Got these today, from
Chimaera. He's selling a lot of great stuff at great prices, and he had Black Griffolyon which is well, I wasn't sure it was real until Zain showed me one on Y!JA a few weeks ago, a Random Booster combo with a Black Master Dragoon AR and blue plated Heavy Attack, AND Bit Chip Boosters. I of course pounced on the first two, and bought four bit chip boosters because I LOVE bit stickers.
I'll take some better pictures once I've stickered everything and have good light to take them in, but here's some info and some additional shots:
Black Griffolyon comes with a Gold Plated 8 Balance which looks INCREDIBLE on it. The only bitchip it comes with, however, has an imprint, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that as I don't have any spare black bitchips in the original Long-Bitchip style. As I said, I wasn't sure this even existed until a couple of weeks ago, hopefully the box has some information about its release, so I'll scan that later.
Haven't applied the stickers yet and I think the ones on the figurine will look pretty goofy as they haven't been recolored, however the regular Cross Griffon Stickers should look great on the black AR.
The random booster bey I bought for the black upper dragoon, as I needed one in a nice color for my spin stealing upper attacker, however the beautiful plated Wide Attack is nice, and the other parts were Red Galeon's (according to the inscribed bit chip), which I have the AR of, though it's too beat up for display and I lack a matching red-chipped galeon sticker. Nonetheless, nice to have a complete one.
The stickers I got from my 4 bit chip boosters (things I didn't own apart from scans bolded) were:
2x Sheet No. 9:
Flash Leopard 2, Death Draciel, Salamalyon, Ice Dragoon, Metal Dragoon and
Rock Driger
1x Sheet No. 6: Trygle,
Cyber Dranzer,
Galux (named Galkus lol), Spark Draciel,
Rock Dranzer
1x Sheet No. 3: Driger V,
Cyber Draciel,
Ice Driger, Master Dranzer, Knight Dragoon.
Each booster comes with 6 black v-force style bit chips. I may buy some more soon, seeing as each of these sheets has things I wouldn't mind multiples of (though sheet number 9 is quite bad, Rock Driger is awesome and I can always use more Flash Leopards/Ice Dragoons/Metal Dragoons).
Here's an unclear photo, but I'll have scans of all of the stickers later today or tomorrow in the Sticker Sheets Thread, just tidying them up in photoshop.
I'm slowly edging closer to being able to assemble a full bit beast/sticker guide from my own and others scans, however we're still missing quite a few from the show (as many bitbeasts featured in the show got stickers), some of the regular booster ones like Death Dragoon, and a lot of the first gen bonus bit chips. Bit chips with applied stickers scan and print fine (as long as they are scanned, saved, and hosted in good format/resolution etc, though metallic ones take a fair bit of effort to look even half decent), so I'd personally really appreciate people scanning theirs, though I am going to put together a list of the scans that we have so people only need to check there and see if they have anything we're missing.
Also, I received the stuff I won on eBay from Alice last week, but didn't have a chance to post them them til now. Here they are, Crystal Dranzer S, Hasbro Burning Kerberous, and Spike Lizard (Used, no green 10 Heavy), the first two have launchers. Only one picture for now.
Crystal Dranzer S is the most gorgeous beyblade I have ever laid eyes on, and I will try to get some better pictures soon. Absolutely stunning Beyblade. Shame it comes with a pretty terrible looking weight disk but the plating improves it massively. I'll try and get some shots that do it justice soon.
Hasbro's Burning Kerberous (well, whichever one I have) is kinda a fake-tan color rather than the more yellow color of the takara release, and has a tip that cannot be removed from the shaft and doesn't spin as freely as takara's tip though that's not a big deal as the whole thing is bearing supported. It had the AR stickers on wrong (as described in the auction) but their adhesive was failing so it was easy to remove them and put them on the right spots, though I need to reglue them (as you can see, the red sticker is peeling in the photograph there). I also removed at least one of each sticker and scanned them on a piece of paper as the current BK scans aren't very good. Mine won't be great because there's slight creasing but it should be an improvement, and I or someone else may be able to tidy them up in photoshop.
Spike Lizard was quite heavily used, however I knew that when I bought it. I mainly bought it just so I had one and I can say without a doubt the parts are absolutely useless, their shape is just appalling and the only way I see this winning a design competition is every other entrant using their entries as toilet paper before sending them in. Still, nice to have, though it pales in comparison to the other two.