Getting Bullied in school, or other places? Tell your stories!

Friends? WHAT?! You're not supposed to become friends with the bully/ies. You're supposed to have a grudge against them! aha, jokes.Smile
After the three fights that I've gotten into, we've became friends every time XD
Since, I am a victim of bulling.

They though I was too "loud"; and that I was a waist of space because I was always singing and dancing. They were jealous because I was such a genius when it came to performing. They thought it was okay to hit me and beat me down with words, but, I always got back up and did what I had to do. They affected my grades, home life and my performing life. Now I am respected for my talent and if any of the posters on this thread/post want help with being bullied or abused just ask please; I will help you through it.

This one kid in my grade throught my 7th grade year kept pushing me into lockers, putting me in headlocks, and actually one day punched me.

Thats when I got really pissed.

I kicked his legs from under him and just started whaling on him for a while. Anytime I walk by him, he kinda gets further away every time I get closer.
(Apr. 02, 2012  10:41 PM)CrownClown Wrote: This one kid in my grade throught my 7th grade year kept pushing me into lockers, putting me in headlocks, and actually one day punched me.

Thats when I got really pissed.

I kicked his legs from under him and just started whaling on him for a while. Anytime I walk by him, he kinda gets further away every time I get closer.

Hah ah... I did this in 6th!

I almost broke his arm, he threw my backpack on the classrooms roof.

this year(7th grade) This kid kept messing with me(punching me while walking by,stepping on my new shoes,tripping me,ect.)so one day i was doing my work in math class(we were using whiteboards that day)he went to put his away and slammed it into my head.I was too mad the teachers were looking straight at me but i didnt care i punched him in the head so hard he fainted i got a week of lunch detention which made me mad because he didnt get anything
(Mar. 25, 2012  1:53 PM)Cosmic Wrote: I had a time when this girl who is in 8th grade bullied me because I was playing beyblAde. She always talked about boy friends and all that carp. But me I wanted to stay a kid and grow up like beybladegeek on YouTube or anybody else. But one day she came up and took my blitz unicorno and ran, I stood looking at her for a moment I ran with my ray unicorno but I was to behind so I threw ray unicorno directly at here it hit her in the head. And she fell I took blitz unicorno out of her Hand and I offered to help her up, so I did. I still don't like her till this day but I figured out she likes me still today. But in my head I said in my head that " I'm not going out with her she was a toltal b$&&& to me" then she keeper bullying me she told me to do nasty stuff to her but I ignored her. After that I gott so annoyed of her making fun of beyblAde I took my launcher and blitz unicorno to school and played beyblAde the whole class in my attack stadium since I think the teacher new what happened He let me play and some of my friends joined me even her friends and no one stayed with her. That was my story.

Dude if she keeps telling you to do nasty stuff with her and you don't like it you can report her for sexual harassment
I always get bullied because I'm smart and a nerd. People like to make jokes about me, though I think they aren't so offensive...
(Mar. 21, 2012  8:46 PM)nationsbeyblade Wrote: new problem every1 says i got beaten up by a 3 year old and when i went ut with this girl her brother beat me upand told her i got beat up by a 3 year old and she dumped me
can sum1 help with this?
Well if she really liked you, she would have understood it was a rumur going around...
this guy used to bully me he once scraped my face against barbed wire i had just forgot about it but a week ago he knocked my stadium out my hand and ran over it with his bike,breaking it,but now one of my friends told me he is coming to my school because he got expelled WHAT DO I DO?!
That chain of events seems very creepy... Short on words here.

His reputation isn't being kept in the dark, really. Sooner or later he'll either learn to mature, or screw up again and get home-based until graduation.

One girl at my school was stationed to home for endangering several students. She was a known crook and pathological liar.

The bully next door, Alex, calls herself my friend and keeps inviting herself over to my house! She's so annoying! She once threatened to rip up my precious drawings if I didn't conform to her rules!
(Apr. 20, 2012  3:38 AM)Fakirs Duck Wrote: The bully next door, Alex, calls herself my friend and keeps inviting herself over to my house! She's so annoying! She once threatened to rip up my precious drawings if I didn't conform to her rules!

