World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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I still think L-Storm would be a good wheel for Dragoon.
im sorry but i still dont.
What about Galaxy Cyber Dragoon?
I think it would be cool if they did some kind of special editon like they did with the legend beys but make them the blade breaker's beys. They could even have some kind of special with the anime where the blade breakers battle Ginka and Co. I doubt it would ever happen but it would be epic. I would also love to have one of the old long dragon winders and grip that looks like the marksman grip for MFB.
what about cyber cyber dragoon... they already have a cyber wheel... no need to make cyber dragoon a seperate clear wheel... Tired honestly i think if you want to make customs use existing parts and stop speculating like use l-drago for dragoon, gill for gaia dragoon, Phoenix for dranzer, wolf for wolborg, aquilla for trygle aries and capricorn for uriel and gabriel leone for galeon, lynx for galux, orso for galzly its not that hard really i have a full list of customs i made myself
oh and lets not forget pegasus for thunder/flame pegasus... those are even real metal wheels so is torch if you wanna go by the american version of the original eg bey honestly guys i think you all have have ideas but if you want to see them in mfb form so badly just go out and make them and stop thinking about what ifs and could bes that probably wont ever happen im not trying to disrespect anyone here but everyones thinking so much about what ifs that theyre ignoring that alot of these beys can be made with current mfb parts or at least thats what it seems like to me.
(Jul. 25, 2011  5:03 AM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]honestly guys i think you all have have ideas but if you want to see them in mfb form so badly just go out and make them and stop thinking about what ifs and could bes that probably wont ever happen

So, lets close the thread then? If everyone does as you say, there is no point in this thread being around.

As for you idea of using existing part...I don't think we can make a Cyber Dragoon. Since you'd be using an L Drago PW, pretty sure it wouldn't fit on the Cyber MW.
or you could use cyber gill. and we dont have to close the thread but if your going to post customs i think they should be customs that use existing parts.
Why? It is pretty clear in the OP that people could want totally new parts to be made or make up a combo from pre-existing parts.

While some would want to make a combo and call it a Draciel, you can't come in and say that people who'd want to see new parts made can't post in this thread.
i never said they couldnt i just said that i think its a pointless thing to do people have the right to post whatever they want thats just MY opinion.
(Jul. 25, 2011  5:03 AM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]what about cyber cyber dragoon... they already have a cyber wheel... no need to make cyber dragoon a seperate clear wheel...

This I can agree with. Cyber isn't that far off from the Cyber Dragoon AR and it already has the name. Why use a new wheel when this one will do nicely?
I'm not so convinced on the idea of using current clear wheels though.
The Cyber Dragoon AR looks nothing like the Cyber metal wheel IMO.
Look at the AR:
Look at the Cyber wheel:
Sorry, I was thinking of Hyper for some reason.
I'm not well.
yeah i agree it looks like hyper but still i think giving it a separate metal wheel is kinda pointless imo but hey whatever floats your boat. and i agree it'd be nice to have new clear wheels for them but i have no issue using current ones as long as they corresponds with the original bit beast.
Hyper also really looks nothing like the Cyber Dragoon AR

[Image: Hyper_Aquario.jpg]

if/when we get to see old beyblades re-incoperated into HWS, they better have all new metal wheels and clear wheels. that said, they will probobly resemble the older beys, but im ok with that. I could make a custom out of pre-existing parts at home, put a sticker on it and call it draciel any time i wanted too. I would much rather see new parts, even if they werent top tier.

Refering back to a joke at the start of this topic...I want an MFB Bump King! =)
That would actually be pretty good, though S would still suck.
MFB Bump King would still have major balance issues, possibly even more so than the original.
The large blades would make it heavy but even the massive weight probably wouldn't save it.
hahaha!! bump king.
The only problems I would see with a MFB Bumpking are the same as the original Bumpking. The heavy weight of the AR (MW and CW) would be too heavy for the bey to keep proper balance. In addition the weight would lead to low solo spin times. that coupled with an S style tip leads to a very unstable beyblade. If Bumpking was an attacker, with a tip like SF or F, then it may be different. The only way MFB could essentialy "save" bumpking would be that the Metal Wheel would be made of...metal...and not extremly thin plastic that could break on a whim...although suprising my Bump King never broke to my memory...but Knight Dranzer....I had like 3 of those....the AR was like purple cheese =(
RF, man. The S would still be useless. Yeah...Knight Dranzer got broken by POLTA. Uncustomized at that!
It's not the weight that would make it unstable, it's the spread of the weight.
But regardless, it's got to have some type of...smash? I don't know. It's have S, but S sucks, so take it off. Now, if it was left-spin... THAT'S a different story.
(Jul. 25, 2011  8:41 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]if/when we get to see old beyblades re-incoperated into HWS, they better have all new metal wheels and clear wheels. that said, they will probobly resemble the older beys, but im ok with that. I could make a custom out of pre-existing parts at home, put a sticker on it and call it draciel any time i wanted too. I would much rather see new parts, even if they werent top tier.

Cyber on 125S would pretty much match the performance of Bump King (god the pun inside the name is retarded).......

Because we're not that special, the closest replica of Galleon that will ever happen would likely be Midnight Galleon-face Herculeo WA130SF.
Surely some free moving MW would suit galleon better?
It would, but I am trying to think realistically here....

Look, as generous as it was for Hasbro to make metal wheels from Pre-HWS compatible with clear wheels, they probably won't answer our wishes more than once unless they decide to bring a "WBBA" special editions to Metal Masters.
i would love to have tyson guest in a metal master episode. like a friendly battle but in a tournament both giving it there all kinda like yuu and ginka in battle bladers. pegasis vs dragoon = epicness
and leone vs dranzer, flame saggitario vs draciel, dark bull vs driger. most epic episode evar
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