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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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Different universe, seeing as the new universe claims that beyblades were always metal. Impossible. And plus, they'd all end in ties!
no they wouldnt! im sorry but tyson could kick gingkas carp!! kyoya and kai might be a different story though and kenta and benkei wouldnt stand a chance against max and rei!
(Jul. 25, 2011  11:51 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]no they wouldnt! im sorry but tyson could kick gingkas carp!! kyoya and kai might be a different story though and kenta and benkei wouldnt stand a chance against max and rei!

Looking at your username I would not be surprised you said that......
are you saying im biast?? because 1st of all the bladebreakers are just better bladers in general 2nd draciels water attacks would put out saggitarios fire attacks and benkeis pretty average and reis above average. i have reasons to back up my claim i wouldnt say something like that without evidence. now if you put tsubasa up against rei thatd be awesome rei might even loose and if you put masamune or yu up against max i think max would have a challenge on his hands.
(Jul. 25, 2011  11:14 PM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Different universe, seeing as the new universe claims that beyblades were always metal. Impossible.
I've been watching the old beyblade series. They said in one of the first episodes that the beyblades were made of an alloy.

(Jul. 25, 2011  8:25 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]i think giving it a separate metal wheel is kinda pointless imo
Really? Personally, I would like all new metal and plastic wheels if they were to ever do this. If a company were to do this (they won't), then not having new parts come out of it would mean they wouldn't sell very well, or at all. People could just see the combo and make it themselves with the part they already have XD

In saying that, there would be cases like Cyber Dragoon being made up of a part that exists and a part that could be made before a Cyber Dragoon is released.
Bleh, the MFB anime says that beyblades always looked the same, except for thousands of years ago when they were spinning rocks. (Pegasis and L-Drago)
i agree that if they do do this they should make new metal/clear wheels i was only saying it seemed pointless to give cyber dragoon a new metal wheel because the names already there same with thunder/flame pegasus you dont need to make new metal wheels for them or the dark series lol.
(Jul. 26, 2011  1:45 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Bleh, the MFB anime says that beyblades always looked the same, except for thousands of years ago when they were spinning rocks. (Pegasis and L-Drago)

The orginal series and new series take place in seperate but parrallel univeries and timelines that are the same but different. The difference being the very origin of Beyblade itself. However there are some overlaps (i.e. Blader DJ, although he is different from the original, awesomer Blader DJ, no offense to the current one, it is just that the Blader DJ we all know is way better)
That's EXACTLY what I was saying. There is NO possible, rational way that Dragoon and co. are even referenced Unless Hasbro tries it as a money grab.
Plastic should not go metal....
in the end they will all be metal...
(Jul. 26, 2011  3:02 AM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ] i agree that if they do do this they should make new metal/clear wheels i was only saying it seemed pointless to give cyber dragoon a new metal wheel because the names already there same with thunder/flame pegasus you dont need to make new metal wheels for them or the dark series lol.

True, names are taken.

As for the Dark Series, you have a good point. The plastics are all the same beys, just recoloured.
(Jul. 26, 2011  6:32 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]That's EXACTLY what I was saying. There is NO possible, rational way that Dragoon and co. are even referenced Unless Hasbro tries it as a money grab.

Why would it have to be Hasbro? Takara could decide to make them. Thing is, just because they make the beys doesn't mean that it has to lead to them appearing in the anime.
yeah IF tt or hasbro makes these beys that doesnt mean theyll appear in the manga or anime.
I'm expecting it'd be Hasbro as they do more stupid money grabbing gimmicks and sooner or later one of them has to be some good, right?

Either way though, you might get a tiny explanation as to how this throwback is(n't really) possible within the anime storyline inside the instructions or something but nothing more for sure.
Because it's Hasbro. Hasbro is more likely to give a nod to the older series, while TT won't, seeing as it's a different universe. Besides, Hasbro couldn't care less it it's in the anime, while TT will try to keep some continuity. Hasbro'll probably market it as a "Master Legends Set" or the "Warp Legends" or somethin'. Lat's face it, that's how Hasbro rolls. (Not saying it's not a good thing. I want a MFB Dragoon Storm.) Tempest Dragoon sounds like something Hasbro would do.
i agree with you hasbros more likley to do this id really like to see it though i think itd be awesome!
Storm Dragoon sounds a lot more something they'd do...
agreed! howd they make it left sin though?? i also feel like hasbro would take the really cheap route and just reuse old parts lol.
My thought was to flip the wheel and add small bumps and holes to restrict it to the one clear wheel.
A right spin friendly version of the Dragoon clear wheel would then be available via Cyber Dragoon.
thats a pretty sweet idea they could use the right spin ver. for gaia dragoon to. or strata dragoon cuz itll probably be released by hasbro lol
Ah yes, I thought of that too but forgot. Do you want me to repost all my ideas?
Or a left-spin Hyper/Aquario. That'd be more apt, would it not.
yes it would absolutely be mor apt.
In terms of shape it would be. In terms of name, not so much.

Anyway, here's my stuff again:

Basic Five:

Corrupted Versions:

Limited Edition:
I maintain on Hyper. It looks more like Reverse Dragon. (Dragoon S' AR) I also say that "limited Edition/corrupted" means useless competitively in this situation, no? Dark sucks, no matter how you split it.
Yeah and I maintain that some parts from already existing Beyblades will likely (only) be used if Hasbro thinks we are special little snowflakes.
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