Summer Spiny Tops
Silver Springs, Maryland Burst Format Ranked
Tournament Results
1:00 PM on 06/27/2021
Format: The format for this event is Burst Standard. Please read the Burst Standard rulebook prior to confirming your attendance to ensure that you or your child have the appropriate equipment to compete. Legal parts / launchers will not be lent out by event staff.
Host: CrisisCrusher07
Location: This event will be held outdoors at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Please note the address in the description as the park itself is quite large and typing the park name into Google Maps may lead you in the wrong direction. Look at the picture for guidance.
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 1:00pm, please plan to arrive around 12:00pm when registration will begin. Registration will close at 12:45pm. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
Prizes: Will be given to the 1st through 3rd top placed players after the finals have been completed.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, which do not require, but still suggest the following:
- Social distancing of 6 feet when possible
- Signs and markings indicating 6 feet gaps
- Face coverings for everyone over age 2 (Please note that players who do not bring their own face covering will be unable to compete)
- Guidance and training on the rules
- Disinfectants applied to common used surfaces
Please also be aware of the WBO COVID-19 Guidelines effective from last year.
In addition, we respectfully request that all parents and siblings of tournament participants remain away from the playing area and avoid close interactions with tournament equipment and individuals outside of their immediate family. Participants may bring no more than one guardian this event.
Note: The winner will get to choose from these 3 prizes first, then second will choose out of the remaining 2 prizes, and third will get whatever is left.
Other Information:
Please come prepared. It is helpful for both hosts and judges if all participants bring at least one Takara Tomy or Hasbro-manufactured Beyblade of their own and more than one launcher when possible. Additionally, parents of children under the age of 13 must be present for the duration of the event, as tournament end times can be difficult to estimate, and we would hate for someone to be left behind once it is over.
Be aware of your belongings. We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!
All players must arrive on-time. The tournament will begin no later than 1:00 PM and is expected to run for about 3 hours, though if there is a large turnout it may take longer. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
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Host: CrisisCrusher07
Location: This event will be held outdoors at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Please note the address in the description as the park itself is quite large and typing the park name into Google Maps may lead you in the wrong direction. Look at the picture for guidance.
Time: As the tournament will start promptly at 1:00pm, please plan to arrive around 12:00pm when registration will begin. Registration will close at 12:45pm. Confirming your attendance on the WBO event page does not substitute for registration at the venue.
Prizes: Will be given to the 1st through 3rd top placed players after the finals have been completed.
This event will cooperate with Montgomery County Reopening Guidelines, which do not require, but still suggest the following:
- Social distancing of 6 feet when possible
- Signs and markings indicating 6 feet gaps
- Face coverings for everyone over age 2 (Please note that players who do not bring their own face covering will be unable to compete)
- Guidance and training on the rules
- Disinfectants applied to common used surfaces
Please also be aware of the WBO COVID-19 Guidelines effective from last year.
In addition, we respectfully request that all parents and siblings of tournament participants remain away from the playing area and avoid close interactions with tournament equipment and individuals outside of their immediate family. Participants may bring no more than one guardian this event.
Tournament Prizes – Sponsored by
1st Place:
Will win 1 B-185 Vanish Fafnir as well as 1 B-180 Dynamite Belial!
2nd Place:
Will win 1 B-185 Vanish Fafnir as well as 1 CoroCoro limited edition Judgement Valkyrie!
3rd Place:
Will win 1 B-180 Dynamite Belial as well as 1 B-151 Wizard Buhamut!
Note: The winner will get to choose from these 3 prizes first, then second will choose out of the remaining 2 prizes, and third will get whatever is left.
Other Information:
Please come prepared. It is helpful for both hosts and judges if all participants bring at least one Takara Tomy or Hasbro-manufactured Beyblade of their own and more than one launcher when possible. Additionally, parents of children under the age of 13 must be present for the duration of the event, as tournament end times can be difficult to estimate, and we would hate for someone to be left behind once it is over.
Be aware of your belongings. We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!
All players must arrive on-time. The tournament will begin no later than 1:00 PM and is expected to run for about 3 hours, though if there is a large turnout it may take longer. Please plan accordingly. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.
If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.
Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
Spread the word!
Need-to-Know Information
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.
Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .
