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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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what?! you do realize that when i say toys i do mean the spinning tops right?

i think some of you guys just enjoy over analyzing things lol (dont worry i am like that in real life.)
(Oct. 10, 2010  5:36 AM)Leonwind Wrote: [ -> ] Please note

i am not talking about the anime. this thread is strictly toys only!

You do know that almost every single MFB makes an apperance in the Anime/Manga. Right?
It wouldn't make sense that a MFB Dranzer just spontaneously appeared on a Wal-Mart shelf without it first making a appearance somewhere. To atleast signal the kids "Oh hai.Theres a Dranzer now"

(Oct. 10, 2010  5:43 AM)Leonwind Wrote: [ -> ]You do realize that when i say toys i do mean the spinning tops right?

We do know.
LOL the kids probably won't buy it, thinking it's some cheap rip off or something. ;]

Leonwind Wrote:what?! you do realize that when i say toys i do mean the spinning tops right?

i think some of you guys just enjoy over analyzing things lol (dont worry i am like that in real life.)

I think we just have to move on with life and forget about the past. They weren't very popular which was why production was ceased. Why would they want to make them again if they failed in the past ?
I'll take a Storm Driger Smile
I'm going with the Mc on this one. I wouldn't want to see the old series mingle with this one; I actually like this series a lot more than the original season(s), to be honest.

The older series brought some great memories, but bringing them back would be repetitive. As a diligent consumer, I want to see new things arrive, and for the most part, new is better - not always, but for the most part.

So, my answer is no; I don't think the old series should be reincarnated somehow into the series we have now.
I think it would be cool to get some Special Edition MFB's of Dragoon, Dranzer, Draciel and Driger with a few others thrown in for good measure Grin
I think Dragoon, Dranzer and the other old Beyblades would look cool in HWS form as proven by Dirge's photo. I reckon they could be incorporated into HWS just not with the same names or attacks. For instance, we all know that the four main Bit Beasts in Bakuten Shoot were based off of Seiryu, Byakko, Suzaku and Genbu; so why not have blades that go by those names? The series has lots of creatures from myths, legends, constellations and the zodiac after all. They wouldn't be out of place.
bbgoldflame, that is actually a brilliant idea Grin
Some of the blades in the two packs and stuff aren't from the anime - these blades would be special edition things anyway, so I don't see any problem there.
It'd be a really nice nod to the old series, whilst still reinventing the wheel - in the most literal sense of the term Tongue_out
(Oct. 10, 2010  1:44 PM)bbgoldflame Wrote: [ -> ]I think Dragoon, Dranzer and the other old Beyblades would look cool in HWS form as proven by Dirge's photo.

hah that wasnt my intention i was more trying to show you that you can easily make your own old school theme MFB's, because the possiblity of TT or hasbro doing MFB versions of them is slim to none
thats what i wanted all along. not all the beys are based off the anime. you never saw Sparkling Attacker, Dragoon MF, or Storm Aires in the animes. My point is, these should be ltd beys for sale only!

an example would be

Tempest Dragoon 100R2F (retooled Ldrago2 wheel)

Tsunami Draciel GB145W. (how do we not have a turtle fr MFB yet?)

Flare Dranzer ??? ???(retooled Phoenix Wheel)

??? Driger ??? ??? (where is the tiger type too?)
(Oct. 10, 2010  11:18 PM)Leonwind Wrote: [ -> ]Tempest Dragoon 100R2F (retooled Ldrago2 wheel)

Tsunami Draciel GB145W. (how do we not have a turtle fr MFB yet?)

Flare Dranzer ??? ???(retooled Phoenix Wheel)

??? Driger ??? ??? (where is the tiger type too?)

R on the Clear Wheel Stands for "Rebirth" or "Reincarnation"

Hurricane DragoonR TY100 RF
Hasbro Description "Creates a Vortex That Pulls The Opponent In."

