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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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Nah, the original Wolborg gimmick relied on its tip being rounded.
oooohhh lol i had the 1st 2 wolborgs but i cant really remember wolborg1 XP
It was designed to used the free moving tip to be able to spin at any angle, meaning it was actually a good idea to launch it wonky so that you could attack the opponent's base.

With an EWD tip, that wouldn't work as an angled launch would have it spinning on the flat.
ooohh i see. that makes sense.
lolol I love how this turned from a thread about what beys should be re-incorperated, to a thread about Wolborg lolol
haha well wolborg is the carp XD. id like to see a mfb flash leapord i know its not a great bey but i always loved it Joyful_3 ariel and gabriel would be pretty sweet to.
Wolborg was great. If we get things besides the main five, who wouldn't love Wolborg?
idk someone who isn aware of its amazingness??
Screw Zeus WD130EGF
Face Bolt: ???
Energy Ring: Zeus - A clear wheel that slopes outwards and is perfectly circular apart from 2 tiny spikes that don't even reach past the outer edge. A pearlised and transparent black with dark gold glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Screw - The same as the existing one but painted black.
Spin Track: Wide Defense 130 - A wider version of D125 with a tiny bit more height. The defensive ring now reaches out just past the edge of the energy ring. Similar colouring to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Eternal God Flat - Similar to the "Coat Sharp" tip but as wide as DS, free spinning and made entirely out of plastic. A single tap to the bey would cause it to become aggressive before quickly returning to stamina mode. This tip is transparent red and pearlised.
zeus!!! i hope they come out with a mfb zeus. that is a constellation right??
(Jul. 26, 2011  6:32 AM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]That's EXACTLY what I was saying. There is NO possible, rational way that Dragoon and co. are even referenced Unless Hasbro tries it as a money grab.

Seing as how greedy toy companies can be, i am actualy somewhat suprised tthat hasbro hasnt done this. and ever since the legend beys came out, i have had more faith in hasbro lately...until i found out that Gravity "Destroyer" (why not perseus?)only came with 1 light launcher R...anyway...

I would be perfectly ok with the original gang never appearing in the MFB anime and manga, as long as we got to see some form of reincarnation with the tops themselves. Besides, I wouldnt want Ginga's stupid personality rubbing off on Tyson...unless Tyson could make Ginga change...but thats unlikely...
(Aug. 03, 2011  6:48 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldnt want Ginga's stupid personality rubbing off on Tyson...

i actually would kinda like that over

Quote:unless Tyson could make Ginga change...

the reason why is that Tyson acts like a... (this is really seen in V force) Ginga doesn't. IMO Ginga's personality is more appeling then Tyson (but Tyson has a better voice actor

anyways this is offtopic

on topic: personally i think it would be cool

actually, i am thinking of making HWS versons of draciel, driger, and dranzer (for dragoon you just slap a RF on lightning/meteo Ldrago)

i have even thought of the parts to use for HWS versions of S, F, V, and V2 of them
Well after visiting that place where you got your avatar Lord Wolfblade, i discovered Rock make a Rock Draciel! lol

And Tyson's character was actualy kind of funny in my opinion. Even if Tyson acts like an...hes just more likeable than stupid Ginga, you know what I mean?

Personaly, after HMS ended, and we never even got to see a Draciel MF or a Driger MF, I would like to see the F series for the 3rd time. I just wish there was a Driger before Driger S...then we could have the very 1st beybaldes reborn!

Who knows, maybe one day we will get a whole new system entirly that actualy has something along the lines of Spin Gears, sub parts, and if we are lucky, magnacore will make a comeback! this thread isnt purley about Dragoon afterall, it's about anything that ever was the plastic and HMS generations
(Aug. 03, 2011  7:08 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Well after visiting that place where you got your avatar Lord Wolfblade, i discovered Rock make a Rock Draciel! lol

And Tyson's character was actualy kind of funny in my opinion. Even if Tyson acts like an...hes just more likeable than stupid Ginga, you know what I mean?

Personaly, after HMS ended, and we never even got to see a Draciel MF or a Driger MF, I would like to see the F series for the 3rd time. I just wish there was a Driger before Driger S...then we could have the very 1st beybaldes reborn!

Who knows, maybe one day we will get a whole new system entirly that actualy has something along the lines of Spin Gears, sub parts, and if we are lucky, magnacore will make a comeback! this thread isnt purley about Dragoon afterall, it's about anything that ever was the plastic and HMS generations

well, rock does look like most draciel ARs

the fact that he is a... makes him not likable to me. the fact that Ginga isn't makes him likable (but his voice still reeks)

i agree, a Draciel/Driger MF would be super sweet

i guess, i should post some of my ideas

dranzers (i use eagle as the AR because of the color) (Click to View)

Draciels (i use that snot green aquario by hasbro, because i do not want to use leone) (Click to View)

Driger (i use the white libra by hasbro... unfortunatly i do not know much about drigers F, V, and G so i cant really choose there parts) (Click to View)

trygle: beat fireblaze (why am i using hasbro names?) M145Q
those are some really great ideas.

