Getting Bullied in school, or other places? Tell your stories!

(May. 01, 2012  1:51 AM)Yukio Wrote: I'm being bullied at school for hanging out with girls.... Kids say I'm not "manly " enought to hang out with guys. What should I do other than ignore them?

I'm actually the complete opposite: I hang out with a lot of girls, yet the bully me that I have a girlfriend from them!

Hi, There was this dude who used to be my friend in kindergarten. Every day last year he would insult my artwork(kids even said I was the best artist in class) And now he follows me around at recess and my friends and I have to run away from him. And this whole big thing where he cussed at everyone he was near and he called my friend a foreign cuss word.
Lol, the same thing happens to me ,Blood.
being the smart one and not being cool, people will pick on you, this happens to me, the fact that you have to be cool to be popular, the people that pick one me are the people who are thick headed, and ruining their own lives.
im bullied in about 3 different ways: verbal, PHYSICALLY, and i guess stealing also plays a small role..
(Mar. 25, 2012  1:53 PM)Cosmic Wrote: I had a time when this girl who is in 8th grade bullied me because I was playing beyblAde. She always talked about boy friends and all that carp. But me I wanted to stay a kid and grow up like beybladegeek on YouTube or anybody else. But one day she came up and took my blitz unicorno and ran, I stood looking at her for a moment I ran with my ray unicorno but I was to behind so I threw ray unicorno directly at here it hit her in the head. And she fell I took blitz unicorno out of her Hand and I offered to help her up, so I did. I still don't like her till this day but I figured out she likes me still today. But in my head I said in my head that " I'm not going out with her she was a toltal b$&&& to me" then she keeper bullying me she told me to do nasty stuff to her but I ignored her. After that I gott so annoyed of her making fun of beyblAde I took my launcher and blitz unicorno to school and played beyblAde the whole class in my attack stadium since I think the teacher new what happened He let me play and some of my friends joined me even her friends and no one stayed with her. That was my story.

lol, one time i had a duo aquario 135WD and someone took my bey and i had my basalt horogium 145WD and then i tracked the stealer down and i THREW my basalt hard into his back, then i got my duo back.. idk if he was unconscious, but i still laugh about it and i feel bad too..
I get bullyed all the time some of my greatest friends turn on me one of them disses me me in my favorite sport... baseball i live for baseball my goal in life is to play for the toranto bluejays eventhough i live in MI
don't let anyone knock you off the path of your dream . always follow them because the can often lead to success and is there any reason your so called friends turn on you?
Its only 1 friend and he said I'm not committed because I want to skip 1 game for a beyblade tournament
(Jul. 16, 2012  11:20 PM)Yuko Ray14 Wrote: Its only 1 friend and he said I'm not committed because I want to skip 1 game for a beyblade tournament

Ok. your friend is full of carp no efense. He proble has no Dreams to accomplish in life. sooo.. just ignore him. and move on and do beyblade and baseball.
well obviously you are committed since your such a big fanatic over it and im sure not everyone has perfect angel attendance for there sports practices or games and as long as your not completely wasting your time than its ok as long as its not frequent and true friends understand each other not turn there backs to me it seems your better with out him and just ignore and if it gets physical them tell someone
Thanks guys for the support u wanna know who this friend was, Coach he was the one who said it and the sad thing is he said he didn't diss me! I thought he was my friend I joined his team I just can't wait till he sees my full potential in beyblade and baseball!
I have had many bullying experiences, but I wouldn't really feel comfortable sharing both those stories and what I did because of it. Please be respectful and don't ask; I'm only mentioning it so I don't get warned for not being off-topic or listening to the OP or whatever.

What I will say is don't let anyone get you down. I know it sounds corny, but just be yourself man, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Bullies will try and make fun of you for this and that and whatever else they can find to use against you. Just take it in one ear and out the other.