2. Terms of Service
All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.
I think that Friedpasta will win tbh, he seems pretty good imo
(Jun. 08, 2021 2:12 PM)Friedpasta Wrote: I think that Friedpasta will win tbh, he seems pretty good imo
Yeah, too bad he’s never online enough to share his wisdom with everyone
Although CheetoBlader may do well, I don’t think he’ll win
Wish i was able to sign up in time, was really hoping to catch this one this time 😔😔😔
Well I can tell you that two new bladers are going to be there crisis' son and mine as well. So be sure to give them your all!
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I got some hasbro combos with TT parts that I wanna try out!
(Jun. 12, 2021 9:01 PM)VanHoss Wrote: I got some hasbro combos with TT parts that I wanna try out!
Perhaps you already knew the rules on this, and meant having other-brand discs. But, we can't exactly take that chance, we have to check what you mean.
As has been said by others, you need to be careful about mixing TT and Hasbro parts.
Discs and frames are mostly brand agnostic. You can use TT discs with Hasbro frames, or Hasbro discs with TT frames, that's fine.
You can use TT layers and tips/drivers with Hasbro discs, or Hasbro layers and tips/drivers with TT discs.
But tips and layers, do not mix them between brands. That means no Hasbro layer on a TT driver, or a TT layer on a Hasbro driver.
Here is the current Burst Standard rules under Rules and Resources:
It's on page 6.
"Brand Incompatibility: Hasbro Energy Layers cannot be used with Takara-Tomy Drivers, and Takara-Tomy Layers cannot be used with Hasbro Performance Tips. This applies to official battles in WBO events, and parts previously used in testing in a mixed brand combination. The slopes on Hasbro Energy Layers that have played with Takara-Tomy Drivers inevitably are damaged, increasing their burst resistance illegally."
The driver tooth is slightly higher on the TT drivers, you see. Makes it harder for Hasbro layers to burst, but it can also damage and alter them to make them mostly unburstable. It is a form of cheating.
Your beys will be studied rather carefully at the tournament to make sure you aren't mixing layers and tips for brands, and the slopes on your Hasbro layers will be checked.
EDIT: Upon further reflection it does not appear that they are registered for the tournament. I hope they aren't intending to attend without being registered (it's currently full).
I wish i coulda joined this, but sadly i didn't get to find out bout it in time so by the time i had seen a notification bout the tourney, it was already full
Aw man! Just missed it! Hoping that someone won’t be able to come. If not, good luck everyone!
This is my first tornament and i can come
I'm still hoping to possibly join if a spot opens up before the 27th, especially since my Vanish Fafnir, original color Belial and my gold Spriggan Requiem is supposed to be here this friday, on the 18th
I’m just super stoked to play! This is gonna be a super fun tournament and I get to blade with some of the best. I’m all fired up!
Well, good luck to everyone who's going, sry wasn't able to join again, would've been dope to have used my new beys (Vanish, original belial and gold Requiem) at the tourney possibly
If i didn't register csn i still come and register
(Jun. 22, 2021 4:29 AM)Kendell10 Wrote: If i didn't register csn i still come and register
You shouldn't, it's full. We don't have waitlists at the moment, we used to, in the non-pandemic times. Current WBO policy (don't think it's changed yet) is no waitlists. Although Maryland cut out the outdoor event attendee limit, WBO still has a "One accompanying person per blader max" and "Only people registered before the tournament can attend" rules.
Here they are.
6. Do Not Bring More Than 1 Person With You
9. Only Bladers Registered Before the Tournament Day may Participate
If the Staff wants to change those rules before the tournament, they can. But it'd be a Staff decision.
I'm kinda hoping i get lucky this Sunday, would really like to try and go since it's been a long while since i could join a Tourney, hoping i get lucky on any possibilities of an open spot that comes up
(Jun. 22, 2021 10:45 AM)RYANTHEDRAGON98 Wrote: I'm kinda hoping i get lucky this Sunday, would really like to try and go since it's been a long while since i could join a Tourney, hoping i get lucky on any possibilities of an open spot that comes up
We know you’ve said this I think 3 times now it’s kinda annoying sorry but it’s true
Let's go spinny tops!! lol anyways good luck to everyone who entered also will this be streamed on Youtube?