The best part is, it seems as MFB progresses, the Metal Wheels get aestheticly better! It's A perfect direct relationship! I remember when I first laid eyes on BMF, i thought to myself, "It is cool that beyblade is back and all, but these beys just look so boring and whimpy. They aren't anything like they used to be." Now alot of the newer Metal Wheels remind me of the Plastic and HMS generation Attack Rings! I miss the days were grabbing a spinning beyblade hurt was proof that you launched well! lol

I am glad to see that such a thing will soon be a thing of the past. While I don't prefer the 4D beys (it is like engine gear all over agian...) the designs for these beyblades are absolutely bad@$$
i think the fact that tyson acts like a... sometimes makes him more appealing gingkas to perfect in my oppinion sure tyson could be a... but he was kind at heart and really cared about beyblade and the people around him.
I agree completely. Tyson, while he did care about his freinds, was not the kind of person who would constantly carp and moan about friendship and beyspirit like Ginga. He was more of the "fight now talk later" kind of character, while Ginga just never shuts up, now matter which voice actor plays him...
Divine Draciel makes more sense than Rock but Evil/Killer seems a good choice for Dranzer.
Midnight would make a good Driger if it weren't so light and useless.
(Aug. 03, 2011  7:17 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 03, 2011  7:08 PM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: [ -> ]Well after visiting that place where you got your avatar Lord Wolfblade, i discovered Rock make a Rock Draciel! lol

And Tyson's character was actualy kind of funny in my opinion. Even if Tyson acts like an...hes just more likeable than stupid Ginga, you know what I mean?

Personaly, after HMS ended, and we never even got to see a Draciel MF or a Driger MF, I would like to see the F series for the 3rd time. I just wish there was a Driger before Driger S...then we could have the very 1st beybaldes reborn!

Who knows, maybe one day we will get a whole new system entirly that actualy has something along the lines of Spin Gears, sub parts, and if we are lucky, magnacore will make a comeback! this thread isnt purley about Dragoon afterall, it's about anything that ever was the plastic and HMS generations

well, rock does look like most draciel ARs

the fact that he is a... makes him not likable to me. the fact that Ginga isn't makes him likable (but his voice still reeks)

i agree, a Draciel/Driger MF would be super sweet

i guess, i should post some of my ideas

dranzers (i use eagle as the AR because of the color) (Click to View)

Draciels (i use that snot green aquario by hasbro, because i do not want to use leone) (Click to View)

Driger (i use the white libra by hasbro... unfortunatly i do not know much about drigers F, V, and G so i cant really choose there parts) (Click to View)

trygle: beat fireblaze (why am i using hasbro names?) M145Q
I was lucky enough to get a Driger G, So i would suggest parts that can make it solid and not easily knocked around, but also give it nice amounts of attack.
Yes and no because the parts would be semi fragile because the parts are in different than new circular design
Wolborg, Zeus, heck any of them would be nice, especially if they brought back all of the old team from the anime.
Definitely! Some of the old ones still pwn the new ones Tongue_out
my dragoon combos

dragoon s: l-drago 100rf

dragoon f: lightning l-drago d125rsf

dragoon v: meteo l-dragoII (rush ver.) sw145rf

dragoon v2: meteo l-dragoII (assault ver.) sw145rsf

dragoon g: meteo l-drago uw145mf

dragoon gt: l-drago destroy uw145mf

dragoon ms: mf l-drago destroy d125rf

dragoon msuv: mf sythe l-dragoIII 100rf

dragoon mf: ??? no idea XP

my dranzer combos (use ice blue phoenix wheel)

ultimate frostic dranzer: hyper phoenix d125sf

auto change balancer: hyper phoenix f:s

dranzer s: killer phoenix f:s

dranzer f: midnight phoenix d:d

dranzer v: hyper phoenix s130hf/s

dranzer v2: earth phoenix f:s

dranzer g: vulcan phoenix ad145mf

dranzer gt: torch phoenix ad145mf

dranzer ms: mf mercury phoenix d125hf/s

dranzer mf: mf fury phoenix wa130ms

my draciel customs

draciel s: rock aquario gb145mb

draciel f: counter aquario gb145mb

draciel v: devine aquario: gb145 mb

draciel v2: midnight draciel gb145b

draciel g: beat aquario ad145mb

draciel ms: mf fang aquario 145d

my driger combos

driger s: midnight lynx d125ms

driger f: hyper lynx: ad145mf

driger v: vulcan lynx d125ms

driger v2: night lynx d125ms

driger g: galaxy lynx ad145mf

driger ms: mf midnight lynx 125sf

my gaia dragoon customs

gaia dragoon: evil dragonis wa130f

gaia dragoon v: hyper dragonis d125mf

gaia dragoon g: rock dragonis ad145mf

gaia dragoon ms: counter dragonis d125f

so yeah those are my bladebreaker combos. i know dragonis hasnt been released yet but its a right spin dragon bey lol and yes i know sythe+l-dragoIII is forbidden especially with a metal face but its more for looks not like id ever use it.
Discussing this is completely different from making Plastic/HMS generation Beyblades out of existing/hypothetical MFB parts. Please stop that, because that would belong in Your Creations.

(Aug. 03, 2011  11:06 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]my dranzer combos (use ice blue phoenix wheel)

ultimate frostic dranzer: hyper phoenix d125sf

auto change balancer: hyper phoenix f:s

dranzer s: killer phoenix f:s

dranzer f: midnight phoenix d:d

dranzer v: hyper phoenix s130hf/s

dranzer v2: earth phoenix f:s

dranzer g: vulcan phoenix ad145mf

dranzer gt: torch phoenix ad145mf

dranzer ms: mf mercury phoenix d125hf/s

dranzer mf: mf fury phoenix wa130ms

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Further posts in a similar vein will receive a warning.
CLAYMAN sorry! i didnt know there was a thread for that DX im still kinda new 8/
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