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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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Nah, hyper is pretty much Bistool. If it weren't for Jade's gimmicks, it would be a pretty good equivalent of mold 2 though...

Also, this is what I had for Zeus:

Screw Zeus WD130 EGF
Face Bolt: Ancient Diablo - A gold emblem on black with a fiery orange glow round it. The concept is that of Diablo but using the old bit beasts rather than the new age facebolt spirits.
Energy Ring: Zeus - A clear wheel that slopes down and outwards and is perfectly circular apart from 2 tiny raised spikes on the two sides that point towards but don't reach the outer edge. A pearlised and transparent black with dark gold glitter in it.
Fusion Wheel: Screw - The same as the existing one but painted black and with orange-red gradient stickers placed like Screw Fox's.
Spin Track: Wide Defense 130 - A wider version of D125 with a tiny bit more height. The defensive ring now reaches out just past the edge of the energy ring. Similar colouring to the energy ring.
Performance Tip: Eternal God Flat - Similar to the "Coat Sharp" tip but as wide as DS, free spinning and made entirely out of plastic. A single tap to the bey would cause it to become aggressive before quickly returning to stamina mode, a la the original light sharp CEW. This tip is transparent red and pearlised. Glitter free.

The MW isn't perfect but it's actually surprisingly close to the original Zeus sub-AR, just with a rotational symmetry of 3 rather than 2. It was, however, chosen mainly for the name since the original part was officially known as "Screw Zeus".
comeon people use creativity! make your own parts! the above was veyr food but the mw and st were previously made my version:
shadow zeuse ds 175 and the rip prementioned in the previous post
fb and clear wheel are pretty spot on IMO shadow would be a 2 sided wheel (although 3 sides would look better for design im more for performance) shadow will have a slightly smaller diameter than basalt thus that gives it the shadow because its the smallest mw i think possible that can sustain spin with the hws the wheel will have slopes similar to screw but will be more compact and the height of the "wing" will be lowered and it will also have the point at a slightly shorter angle in prementioned colored way ds 175 is a track with a "auto mode change" feature basically it has some "wings" shaped designs pointing upwards in mode one the parts are sticking out wide on contact will slide in causing an "attack mode" and with the prementioned tip will be very effective same colors as before mentioned
It's hard to work out what you're saying and actually, my MW is the only unoriginal part in my Zeus.
I only used Screw since it fitted so well and I see no point making up new parts just for the sake of it.
If we be anymore "creative" than we will have stupid unfunny posts like "GALAXY ULTIMATE DRAGOON DERP1234LOLOL" or some impossible game breaker of that sort.....

Also, it should be easy to use Hasbro's legend series opaque Pegasis wheel to make Flame Pegasus S130EDS- the G Revolution Flame Pegasus obviously.
i was thinking Flame Pegasus II S130MS for the original Flame Pegasus in MFB form Tongue_out
I was honestly going to go with Torch...
Torch Dragoon Proto (Read: Grip Attacker) 105F. All clear Yellow, Kid Dragoon. Smile
but torch just sucks!
He only said it for looks, not performance.
(Dec. 07, 2011  8:32 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]No Draciel looks anything like Basalt though. As I have said before, Divine is the most Draciel like wheel available.

I am saying as a customization.
But then the Metal Wheel would serve as the Attack Ring, since it comes into contact the most, and Basalt is way too round (and useful) to serve as a HWS Draciel MW.
YES!!!!!!!! Totaly old beys are awesome!Tongue_out_wink
(Dec. 07, 2011  11:45 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]It's hard to work out what you're saying and actually, my MW is the only unoriginal part in my Zeus.
I only used Screw since it fitted so well and I see no point making up new parts just for the sake of it.
sorry i thought the spn track was d 145 and that was the only unoriginal part your version is similar but has the dif in height which would lower stamina and effectiveness unless you changed the shape of the blocking items (maybe to a rhombus shape or something) an remake of ed145 probably would be a better choice, again with a change in the tracks shape and ball bearings, which the original lacked and made it a pretty much useless part for competitive, being outclassed bu many parts,the obvious is 230 but good job i like it

(Dec. 08, 2011  12:09 AM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]If we be anymore "creative" than we will have stupid unfunny posts like "GALAXY ULTIMATE DRAGOON DERP1234LOLOL" or some impossible game breaker of that sort.....

Also, it should be easy to use Hasbro's legend series opaque Pegasis wheel to make Flame Pegasus S130EDS- the G Revolution Flame Pegasus obviously.

one very good point but think of performance, sorry but i try to max performance and use parts that haven't been used before or redesigning parts used before for better performance so im basically a bey tinkerer or mechanic...sadly i dont have any tt stadiums...back to the fact that is a very good point on the flame pegasus i believe that would be excellent, but reduce flames diameter slightly so it will match up w/ s130 better of course for appearance only
@Ga'Hooleone but torch doeasnt look like the original flame pegasus either if youre going for looks then i think midnight would be the best choice.
yeah for looks its the most agreeable wheel in the hws in the prehws it would be Quetzalcoatl
yep agreed
The thing is, my WD135 part was not intended to be any good. Nor was it intended to be anything like WD145.
WD135 is a wider D125 that is a tiny bit taller and was meant to be reminiscent of Zeus' original base, which was overly wide and had hollow sections, presumably to prevent it's tip from being the super aggressive monstrosity it becomes when on compact beys when you used it straight out the box.
(Dec. 09, 2011  2:15 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]@Ga'Hooleone but torch doeasnt look like the original flame pegasus either if youre going for looks then i think midnight would be the best choice.
He was talking about Torch on a Master Dragoon remake, not Flame Pegasus.
(Dec. 09, 2011  8:27 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]The thing is, my WD135 part was not intended to be any good. Nor was it intended to be anything like WD145.
WD135 is a wider D125 that is a tiny bit taller and was meant to be reminiscent of Zeus' original base, which was overly wide and had hollow sections, presumably to prevent it's tip from being the super aggressive monstrosity it becomes when on compact beys when you used it straight out the box.

oh!! im sorry i misunderstood and i didn't know that considering i had never owned a zeuse but now that i look at it...i like it in my view it would very similar from pics i have seen
(Dec. 09, 2011  10:00 PM)CRUelty Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 09, 2011  2:15 PM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]@Ga'Hooleone but torch doeasnt look like the original flame pegasus either if youre going for looks then i think midnight would be the best choice.
He was talking about Torch on a Master Dragoon remake, not Flame Pegasus.

well not so much because its design is to be similar to the original aries and thus the edges and design of the wings and the fact that the wings have notches in them and is not at ALL similar in design other than the fact it has slopes BUT these slopes are insignificant and useless unlike master dragoons ar upper dragon which has LARGE slopes that create a smooth design and a good battle effect the shape is almost completely smooth on top and sides from the view on pictures i have seen and from seeing some in life i like it well the way it was made, i know it is not to look anything like upper dragon there are too many differences in my opinion
oohhh that makes more sense sorry i misunderstood Tongue_out
Here are my custimizations ^^
The stickers/details were taken from the internet, i didn't actually create them

Nice, but you may need to use spoilers for the bigger pictures in your post
Cool looking. Simple, but nice Smile

I nevevr liked HMS stickers though. Definatly a step back from the original bit chip stickers. HMS stickers do look cool, but the whole silhouete concept takes away some of the individuality each bit beats has...
i want to see old beyblade made metal thus they can be a metal beyblade nd by doing this we won't have change it's design .we should not spoil there old design.
I would love to see Galaxy Dragoon DF105RF Smile
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