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Full Version: Should old beys be re-incorperated into MFB?
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Steven's bey, the maximum thickness bey. It's AR was super tall. It was the only All-Star bey not released.
Trygator was released? I've got to get myself that massive Dragsaucer monstrosity then!
(Dec. 02, 2011  11:22 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 02, 2011  11:19 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]Alligators aren't Crocodiles, and you forgot Tryhorn.

I know that but does Hasbro? Plus, artistic license says they're one and the same.


...when did artistic license start meaning "ignorance"?

Trygator is an alligator, very clearly.

EDIT: Yes, it was released. here's an image of one previously linked somewhere on the WBO.
I was referring to Tryhorn not being released. Trygator, as Hazel pointed out, was released.
(Dec. 02, 2011  11:29 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]Trygator is an alligator, very clearly

I know that. All I'm saying is that "Strata Gator" is an appalling name and that crocodile = alligator is a generally accepted (albeit wrongful) assumption.
borg series
Wolborg: Hyper Wolf B:C

Wyborg: Midnight Serpent F: S

Seaborg: Evil Cetus D125 RS

Falborg: Cyclone Horuseus AD145 XF (note i have no idea what this bey really looks like this is just my interpretation)
I figure Takara Tomy would do some April Fools with the whole Old-School conversion to MFB....

Diablo Kerbecs B : D anyone?
you guys i dont care if you hate me post YOUR honest opinion anyway, i would love re incarnations for a dragoon universe dragoon blast 175 eXtreme Rubber Flat Sharp
Blade Driger 70 Right Metal Flat Sharp
Titanium Draciel DBGrin
but for dranzer i have no idea
XRF would KO itself faster than you can say "Beyblade" LOL Tongue_out
Why 175? That's an odd height.
MFS? Ehh, maybe it's be good, doubt it though.
DB: D? Wtf is that?
More? Okay.


1. Emblem Dragoon (Yellow)
2. Dragoon Prototype
3. Hyper
4. S130
5. RF

Four Layer (4D bottom Included):

1. Emblem Dranzer
2. Dranzer
3. Vulcan
4. F:S

Five Layer:

1. Draciel Emblem
2. Draciel I
3. Counter
4. GB145
5. MB

Five Layer:

1. Seaborg Emblem
2. Seaborg
3. Mercury
4. S130
5. RS
(Dec. 05, 2011  3:51 AM)ReiKon02 Wrote: [ -> ]Wolborg: Hyper Wolf B:C

I'd go with 125 EB myself but sure.
(Dec. 05, 2011  5:03 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]XRF would KO itself faster than you can say "Beyblade" LOL Tongue_out
Why 175? That's an odd height.
MFS? Ehh, maybe it's be good, doubt it though.
DB: D? Wtf is that?

DBGrin is basically BGrin add an extra bearing and you get Double Bearing Drive xrf is intended of hasbro users considering the fact im trapped by hasbro and the way your thinking of extreme is different than my thinking i know about XF but this version is a slightly larger than R2F and the design is like a * MFS i forgot to add an E in front because intentionally it is for representation of driger v's mg core and bb and the fact at low speeds it spins freely just making it a better for endurance at low speeds only change it to a complete free spin piece and add a bearing and this is to play on the fact he is a balance type originally and the metal will make it heavy and much more effective 70 wouldn't have anything to scrape the plastic is on the inside of the metal wheel entirely 175 i meant ea 185 to make it a fight height attack type to easily beat any basalt 230 combo
it was D125EWD before B: C was created