Tsunami DracielR S145 BB
Hasbro Description "A Turtle-Shaped Wall of Defense For Protection of Low-Attacks"

Bearing Ball(Would be made out of metal)
Hasbro Description "Ball Tip Keeps Top Steady While Maximizing Stamina"

Inferno DranzerR FL125 HF/S
Hasbro Description "Fire-Shaped Protrusions Attack Opposing Bey. In Left-Spin,Protects Itself"

Mystic DrigerR F145 SD
Hasbro Description "Tiger Fangs Knock Away Enemy Attacks"

Crystal WolborgR ??? WD

Possessed BumpKingR RP130 F
Rubber Pumpkin-130(Rubber used would be Orange,Black Stickers would be included for the 3 Jack-O-Lantern faces)
Hasbro Description "Rubber Pumpkin-Shaped Track Protects From Enemy Attacks"
(Possessed Would be changed to Spooky,Haunted,or Scary if released by Hasbro)

Edit:These are NOT real.There just Ideas from my mysterious mind.
um, are those real parts? the way you stated it sounded convincing? (referimg to some of those spin tracks and perfrmance tips)

Why DragoonR? The whole point of a Dragoon would be a 2nd left
spinning blade, although, it was a good play on words compared to Ldrago.
TY100? S145? F125? F145?
(Oct. 11, 2010  12:55 AM)Leonwind Wrote: [ -> ]um, are those real parts? the way you stated it sounded convincing? (referimg to some of those spin tracks and perfrmance tips)

Why DragoonR? The whole point of a Dragoon would be a 2nd left
spinning blade, although, it was a good play on words compared to Ldrago.
TY100? S145? F125? F145?

R stood for "Rebirth"

They sound real don't they? I made sure they sounded like an actual Bey.
you did a very good job at it.

No , it normally does not fit in the whole concept , anime etc.Only if the characters we re-introduced , along with a new system.
we just got finished saying that they didnt have to be a part if the anime and that they would be ltd beys...
If Bump King ever gets reincarnated I'm quitting beyblade.
No idea why you guys seem so fixated on it.
(Oct. 11, 2010  2:44 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: [ -> ]If Bump King ever gets reincarnated I'm quitting beyblade.
No idea why you guys seem so fixated on it.

(Off-topic i geuss?) What if BumpKing became useful? The only reason i liked the original was for the Bitbeast. But they gave me a TOTALLY different Bitbeast sticker that looked like a Kamen Rider..Not a Bumpking Bit.
beacuse Bump King is awesome! actualy, it is just a really funny ongoing joke. and yes, what if Bumpking did become the best blade of all time. that would make my day! my week actualy!
(Oct. 11, 2010  2:58 AM)Leonwind Wrote: [ -> ]beacuse Bump King is awesome! actualy, it is just a really funny ongoing joke. and yes, what if Bumpking did become the best blade of all time. that would make my day! my week actualy!

Everyone would use it. Then the game wouldn't be that fun anymore
Let's get Back on-topic
true. hopefuly, it does become remade someday though.

one last time, Bump King FTW!!!

back on topic now, if you voted yes, what beys would you like to see remade into HWS?
I think it would be cool to see them in this new era but the fact is they seem to be trying to create a new story with new legends, and it probably wont happen. But then again fans will most likely find a way to recreate them somehow with the parts they have at the moment. It will be interesting to see to say the least.
For driger you can pretty much make it now. For me it would be Ray Driger 125MF.
(Oct. 12, 2010  1:31 AM)ZeroVirus Wrote: [ -> ]I think it would be cool to see them in this new era but the fact is they seem to be trying to create a new story with new legends, and it probably wont happen. But then again fans will most likely find a way to recreate them somehow with the parts they have at the moment. It will be interesting to see to say the least.

look at my post on the last page Wink
anyone can do a re paint to make them
(Oct. 12, 2010  12:23 PM)Dirge Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 12, 2010  1:31 AM)ZeroVirus Wrote: [ -> ]I think it would be cool to see them in this new era but the fact is they seem to be trying to create a new story with new legends, and it probably wont happen. But then again fans will most likely find a way to recreate them somehow with the parts they have at the moment. It will be interesting to see to say the least.

look at my post on the last page Wink
anyone can do a re paint to make them Wink
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