@Yuko Ray I'm sorry that happened to you man. Don't let them get in the way of your dream though. You gotta stick to your gut and don't let anyone tell you that you can't. I think there's a lot of movies based off of true stories where people have had to stick to their path. They're inspiring. Having the ability to follow your own stream even when some people who are your "friends" are telling you otherwise. That takes dedication. And that's what'll get you in to play in the Major Leagues Smile
wall of text ahead...put it in spoiler for people

violence isent the answer i was always told dont "hit someone unless they hit you first" they can call you anything or say what they want you don't have to listen however you should always stand up for your self no matter how tough it is but sometimes you just got to stick it out always walk around with your head up high it to show that you have confidence in you self and if its possible try to talk things out that person you have a problem with things arent always that persons a jerk time to punch them out try to reason with this person and if there really dangerous get help
When I came in my New School in 1 class. three brothers bullied me for 2 weeks. I was tried of that. I fought with them but I don't know how to fight. Then I told my mammy about this. Those Boys were Warned for doing bully.
After Now I am in 7 grade no one touches me. Those Boy even respected me. There faces get down and there eyes on my foots. Like I am the King. Btw this I am the King. Lion King. Smile
thats good that you got some help not every ones a fighter but i do suggest martial arts for protection if its avaiable
(Jul. 17, 2012  9:39 AM)aurawolf Wrote: violence isent the answer i was always told dont "hit someone unless they hit you first" they can call you anything or say what they want you don't have to listen however you should always stand up for your self no matter how tough it is but sometimes you just got to stick it out always walk around with your head up high it to show that you have confidence in you self and if its possible try to talk things out that person you have a problem with things arent always that persons a jerk time to punch them out try to reason with this person and if there really dangerous get help

i know it isn't the answer but sometimes I wish i could just pimp slap those boys and tell them to back off, need i remind you that I was in art class once and some guy talked smack about my girl friend (EX now but we were dating then) and he said something so vulgar that I almost beat the snot out of you, I don't take carp from no one but that doesn't mean i punch anyone i please no I am above that but once it goes too far, once they hit a nerve ooh buddy i blow my stack
Sparta-i guess 30% of your post was from eminem's song.
don't lie to me.
i'm an eminem fan
I'm 'Stan'
i seriously think this topic will force me to write a novel
i was called gay lots of times in my primary school and they wouldnt stop until i told them gay meant happy lol
I wasn't bullied but my best friend was, like he's my brother. Calls my mom "mom" lol and he didnt tell me they were pushing him around. i walked in on em pushing him around so i pushed the bully back. (Im a student for judo and muai thai) he tried to punch me so i rolled him over my back and threw him to the wall and he came back so i decked him with an elbow to the face. but that was just him ^-^
just saying violence is not the answer but if you need it get out your string launcher and use it like a lasso and hammer them with your string launcher, hah.
i wasnt necessarily bullied bt i was called many names some like man carp because i went with 10 girls in three years of middle school only because there friends kept on begging me and i have been called a kid because in 7th grade i played pokemon and in 8th grade beyblade bt i only got irritated from ignoring them and they only kept going bt then would stop i also would get criticised because some of the girls i went with had qualities they didn't like bt as everyone called me names i didn't care because i was the second smartest boy in the class (the first didnt say much) and half of the things i say people dont understand bt bottom line is that i didn't have many problems because i was quite popular lol
(Aug. 05, 2012  10:30 AM)SagemodeDC Wrote: i wasnt necessarily bullied bt i was called many names some like man carp because i went with 10 girls in three years of middle school only because there friends kept on begging me and i have been called a kid because in 7th grade i played pokemon and in 8th grade beyblade bt i only got irritated from ignoring them and they only kept going bt then would stop i also would get criticised because some of the girls i went with had qualities they didn't like bt as everyone called me names i didn't care because i was the second smartest boy in the class (the first didnt say much) and half of the things i say people dont understand bt bottom line is that i didn't have many problems because i was quite popular lol

Um ... what?
(Aug. 05, 2012  10:30 AM)SagemodeDC Wrote: i wasnt necessarily bullied bt i was called many names some like man carp

What? Tongue_out