"S" series
Dragoon S: L-Drago 85RF

Draciel S: Rock_______ GB145MB

Driger S: Midnight ______ D125MS

Dranzer S: Killer(Evil) Phoenix(Fireblaze) F: S

"F" Series

Dragoon F: Lightning L-Drago D125RDF

Draciel F: Counter _______ GB145MB

Driger F: Hyper______ AD145MF

Dranzer F: Midnight Phoenix(Fireblaze) D: D

Gaia(Strata) Dragoon: Evil Dragonis: WA130F

"V" Series

Dragoon V: Meteo L-Drago II (Rush) SW145RDF

Gaia(Strata) Dragoon V: Hyper Dragonis D125MF

Draciel V: Devine _______ GB145B

Driger V: Vulcan______ D125MS

Dranzer V: Hyper Phoenix(Fireblaze) S130HF/S

"V2" Series

Dragoon V2: Meto L-Drago II(Assault) SW145RSF

Draciel V2: Midnight_______ GB145B

Driger V2: Night______ D125MS

Dranzer V2: Earth Phoenix(Fireblaze) F: S

"G" Series

Dragoon G: Meteo L-Drago II UW145MF

Gaia(Strata) Dragoon G: Rock Dragonis: AD145MF

Draciel G: Beat _______ AD145MB

Driger G: Galaxy ______ AD145MF

Dranzer G: Vulcan Phoenix(Fireblaze) AD145MF

"GT" Series

Dragoon GT: L-Drago Destroy UW145RDF

Dranzer GT: Torch Phoenix(Fireblaze) AD145MF

"MS" Series

Dragoon MS: Sythe L-Drago Destroy 105RF

Dragoon MS UV: Sythe L-Drago Guardian D125RDF

Gaia(Strata) Dragoon MS: Counter Dragonis D125F

Draciel MS: Counter_______ 145SD

Driger MS: Midnight ______ D125SF

Dranzer MS: Mercury Phoenix(Fireblaze) D125HF/S

"MF" Series

Dragoon MF: L-Drago Guardian ED145RF

Dranzer MF: Fury Phoenix(Fireblaze) WA145MS
Hell Xeronix TH170W2D anyone?

I'm serious this sounds so cool.
(Dec. 02, 2011  11:57 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]I was referring to Tryhorn not being released. Trygator, as Hazel pointed out, was released.

Tryhorn would have been a terrible bey to release...completely useless..thank god they woiuld have been cool to see what it would look like though, and at the least, Takara/Hasbro could have released a bey called Tryhorn with a standard AR of sorts, like with what happened to Jumping Base. That would have been nice.

Wasnt the Tryhorn bit beast sticker released or something?

God, Trygator is rare, i am pretty sure It was never even released by hasbro...
Wasn't Trihorn either supposed to be the roundest Beyblade or have two sub-rings?

I guess an orange Scythe ___ WA130SF would work?
In the anime, Tryhorn had 3(?) Attack Rings stacked on top of eachother, forming one huge-@$$ attack ring. If you think about it, not only would it be almost incredibly difficult for the manufacterors to make several attack rings stack on top of eachother, but as a design, it is completely flawed. the moment Tryhorn would lose balance, it would be game over, and chances are all it would take would be not launching perfectly or minor impacts to the bey. To put it in simple terms, it would be 100x worse than Bumpking with a Jumping Base, and less fun...
Yeah, I like to think of it as two sub rings.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that's what I was designing my "Strata Crock" for. I have no memory of Trygator now I think about it.
I thought it was 3 attack rings? Sub rings are placed below the AR, whereas with this bey, the 3 AR's are stacked on top of eachother.

I remember now. In one episode of the original beyblade english dub, the 2 announcers (forgot thier names agian, damn) talked about Tryhorn while its stats were up before a battle. In it they mentioned that it had 3 attack rings.
I say Basalt Draciel. It would be good for defense, assuming that they use Draciel for defense. I think it was three attack rings too.
No Draciel looks anything like Basalt though. As I have said before, Divine is the most Draciel like wheel available.
Basalt... Could anyone even see a Bakuten Shoot Top replica being made with this?


Kreis ____ BD145RDF?
(Dec. 07, 2011  9:04 PM)Codeine Extorts Wrote: [ -> ]Basalt... Could anyone even see a Bakuten Shoot Top replica being made with this?


Kreis ____ BD145RDF?

Basalts closest MFB equicelent is properly voltaic ape.
Jade Jupiter=Bistool
Personally I don't think they should. They were there own series; creating them in MFB would just discredit the previous series' to me.
I think Hyper suits Bistool.

I can actually see a Wing Kerbecs B : D limited Coro Coro release... For anniversary?
Yeah I deleted it after looking through the topic.
I personally think wing crosss is just a mirror of Jadethough.
Hyper's wings come out to far I think.
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