Youtube Custom Beyblade Tournament 6/27/14
I was hoping to go against an attack type YES
So 8 is the max?
When is the first vid coming out?????????
Noooooo I missed another custom tournament maybe I should have one of my own you know what I will I'll post it in my youtube channel thread I hope I get some people
EDIT: @UltimaterOrion it seems you already have a youtube account thread... maybe this should go there?
EDIT: @UltimaterOrion it seems you already have a youtube account thread... maybe this should go there?
This is my youtube account thread.
then what about this one?
just use the report button there's a reason it was created... anyway good luck to all of you that are competing *sigh* my schedule is so messed up that there were no slots left by the time I got home...
uhhh that's the page where you upload a video... I get the sense that's not the link you where trying to post...
The link is not working
Yeah I made it. You'r saying my name rong, it's blade as in a "sword blade".
Close match Leone19, looking forward to battling madness, gonna be close lol
BTW Just say Switchblader... The three is meant to look like an" E"
BTW Just say Switchblader... The three is meant to look like an" E"
You used the wrong metal face on my combo
All I heard was blead like i'm bleading. Just forget about it don't want to go off-topic.
Round 2 (Semi Finals): Round 3 (Finals):
Will you be doing another one of these?
I might but in like 2-3 weeks.
I thought it would be harder to KO a 230 track but good jod anyways galaxy blade
How could the most amazing of god type beyblades like poison Scorpio 230S lose to a synchrom??!!
How could the most amazing of god type beyblades like poison Scorpio 230S lose to a synchrom??!!
Spoiler (Click to View)
ultimate orion, could you do mf basalt aquario 230 bs [ ball sharp] please, thanks bladery66.