Purchase Consultation (MFB + Burst)

I think that goes for about everybody, plastics aren't sold anymore locally.
You could get them off places such as ebay though.
(Dec. 24, 2010  10:01 PM)AngelicSight Wrote: JDkids,

-Burn Fireblaze/Phoenix
-Earth Eagle/Aquila
-Lightning L-Drago
-Storm Pegasis


All of those beys are not that good. Get these. Pick one.

Ray unicorno
Ray Gil
Vulcan Horseus
Pre-HWS Pegasis
u crazy gravity perseus is top tier attack durrrr
(Dec. 24, 2010  5:40 PM)mattchi95 Wrote: Should I get Gravity Perseus, Meteo L-Drago, Galaxy Pegasis,or Grand Ketos (or a suggestion if there's something better would be helpful as well) Also is a metal face bolt really worth 8-9 dollars? (Shipping included)

Good ones to buy
Gravity Perseus
Meteo L drago
Grand Ketos

Galaxy Pegasus isn't really worth buying if you've got a storm pegasus. And yes metal faces are very worth buying. They're pretty essential for any defence combo and some attack combos.
Hi all,
is this auction or auctions like it legit?

Seems too good to be true.
It is real but it's not an MFB so you can't use it in tournaments. It's an hms blade. The reason it's so cheap is because it's one of the easiest hms to find and one of the the worst too.
Thank you ultrablader!
I only want it because I think it's one of the best looking blades, even though it is HMS and one of the worst at that.
Wide Square Stadium VS Attack Stadium

Wut do
The attack stadium is slopier, has 3 walls, large knock out areas, tornado ridge, outer ridge. Ridges to keep aggressive movement in.
[Image: attack_stadium_03.jpg]

The Wide square stadium:
Four walls, slightly less of a slope, flat outside rims, slight outside ridge.
[Image: img1331bq.jpg&t=1]
So Rakuten's got some pretty cheap stuff, but I'm not quite sure how to tell if the sellers ship to America or not.

How do I find this out?
Usually it is written somewhere clearly. They sometimes even write "WORLDWIDE CUSTOMERS WELCOME!".
Should I get the Super Deck Set + a Meteo L Drago, or the URS Meteo L Drago? The Libra wheel is purdy, but URS has that shiny LRF. :3 But since I only have a WB, I don't think the Libra wheel will benefit as much as having a set entirely devoted to attack types. I also have a bunch of RF's handy, so is it necessary for me to get an LRF in the first place? This will be my last purchase in a while, so I need to get my priorities straight. Should I get the Super Deck Set and have an almost-top tier defensive bey, or the Ultimate Reshuffle Set and have a monster of an attack beyblade? Multiple opinions, please.

Haha, this is like my 4th "multiple opinions" post.
Assuming you have an attack staduim,if your devoting to attack then you should have somewhat good CW+Metal Wheel so if buying the URS,then you could have some nice Rubber tips to mess around with on attack.You could also support tests on LRF,DF105,Rush,etc.I wouldn't say MF-H Pegasis 85RF is "monster".
is hell kerbecs worht £26? and if i order it onmonday will it be here before the 5th? from hong kong?
Perhaps. Now for the new release, yes it will be worth alot more but I suggest you wait a little while.

Im selling the starter for $25 shipped. <OFF-TOPIC

Prices in USD. PM me
Um I dont know what to get. I want Vulcan Horseus but its too expensive for a single bey, I also want the Meteo Ldrago Reshuffle Set for the tracks and bottoms but im not a fan of left spin beys. Can anyone suggest a good beyblade or anything?????
Vulcan Horuseus, I can get one for $25 if your interested, includes postage...

Also, back on topic so you dont like left spin beyblades but want some awesome parts. how much are you willing to pay, BB-96 comes with some crazy parts for $55. 3 beyblades two of whichbare near top tier, metal faces remodelling and 85 90 and 100 tracks...
Vulcan only 25$ at where???? Also I might get both then if Vulcan is only 25$ cause at Ebay its 50$ and up......
Dimsum2u's shop.
28 USd at dimsu2us shop. MY price is 25 dollars <OFF TOPIC
I saw his shop on ebay already its 19.99 GBP plus Shipping equals 29.98 GBP and how much is that in US dollars?
no, he made a new thread for it 60% off.

if that doesnt work ill sell mine for
25 usd
you'll it sell on ebay? but is the shipping gonna be alot?
(Dec. 26, 2010  1:02 PM)littlechipz Wrote: Perhaps. Now for the new release, yes it will be worth alot more but I suggest you wait a little while.

Im selling the starter for $25 shipped. <OFF-TOPIC

Prices in USD. PM me

yeah but this comes fully packaged with the maximum series 2 launcher and ripcord which i don't have, or a stringlauncher...
25 usd including shipping to your home. can we keep chat to private messages please

@nWolf its very good, but you should wait, unless you can find it cheap