World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade: Rising (Manga)
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Whoa, is that Doge?!
(Mar. 13, 2017  3:45 PM)C a o S³ Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, these scenes are what I'm talking about. In addition there is the cat (probably the same from the episode four) when Kai learn how to use Dranzer MS.
Yep, ep.46, same building and same cat as ep.4!

just tweeted

Here is the cover for tomorrow's issue... I have no idea what it says, tho?
It just talks about the Driger S recolour... I saw the cover previously, I would have posted it if it had anything interesting.
(Mar. 14, 2017  2:29 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It just talks about the Driger S recolour... I saw the cover previously, I would have posted it if it had anything interesting.
Hmhm, they said that today they'd tweet with "exclusive news" yesterday, so I thought I could share what they posted even if I don't understand a single thing yet ;3; sorry.
Apparently the synopsis for the new chapter of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Rising is that Rei and Takao battle "for an important friend". That sounds weird though.

By the way, Siliva and I are once again going to scanlate it super quickly, as we did in the past for the other chapters. You could hopefully expect something by the beginning of next week, if my copy arrives before the weekend.
(Mar. 14, 2017  8:52 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Apparently the synopsis for the new chapter of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Rising is that Rei and Takao battle "for an important friend". That sounds weird though.
Eh? What does that even mean o.ò when should your copy arrive?
As I mentioned, technically it should arrive before the weekend, but we also have canceled flights right now due to what to a "snow storm" that is not even so bad at the moment.
inb4 "r d translates dun yet" posts

Unrelated, but I hope we see Max battle soon. Until now it's only been Takao (of course), Rei, and Kai. Is Max versus Takao too far fetched? It's not the end of the world if it never happens, but it's weird to me. :P
May be Dark Series will come. Kyoju developed Dark Draciel in comic and Driger become Darkness Driger for destroy Dark Draciel.

Thank you for the pictures. It looks like Kai is not even part of this chapter at all? And that that synopsis was completely wrong: the battle is mostly Takao versus Max, and then Rei comes in for some reason and his Driger S becomes the black version, Darkness Driger, for some other odd reason?
(Mar. 15, 2017  1:00 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the pictures. It looks like Kai is not even part of this chapter at all? And that that synopsis was completely wrong: the battle is mostly Takao versus Max, and then Rei comes in for some reason and his Driger S becomes the black version, Darkness Driger, for some other odd reason.
It's started from Takao vs Max. Max lose and feel down. Then Kyoju with came new Driver.
And That driver makes Draciel to Darkness Draciel.
Darkness Draciel is very dengerous Bey and Takao try to make it stop but, it's enough only Dragoon power.
And Rei try to help Takao and try to stop Draciel.
Darkness power is infected to Draiger.
Driger become Darkness Driger and destroy Draciel.
so rei is just kind of ok with the darkness infecting driger

what kind of v-force plot contrivance is this
How did a bitbeast lacking person like Kenny manage to conjure up "dark" powers anyway? Did he get the part from an unaddressed package or something?

You will see it in the scans later this week anyway, but here is a clean picture of the cover for this chapter:

[Image: Bakuten_Shoot_Beyblade_Rising_3rdchapcover.jpg]

Clearly this chapter exists just to promote "Darkness Driger"... So we got that recolour just so that TAKARA-TOMY would have an occasion to promote the white Dragoon S they released out of nowhere without telling anybody while the Beyblade Bar was open, and on top of that correlation, the chapter's sole existence depends on the recolour that exists only for the white Dragoon S's purpose...
To be fair, beyblade was always about advertising, this isn't the worst I've seen. (Need I bring up that ep 21 angle compass scene again?) I will say that this is not a good way to debut Draciel, in my honest opinion.
Oh okay, so that's who the "special friend" is. Max.
I'm confused, tho..... what in the world is going on? =_=

1) How is Kyouju, from the "good" side, able to create a "dark" driver?
2) How is Rei-kun okay with a dark power WITHIN HIS DRIGER?
3) Why is it always Max being kicked in the rear? (Nah, kidding, we all know why :C)
4) Where is Kai?? (Though considering last chapter, he's probably too busy working to hang out with them anyway)
5) IS THIS OVER YET!?! ;AAA; What does it say at the end? Is there a date for an eventual next chapter? NONONONONONONONONONONO

From a logical storytelling perspective, there is no reasonable way this could be considered as a continuity to the original, they gotta be kidding... okay, Beyblade's always been more or less about the product's advertising -- it all starts from TakaraTomy, moving to CoroCoro for a manga support series, and then eventually to an animation studio for an anime counterpart -- but... OTL
Random modern technology, Burst blades coming out of nothing, OOC characters, more inconsistencies... this is awkward D:

The only good note is that now we know Charlotte's mom is Judy alright.
At least our blond cinnamon roll's family situation seems to be stable. Yay...?

(Mar. 15, 2017  4:18 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Clearly this chapter exists just to promote "Darkness Driger"... So we got that recolour just so that TAKARA-TOMY would have an occasion to promote the white Dragoon S they released out of nowhere without telling anybody while the Beyblade Bar was open, and on top of that correlation, the chapter's sole existence depends on the recolour that exists only for the white Dragoon S's purpose...
At this point, this sounds like the most plausible option... I hope you're right :/
In next issu new chapter or Information will come.
9th issue 2017 June 15th
(Mar. 16, 2017  9:49 AM)marutti Wrote: [ -> ]In next issu new chapter or Information will come.
9th issue 2017 June 15th

Very great news. Thank you so much! ^^
Just an update: the pages are mostly all ready, but Siliva is rightfully busy this weekend, therefore the final product might only be delivered at the beginning of next week.

However, in the mean time, this page seems to say that Bakuten Shoot Beyblade's anime has a chance of being revived thanks to CoroCoro's 40th anniversary special projects. It could be nothing longer than one OVA, not an actual full anime, but still, they are considering it for sure. And since the other characters next to Takao are really not as hyped or even well-known, I think we have a good probability.
[Image: BakutenShootRising_animerevival2.jpg]

If we even get just one episode of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade (Rising), that would be great. Speaking of which; are you able to specify if it would be Rising getting a special (taking place after G-Rev), or would it continue with HMS (basically continuing G-Rev)?

Hyped either way!
Interesting. Would they use their Burst versions of their Beys? Maybe... Thing is, that's good news. Let's hope for the best. Smile
Thanks, Kai-V! Grin
Um wow, I did not expect this, it sounds like one of those "ideas good on paper" type of thing. I'm just hoping this possible anime revival doesn't happen around when Burst is happening because that will just ruin Burst if you ask me. I can tell that this possibly revived anime would be met with mixed reception, with some loving the fact the anime came back at all and some hating it for not "getting what made the original good" or how it isn't following the last series before it exactly.

Thanks for the news.
I quote Jinbee.
Anyway, Kai-V, what you said is not true: these characters are very well known in Japan, and they two in the middle are actually part of a reboot going on for quite a while on CoroCoro Aniki!
Sure, I have seen them in previous CoroCoro Aniki issues, but in terms of which series has the biggest following and ultimately would bring the most profit, I do not know...