. Korea already has oriented to international sells and popularities, and Japan still focused on just Japan sells and popularities. 

Sakaku system has effect for region locks for almost all of Japanese contents to other international regions. It's already happened before long time Japanese copyright law and still happen for a lot of Japan contents. 

So, does copyright law has affect to Japan contents' distributions? Yes, but not much as their Sakaku system effect that they applied since long time ago. Luckily, some of Japanese companies start to open themselves to international sales and popularities, releasing their products and contents to international regions in the same time as Japan release, and less region locks for international regions. Although most of Japan companies still use Sakaku system, but now it's better. Just wait they will more open to international regions since change a system would need long time.

(Mar. 06, 2021  4:06 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]In Japan questionnaire result is most important.
Because if they don't get good result in questionnaire, Publisher will make author stop to serialised.
if it's stop they'll not sell Tankobon.
And buying beyblade toy or Marchandise will help for TT or Marchandise company but not work to Shogakukan.
For example, Boruto, D-grayman and World Trigger was really popular comic on weekly Jump but, they couldn't get good result in questionnaire and Shueisha make them transfer to other magazine.
Then anyone don't know what's happen to these comic in Japan.

I think if Aoki-sensei finished Rising Manga for 1 or 2 chapters from the latest chapter, CoroCoro Aniki still released Rising tankoubon since it wouldn't be affected from CoroCoro Aniki online version sales. It's safer option and won't risk more than if Aoki-sensei still release his Rising after CoroCoro Aniki version released. 

As you've stated, CoroCoro Aniki will stop physical manga book release and I guess it would be affected to all mangas that released in CoroCoro Aniki, not only Rising. I remember that you've stated that most mangakas don't like CoroCoro Aniki online release, so probably they would end their manga serializations in the last of CoroCoro Aniki physical manga edition or in 1 or 2 chapters after online sells happened. 

I don't mean to be ignorant to Rising, Aoki-sensei, or CoroCoro Aniki conditions. But if CoroCoro Aniki stop release the physical manga, it would have effect on all of their mangas, not only Rising. 

About people buying toys and merchandises, I think it's fans preferences. Not everyone in Beyblade fanbases are focused on manga and anime adaptation release. As long as they buy toys, merchandises, mangas, and other products legally, I wouldn't complain about this.

(Mar. 05, 2021  6:46 PM)garv.lohmror Wrote: [ -> ]🎃I want to say something but marutii can feel offended
No offense 🎃😂😁
And I am really serious 🙂

I feel this too, actually. I can understand both of Japanese and International sides, but Marutti is too focused on Japanese side and blame international fans as they aren't enough to support Beyblade. 

Fans have different ways to support what they like and not everyone would take my ways or Marutti ways to support Beyblade. It's all about preferences and fans capabilities to support Beyblade.
Actually your way to cheer doesn't work well to Manga.
In Japan, toy is toy, Anime and manga is anime and manga.
For example Bakuten remake manga continued until now and they also sell remake beys. Because both of them are popular.
But, MFB comic finished only 1 Chapter because anyone didn't request to continue in that questionnaire. But toy is still popular and continue selling remake.
If you want to cheer toy you need buy toy, if you want to cheer Manga you need to buy magazine and send questionnaire and buy Tankobon.

And other reason they don't release Japanese comic in forighen country is protect comic wrighter in your country too.
If only Japanese comic sell well and if your country comic will not sell well what'll happen to your country?
(Mar. 06, 2021  11:43 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]Actually your way to cheer doesn't work well to Manga.
In Japan, toy is toy, Anime and manga is anime and manga.
For example Bakuten remake manga continued until now and they also sell remake beys. Because both of them are popular.
But, MFB comic finished only 1 Chapter because anyone didn't request to continue in that questionnaire. But toy is still popular and continue selling remake.
If you want to cheer toy you need buy toy, if you want to cheer Manga you need to buy magazine and send questionnaire and buy Tankobon.

And other reason they don't release Japanese comic in forighen country is protect comic wrighter in your country too.
If only Japanese comic sell well and if your country comic will not sell well what'll happen to your country?

Dear Marutti, I think you have to understand that Japanese fans and international fans have (almost) totally DIFFERENT WAYS to support their favorites. 

I'm not trying to be rude to Japanese based fans as you and still respect to their opinions, but I think you should understand international fans' conditions too before blatantly blamed them as 'not enough to cheering Beyblade contents'. 

If Japanese fans are more loyal and royal to their favorites (I've seen a lot of Japanese fans make great altars to their favorite characters with a lot of amount of merchandises), being full dedicated fans. It's different to international fans who tends to focused more to what they prefer more (toys/merchandises/animanga/game/etc). 

If international fans are more dedicated to just one or some things to Japanese contents/products, it doesn't mean that they are not dedicated fans. That's why I've talked about (international) fans preferences. 

I know about MFB manga situation, I also know about 'toy is toy' , 'manga is manga', and 'merchandise is merchandise' things in Japan since I'm being a weeb for very long time and you've explained these before. 

