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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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figured out what to use! mix of real and fake parts! i will describe the fake parts.

Hurricane DragoonR TY105 MF

DragoonR-?(probobly will be based off the Kid Dragoon AR)
Hurricane-Has 4 wings. 2 for upper attack and 2 for lower attack. This allows for a devestating attack combo and power. L spin. Used with DragoonR only
TY100-Typhoon 105 is the 105height, but is wider and heavier, and takes a similar shape to that of the original blade base and spin gear in certain aspects

Inferno DranzerR 100 HF/S
Inferno-Right spin version of Hurricane.
Flare100-same as TY105 but at 100 height

Tsunami DracielR GB145 WMB
WMB-Wide version of metal ball performance tip

Mystic DrigerR S125 ???
Slash 125 - Same as TY105 and FL100 but at the 125 height
Isn't this simply speculation now/
Quote:Hurricane-Has 4 wings. 2 for upper attack and 2 for lower attack.

Lol, I'd like to see that work in a real battle.
And why don't you just make these beys then ? =P
(Oct. 13, 2010  10:20 AM)momiji manju Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't this simply speculation now/

Yes, completely.

There's not much to discuss now, but do not post invented parts. Use the Your Creations Forum for that.
id love to see a few hasbro exclusives in regard to this topic!!
I would like to see Starta Dragoon MS and Wolborg MS being remade into the MFB series of beyblades if not pre-HWS
strata dragoon ms would be pretty sick.
I don't think they should make Clear wheels of the old plastics like Earth Draciel. Because really thats just ruining beyblade metal fusion/fight. I think they should bring out Pre HWS wheels of the old beys. For example:

Dragoon 90 XF
Dranzer DF145 CS
Draciel ED145/GB145 WD
Driger LW105 MF

I chose them parts from instinct.
nah..i dont agree at all...plastics should remain as it own sinde they have hms series...just stick mfb with constellation and plastics/hms with woud be a mess if plastics being remake into mfb..
e.g:dranzer,a phoenix being into mfb..which has no relation at all with contellation..
unless they are made as limited edition...
(Jun. 02, 2011  1:25 PM)SAMKUL95 Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to see Starta Dragoon MS and Wolborg MS being remade into the MFB series of beyblades if not pre-HWS

Strata dragoon ms was a terrible bey with no useful parts at all.

If you really wanted you could create your own recolours from MFB parts. Here are mine:


Lightning L Drago LW105LRF


Burn Pheonix(blue one) 145 CS


Counter (not figured out clear wheel) GB145MB


Thermal leone/wolf 125MF(closest thing to Metal change core that we have)
I mentioned Starta Dragoon MS because I thought that it was my first I realize it was Strata Dragoon V...maybe it wont have any useful parts but for me..that is one bey I want to see in MFB because it reminds me of my first bey
I think a MFB Gaia Dragoon would be useless considering the only useful part of the whole series: Metal Flat has already been released. All the other parts in the Gaia Dragoon blades sucked badly.
As much as I'd love to see this happen, it wouldn't fit in with the overall theme of MFB. So, realistically, this shouldn't be done.

But, out of pure selfishness, I'd like to see a "Sacred Beasts" line made. Just one version of each, much like Hasbro's Legend Series.
There is logic that they could use if Takara were going to remake old school beys:

Dragoon could just be a white recolour and LRF
Dranzer could be a blue recolour with F;S
Driger could have a H145 (?) recolour and MF
Draciel could have Rock ____GB145 (as said before) and MB
Personally, I'd want at least new plastic wheels if this were to be done. With what you suggest, only real difference would be colours and sticker sheets.
(Jun. 02, 2011  3:35 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: [ -> ]There is logic that they could use if Takara were going to remake old school beys:

Dragoon could just be a white recolour and LRF
Dranzer could be a blue recolour with F;S
Driger could have a H145 (?) recolour and MF
Draciel could have Rock ____GB145 (as said before) and MB

Personally speaking, I think it'd be better if we would incorporate a better track for Dranzer, you know.... Its an awesome attack type!
I also agree with BeyFan.....
(Jun. 02, 2011  3:38 PM)BeyFan Wrote: [ -> ]Personally, I'd want at least new plastic wheels if this were to be done. With what you suggest, only real difference would be colours and sticker sheets.

also metal wheel with the beast's phoenix decoration on the metal wheel for dranzer..
bearing tip for wolborg cant use any tip released in mfb since wolborg would be specialised in bearing..
(Jun. 02, 2011  3:38 PM)BeyFan Wrote: [ -> ]Personally, I'd want at least new plastic wheels if this were to be done. With what you suggest, only real difference would be colours and sticker sheets.

I'd want the same, I'm just saying if Takara/ Hasbro wanted to make more money for only changing the colour of parts, this would be an idea.

Of course everyone would want completely new parts, I'm simply being ethical =_=
True! Really, the stickersheets should be changed, the beys should be recolored too! The parts, of course there should be new ones! Just think, Nelvana gives us a surprise, and an episode shows-
Team Gan Gan Galaxy meets former team The BladeBreakers!
Just imagine! Gingka vs Tyson! The very next day, TT announces the release of new beys from the old series!

EDIT: Just noticed that, the OP of this thread was created on my birthday! That also, a very special birthday- 10/10/10!
I wouldn't mind seeing a revamp of the Flash/Dark Leopard blades. The Gal- blades with their subrings could make for some interesting Wheel/Track combinations, too.
ive come up with some pretty interesting combos

Dragoon: Meteo L-Drago(Rush Ver.) SW145 RF

Draciel: Counter Aquario GB145 MB

Driger: Vulcan Lynx D125 MS

Dranzer: Killer Phoenix FConfused

Gaia Dragoon: Rock Gill H145 MF
(Jun. 02, 2011  2:33 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: [ -> ]I think a MFB Gaia Dragoon would be useless considering the only useful part of the whole series: Metal Flat has already been released. All the other parts in the Gaia Dragoon blades sucked badly.

I liked the sub attack rings, though V's was clearly better when on upside down.

: Why would Gaia be Rock? Surely Ray is a much better fit?
because i think rock looks more like gaia dragoon g/ms's sub attack ring.
Really? I thought Ray looked more like the Dragon Saucer and rock definitely doesn't fit in terms of play style.
well i guess... i still think rock is a better fit on theother hand if i was going to base it off of gaia dragoon v the combo would be hyper gill D125 MF.
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