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I have one. For Dragoon. First off, it would have a Clearwheel named Dragoon, that completly is made of rubber, like LDD, shaped like Dragoon MS's spikes. Then, the metal wheel called Talon, which is above the clearwheel, again like LDD, would be like Eight Spiker, Dragoon G's AR. Next, it would have LMLW100, which is a metal left wing the size of Talon, and then XLRF, which is a LRF but abit larger, like the difference of WF and XF. Talon Dragoon LMLW100LRF.
i like to make my combos out of existing parts.
Hyper does seem like a good fit for Gaia Dragoon V.
upsidedown Talon Dragoon: I doubt an entirely rubber clear wheel would fit onto the beyblade particularly well. Perhaps coating it entirely in that clear rubber that Aurora Ray Unicorno has would work. Also, I'd call the spin track WMLW or XMLW (wide or extreme instead of large). Seems like a nice bey but a bit over the top in terms of features.
Hey, guys, as a note to the five saint bitbeasts, each has a very specific gimmick:
Dragoon = left/rubber
Dranzer = Mode Change
Driger = "Metal Change" tip; changes "modes" like MFB's Metal Flat
Draciel = Metal Balls - on both the blade base and the tip. The only two that were exempt from metal tips are the original Draciel and Draciel V2.
Gaia/Strata Dragoon = Free Spinning subring with metal gimmicks from either Draciel or Driger (metal balls, metal change)
I'm pretty sure it would be awkward and unlike the original blade should you vary much further than that.
(Jun. 02, 2011 4:23 PM)Spinster Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't mind seeing a revamp of the Flash/Dark Leopard blades. The Gal- blades with their subrings could make for some interesting Wheel/Track combinations, too.
Scythe Kronos is supposed to have a free-spinning subring.
true unfortunately mfb doesnt really have any metal change tips so i decided to go with MS for driger on the other hand a good combo based on driger f i think would be hyper lynx AD145 MF and i tried to base my customs off of a mix between the shape and gimmicks of the five saint beast beyblades which is why i made gaia dragoon rock gill not sythe gill.
Wait, I forgot that Dragoon's never had rubber... why did I put in in mine? Wait, did they?
yes they did only a few dragoons did not have rubber tips (spin dragoon and dragoon g) i believe all the other dragoon beys had rubber tips someone please correct me is i am wrong
(Jun. 02, 2011 9:04 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]true unfortunately mfb doesnt really have any metal change tips so i decided to go with MS for driger on the other hand a good combo based on driger f i think would be hyper lynx AD145 MF and i tried to base my customs off of a mix between the shape and gimmicks of the five saint beast beyblades which is why i made gaia dragoon rock gill not sythe gill.
MF is exactly like Driger's BB

Driger has always had a focus on upper and smash. Hyper sucks for that. Beat would be the closest IMO
Shapes change from version to version, but gimmicks are consistent.
thats true i guess im still happy with my combos though

honestly im still new to the concepts of upper and smash and all those things im now 17 and i started playing when i was 9 so i really wasnt focused on that stuff as a kid obviously XD soo bey mechanics and dynamics are still a new concept to me since i only just got back into the game thanks to metal fusion.
(Jun. 02, 2011 9:07 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]only a few dragoons did not have rubber tips (spin dragoon and dragoon g)
And thus presumably Ultimate Dragoon, the Japan only left spin version of Spin Dragoon.
Anyway, I'd say that Gaia/Strata should be one metal wheel (with a free moving section) and that Spiral should be another (without), both with the Dragoon energy ring. One energy ring would be purple and the other light blue and they would spin in different directions (subtle difference). Or non-gaia dragoon could use a reversed version of the storm wheel, that'd be interesting.
IMO Gaia/Strata should be based off the Dragon Saucer sub attack ring and not the Dragon Breaker.
(Jun. 02, 2011 9:07 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ] yes they did only a few dragoons did not have rubber tips (spin dragoon and dragoon g) i believe all the other dragoon beys had rubber tips someone please correct me is i am wrong
OH, I thought you were talking about rubber on the wheels...
OH no dragoon only ever had rubber on its tip
Hell, I wonder why Dragoon didn't have rubber on it's wheel? I mean, out of nowhere, TT makes rubber on LSpins to help spinstealing, and there were about ten - fifteen LSpins before that!
i agree i like the way dragon saucer looks more than dragon breaker which i still say looks more like rock than ray... i think even counter or devine would look like dragon saucer more than rock or ray
i think its because TT is trying to differentiate the plastic gen left spin beys from the mfb left spin beys.
: F had a red plastic non-free moving sub attack ring. That should have either been free moving or (more preferably) rubber.
: They're all too chunky and down sloped but I don't think the way ray is split into 3 helps it fit either. Ideally we want something between Ray and Poison IMO.
I am all for it But No Earth Draciel any way there should be a training facility for Bladers Bu its just an opinion
So L-Storm wheel for Dragoon? Good idea or not?
i see your point something between ray and poison would be preferable.