Most of international fans conditions are different than Japanese fans, so I couldn't blame international fans to choose one or some things and 'not being dedicated' as Japanese fans. 

Most of international fans can't buy CoroCoro Aniki and/or Japanese tankoubon version for some reasons :

1. Languange barrier.
2. Lack of education to buy legal animanga. 
3. Limit of money resources. 
4. Although they want to buy CoroCoro Aniki and tankoubon version and have enough money, they prefer more to spend their money into toys more. For international fans, buying Beyblade toys from Japan stores are much expensive because of taxes and import costs. 
5. Not every countries nor every fans have access to buy Japanese products. 
6. If the readers are minors, they can't buy Japanese products easily as they aren't financially independent.

International fans are tends too depending on illegal readings/translations because all of these conditions. This is wrong to be depended on illegal readings/translations. So, to minimalize illegal reading/translations, it would be easier if publishers release legal translations for their mangas in accessible places to buy and read manga.

"But it isn't support enough because they don't buy CoroCoro Aniki for questionnaire". Yes. But seeing most of International fans' situations and conditions, I can't force them to buy CoroCoro Aniki as you and I wanted. We also can't stop piracy for 100%, but at least probably it would be increase more people to read manga legally and still better than seeing most of international Beyblade fans being too depended on illegal reading/translations because languange barrier. 

This is why I have totally different opinions than you. You're more focused to continuity of Beyblade Rising throughout of questionnaire in CoroCoro Aniki, and me is focused more on international fans situations and their tends to read illegal readings and/or translations because of languange barriers and limited distributions. 

And are you trying to say "if your comic isn't sell well comic in your country, you can't sell it to international fans". No. Actually if the comics aren't sell well in my country, the artists from my country is sell it to international readers (since international markets are wider than my country markets). I see a lot of artists from my countries isn't popular in my country, but they're getting more popular with more incomes in international markets. 

Most of Japan companies should realize, in globalization era, they can't forever to be too depended on only Japanese markets. They can't deny globalization effects forever. I think, this is great step to them to open more to international markets. 

And dear Marutti, I'm sorry if I being rude on you since I don't mean to disrespect and hurt everyone in WBO or Japanese side. But, since our discussion and debate won't end, I should say that I have to agree to disagree to your arguments
...everyone has there own point of view ....marutii cannot understand because he is not from foreign ...marutii brother you cannot understand the situation...because you are from Japan and everything his easy for you ..and you think that same is the case for others ..but it isn''s okay .?because if I would be there in place of marutti may be I also couldn't understand
(Mar. 06, 2021  6:42 PM)garv.lohmror Wrote: [ -> ]...everyone has there own point of view ....marutii cannot understand because he is not from foreign ...marutii brother you cannot understand the situation...because you are from Japan and everything his easy for you ..and you think that same is the case for others ..but it isn''s okay .?because if I would be there in place of marutti may be I also couldn't understand

This. You have great view to explain about why Marutti and me debated for long replies. 

It isn't Marutti's fault at full place, nor Nekodarkitten, other WBO members, you, and me. It's all about perspectives. 

Actually, since I'm a weeb for very long time, I can understand that Japanese fans and international fans are almost totally different for many things. 

What I disagree from Marutti (well, this is my perspective as an international fan), he/she keep blamed international fans for couldn't read Japanese properly and also blamed international fans for being 'not dedicated enough' as Japanese fans.  

I can understand Marutti just want to serve 'cold truth' with Japanese fans perspective, but he/she isn't totally understand about most of international fans conditions that totally in different situations than Japanese fans and international fans who can buy CoroCoro Aniki without a lot struggle to buy this. 

And this is why I've said that Marutti has more priviledged to live in Japan than international fans who can't afford to live in Japan. This is also the reason why International fans are more tolerable to fans stuffs and activities than Japanese fans. 

International fans are struggled with buying Japanese stuffs because of their languange barrier, currencies, taxes, import costs, financial situations, and access to buy Japanese stuffs. Not all international fans are priviledged to buy Japanese stuffs easily. 

I know a lot of international fans are doing bad things such as piracy things without supporting the creators. But, not all international fans agree about piracy and a lot of them are againist piracy too. 

For International Beyblade fans, what I see most of them are troubled with languange barrier and access to buy physical books. This is why I started to discuss about legal translations. So, for international fans who can't buy  and afford physical books, they can read the manga with legal translation instead being too depended on illegal reading. 

"But it can't help the continuation of Rising?" 

Actually I'm not talking about that since the start of discussion. I'm talking about how to increase international fans to read manga legally as being more accessible for them to buy and read manga. 

This is probably not perfect as not buying CoroCoro Aniki or physical tankoubon book, but at least it's helped to international fans who has limited situations to not depend on illegal reading. 

If Marutti wants to see how this topic is started, it's started from international fans who can't buy physical books, so we ends up to discuss about how international fans can read manga legally without languange barrier and at more accessible platforms.
Because in Japan if we want to read forighen comic, we study. If we want some forighen products we import