My advice don't put up with it set up a recording thing or something get evidence of the bullying tell ya parents OR stand up for yourself and tell her to scram! Thats what my father taught me he said "clone never let anyone treat you like dirt"
(Apr. 20, 2012  5:49 AM)Clonetos Wrote:
(Apr. 20, 2012  3:38 AM)Fakirs Duck Wrote: The bully next door, Alex, calls herself my friend and keeps inviting herself over to my house! She's so annoying! She once threatened to rip up my precious drawings if I didn't conform to her rules!

My advice don't put up with it set up a recording thing or something get evidence of the bullying tell ya parents OR stand up for yourself and tell her to scram! Thats what my father taught me he said "clone never let anyone treat you like dirt"

Thanks for the advice Clonetos! I'll do that next time!

(Mar. 25, 2012  11:53 AM)*aquariomaster* Wrote: i have benn bullied since 3rd grade although there are some weird things about this though
i was bullid by a kid named jorge he thought we were freinds he would grab my arm in a fast a painful motion he would bother my girl freind which would make me mad until i punched him then kicked him then i offered to help him up then we became freinds i know sounds soo cliched

and this year a kid kept taking my beyblades until i grabed him and got really mad and kept pushing him into a gate and he has not done it since

wow when i think of it i am not scary flutershy is scarier than me
Wow, I can't believe your 12 and you have a girlfriend...I only text people...damn 12..

Anyways, so punching and kicking, makes you sound like a bully.

I'm glad it's over, but you shouldn't use violence as a solution that often, it may get you in trouble.
Since we all like beybaldes , we should take our hardest beyblade and rip it in their face repeatly once theyve pissed you off or took things too far , Personal experiance : Dont go over the top you could actually break a bone with tops
In Year 10 (2007) I was the only girl in my Metal and wood work class at high school, In a class of 20 - 18 boys bullied me, not just for being the only girl in the class but for other things outside of class. (Because they thought they were soooo much better than me, and trying to show off in front of their friends) Only 1 boy in my class stood up for me, I tried to ignore - when that didn't work, I started making smart comments it stopped some of them, but when the others continued I started yelling.

When that 1 boy in my class that had stuck up for me was home sick, I had enough... I picked up a glove that was on one of the bullies table and tried to throw it at the one closest to me. I missed, cos he dodged... However with him dodging, the glove knocked over a paint can full of black paint, my teacher had seen the whole thing - All the boys who were involved had to clean up all the paint.

I personally asked my teacher if I could spend the rest of the year in the CAD room (computer room) doing theory for those last remaining weeks, I still past the class, most of the boys who spent so much time trying to pay me out - dropped out or failed the class. After the incident, none of those boys ever bullied me...

But if I had stayed and done the practical side of metal and wood work after that incident, I think I would have lost it and tried to kick them all in the family jewels - if they had ever grown a pair.

It was a good thing my TECH teacher had known me since Year 7, otherwise I may have failed that class or dropped out completely, specially when he'd knew I had been trying so hard to improve my grades.
I think I need to buff up the security here...:
Please, DO NOT POST ANYTHING ABOUT BEYBLADES HERE. We have a separate thread for it.

thank you...
I'm being bullied at school for hanging out with girls.... Kids say I'm not "manly " enought to hang out with guys. What should I do other than ignore them?
Ignore them? They are clearly nearing a sexist territory with that remark, if not already in knees deep. You don't need to find "other" things to cease it.
I was bullied, and still am.

Some people don't like smart people. I was "abused" real bad in Middle School, I had people calling me names like "fag" "homo" "gay". I just laugh and walked away, if any of them tried to touch me I would beat there carp.

PS. I took MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) for 3 years.
Some people managed to learn that I had a "recovery period" from seizures at around age 3, involving heavy medications. In mentally humiliating ways to apply such prescriptions too. Basically physicians say my muscle development was affected by it. Woo boy some people used this fact to assault me with spray and solid objects.

Before anyone tells me I'm a wuss, there was a *nine hour* drama between my mother and the school about how I couldn't get into self defense programs. I fell off a swing and slammed my back in a certain way against the ground and needed to be hospitalized. I came out fine but they said the likelihood of disc problems developing could effect how I properly fend off any physical violence.

On top of all that, I'm not going to be driving any time soon. People managed to associate sex appeal with that. My god.