So I've come up with some nearly complete ideas. These are not overly gimicky and use existing parts where they make sense in an attempt to stick to what might be plausible for Hasbro limited editions:
Storm L-Dragoon LW105XRF
Face Bolt: Sui (æ°´) - A light blue glowing water symbol on black.
Energy Ring: L-Dragoon - A near circular clear wheel with 4 evenly spaced small fins (like those of the old dragoons but not protruding as much) with ridges at their edges. A pearlised and transparent light blue with dark blue glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: L-Storm - Like the storm wheel but mirrored. This wheel is not painted and can only be used with the L-Dragoon Energy Ring due to two holes and two bumps that fit into similar bits on said ring.
Spin Track: L-Wing 105 - See Meteo L-Drago. Coloured similarly to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Extreme Rubber Flat - An extra wide Rubber Flat tip. It is not directional like R2F as this bey is a reference to the old days. The plastic is coloured similarly to the energy ring while the rubber is red.
Gaia/Strata R-Dragoon W105MF
Face Bolt: Kane (金) - A gold glowing metal symbol on black.
Energy Ring: R-Dragoon - Exactly the same shape as L-Dragoon but right spin and without the customisation limitation. A pearlised and transparent dark purple with gold glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Gaia/Strata - Based off the Ray wheel, this one is rather similar in shape but lacks the gaps between the three parts, though it still joins in 3 places, and the bumps protrude further. In short, it's like a thicker version of Gaia Dragoon MS' non-free sub attack ring. Again, it is unpainted.
Spin Track: Wing 105 - See Galaxy Pegasis. Coloured similarly to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Metal Flat - The same metal flat you'd find elsewhere. Unpainted.
Midnight Driger ???MSF
Face Bolt: Ki (?) - A light green glowing wood symbol on black.
Energy Ring: Driger - A near circular clear wheel with 2 evenly spaced tiger heads, facing leftwards. From the back of them sprout manes, smoothly joining them into the rest of the clear wheel. A pearlised and transparent dark gray with silver glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Midnight(2) - Like the existing Midnight wheel but not so uselessly light (another mold). Unpainted.
Spin Track: Unknown - Please Suggest. Coloured similarly to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Metal Semi Flat - A metal version of the Semi Flat tip.
Killer Dranser D125HF/MS
Face Bolt: Ka (ç«) - An orangey red glowing fire symbol on black.
Energy Ring: Dranser - A near circular clear wheel with 3 small blades on each side. The back two have ridged edges while the front is designed to look head like. A pearlised and transparent dark blue with bronze glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Killer - Like the existing Killer wheel. Unpainted.
Spin Track: Defense 125 - Nothing new but the colour. Coloured similarly to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Hole Flat/Metal Sharp - A Hole Flat/Sharp changing tip but with the "Sharp" part being made of metal. The plastic is coloured similarly to the energy ring.
Divine Draciel GB145MB
Face Bolt: To (?) - A purple glowing earth symbol on black.
Energy Ring: Draciel - A jagged clear wheel in a () sort of shape (2 points to it) to give the impression of a turtle shell. A pearlised and transparent green with black glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Divine - Like the existing Divine wheel but unpainted.
Spin Track: Gravity Ball 145 - The same as the existing one but coloured to match the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Metal Ball - A plastic tip containing a metal ball the same with as the current "Ball" tip. I'm not sure if it should be free moving or not. Plastic matches the rest of the bey.
Here's Talon Dragoon in detail.
Talon Dragoon LMLW85XLRF
Dragoon Face: Two Talons crossed, with three protruding horns. Background is a clear white, with the talons white.
Talon Metal Wheel: A white Eight Spiker like MW with more curved edges, with a tint of green with red, that hooks onto the clearwheel's top, and only works with Dragoon. Spins left.
Dragoon Clearwheel: A set of blue rubber spikes that fit into the gaps of Talon, allowing for spinstealing. The rubber is the same type that GFCUV uses. Spins left and only works with Talon.
Large Metal Left Wing Eight Point Five Millimeters Track: A left wing track, on an eight point five height, made of metal and spreading out to the width of Talon.
Extreme Left Rubber Flat Performance Tip: A left rubber flat, except with softer and slower to wear rubber, and thirty percent wider.
How about it?
Besides the extremely over the top design of it and my personal dislike of the idea of putting a directional tip on Dragoon, I see nothing wrong with it. There's not really anything wrong with going over the top either, it just won't ever be made like that, even if it actually does get made.
True, it is kinda over the top, but Dragoon was not really known for power or anything besides it's tip, so I call it "Dragoon's Revenge". Also, Dragoon is a left spin, and tell me, would you want ANOTHER way to get RF, since you can get it from MLDURS, SP, Super Deck set, A&BRS, ETC.
Hence why I went with an XRF. Dragoon is clearly wider than your standard RF tip.
But still, it's the same as MLD Assault Ver has DF105LRF, because it's left spin. Same with Galaxy Pegasis having R2F because of it's right spin.
I understand, I just don't think Dragoon should take up new trends without reason like that.
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