This is a theory thread for now, but calculations are coming soon. Maybe Beywiki writers can get an idea out of this to help explain a wheel's effectiveness in smash. And perhaps if new releases come out, members will just do a few quick steps and make conclusions on wheels, ultimately saving time. So feel free to click the article...
This is my first thread, so feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
Special Mentions
Please PM me if you have extensively tested Begirados, Pegasis and Balro on identical setups for side-on smash!!!
Making a thread for a new beyblade customisation? PM me and I'll happily help with the bey-physics explanations and stuff like that!
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Earth ___ 135SD/WD (2011-2013)(My Earth is broken :()
Death ___ Bearing Drive (2012-2014)
Death ___ SA165(Attack)SWD
Gryph Balro BD145R2F (Previously temporarily SA165WSF)
Spoiler (Click to View)
I Wrote:How to assess a wheel for [side on] smash
Step 1: Drawing
Basic (Wheels with obvious major attack points, e.g Flash)
1.On the top (or bottom when assessing the underside) view of a wheel, draw a circle from the wheel's axis of rotation to the minimum radius of the wheel.Example: (Click to View)
2.a) Highlight the edges of perimeter that are not covered by the circle (Except for those that won't be used in a particular spin direction). They are the attack points.
2.b) (Optional) Highlight the major attack points with a thicker brush.
3. Draw lines (preferably with different colors) from the axis of rotation to either end of a attack point. Repeat this step for as many attack points.
Advanced - wheels with multiple closely spaced (i.e closer than Flash's) attack points
1. On the top view of the wheel, link adjacent points with straight lines (red in diagram above). These will be part of the wheel.Example: (Click to View)
2. Draw a circle from the centre from the axis of rotation to the minimum radius.
3.a) Highlight the edges that are not covered by the circle. These are the attack points.
3.b) (Optional) Highlight the major attack points in thicker, or altogether omit the insignificant ones.
Step 2: Assessing the Smash according to Diagram
1.a) The distribution of the attack points around determines the consistency of a wheel's smash. If they are spaced evenly around the perimeter as Flash's are visibly, then it will have consistent smash.
1.b) Flash's attack points are spaced so far apart that they can "sink in" on the opponent, meaning its consistency would be close to 100%.
2.a)The difference of the green radius and the blue radius (in the diagram of Flash) determines the power of the smash. Flash has a ratio that is significantly higher than 1 (0 smash), so it has outstanding power (Assuming the mass powering the attack point is great enough to reduce any form of recoil).
2.b) Usually if the green radius is high (in the case of Bahamdia), the smash have greater force than if it was small, because points further out from the axis of rotation move faster, therefore the kinetic energy pushes the opponent back further.
3. In special circumstances (which is pretty much the case with all wheels except Flash), the distribution of the attack points can interfere with the force of a wheel's smash, as they can be block each other from making contact. Refer to Drawing Method #2 in this situation, where protrusions are close enough to be considered one contact point. However, this modification still allows the green radius blue radius rule to work.
4. Based on a specific customization, decide whether the consistency or force of a wheel's smash is more important, eg. Bahamdia has force, but lacks consistency because the attack points are not spaced evenly, creating smooth areas, whereas Pegasis (Chrome Wheel) has consistency, but lacks force as a result of its attack points covering each other.
Examples of Factors in Practice
Flash, has a large difference between the green radius and the blue radius and consistency, which made it the deadliest OHKO attack wheel before Synchrom. The most frequently used form was Flash ___ GB145R2F
Bahamdia's inconsistency actually helps in push-KO attack types. This is owing to Bahamdia hitting with 0-force attack points that allows it to push the opponent around, then sinks in with a stronger attack point that deals the KO-ing hit. This behaviour is evident in [MSF-M] Bahamdia Dragooon BD145R2F/LRF
Other Factors of Smash
1.a) Mass can increase smash because
where F is the force of the smash and a is the mass of an object (in this case, an attack point)
and in the formula below, velocity will also be a factor:
Where E is the kinetic energy in joules, m is the mass and v is the velocity of the mass.
1.b) Mass also affects smash by varying the amount of recoil, including rotational recoil, due to inertia.
1.c) Mass Distribution can affect smash depending on where mass is located. If little mass is located near the edge where a attack point is and more near the centre of the Beyblade, smash will be reduced.
1.a) To help explain how mass affects smash, imagine a car hitting you. It is obviously going to push you back further than if a tennis ball hits you, because the former is heavier and therefore has more force.
1.b) The car's mass also has the additional side effect of having less recoil, due to it having more inertia than you, therefore it moves back less than you would, as a result of the collision.
Low recoil is a desirable trait that an attack wheel should have, as more energy is applied toward the opponent rather than being wasted via KO-ing yourself due to recoil.
1.c) Mass distribution affects smash depending on where it is. Picture a sector of a wheel as a second/third class lever, where the centre is the fulcrum and you, the opponent are lifting the other end as if you were trying to stop the Beyblade from rotating. If there is little mass on the end you are lifting but more towards the fulcrum, you do not have to use much effort since the weight on your arm is reduced. However, if there is more towards your arm, you use more effort because more weight is on your arm.
Therefore, it is obvious that mass should be distributed on the edge of the wheel where the attack points are located, to minimise rotational recoil, and in return the opponent goes further back.
Finally, I have a video of the process of each diagram to present (click link):
Video on Process 1
Video on Process 2
Concluding statements
Summary: A tremendously easy-as-carp-to-use-with-godlike-force-with-godlike-consistency (but impossible) attack wheel should have a large difference between the green radius and the blue radius, evenly spaced contact points, and good mass distribution. Just remember that you may prefer one quality over another.
I hope this guide was useful to new bladers, as I certainly learned a load of fundamentals from researching all of the physics theories. My wish is for all bladers to use this guide when selecting a wheel for a special purpose.
Right now I'm working out a formula to numerically calculate smash, and it's going to be epic, once it gets done.
I like stuff (Click to View)Challenge: (Click to View)Apply this process to the fugitive known as (Click to View)WyvangSpoiler (Click to View)and receive recognition in the OP!
Special Mentions
- For helping in editing the drafts (4-7-14)
- For providing helpful diagrams to add to the thread (11-9-14)
- For editing/improving/helping with beyphysics section (16-7-14)
- For helping with all beyphysics theories (17-7-14)
Edit history! (Click to View)
EDIT 1: I'll be replying to at least 2 posts (occasionally 1 if 48 hours has passed) at once to prevent back-and-forth posting.
: The poll is actually out of 10, but feel free to vote 11 if it/s particularly well done. @*Ginga*: You were here
...criticism please?
I also added extra information to give a better understanding. PS. should I de-spoiler some parts? Feel free to advise.
And I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I'm checking with Kai-V if i should turn this thread into one with diagrams of all the ["good"] wheels, so participate pre-approval so this thread can be a better archive!
EDIT 3: If you are able to apply this process to other wheels, it shows me that I am not terrible at explaining as I usually am.
EDIT 4: More clarity now...
EDIT 5: Spoilering the super-long edit history. Also took out very dangerous mistakes.
EDIT 6: I have made the diagrams clearer and bigger now. Hope it helps.
EDIT 7: Improved the calculations part, mentioned examples in Step 2. This should make the article more helpful.
EDIT 8: Sorry for changing the title; it seems more relevant to the content in this post.
EDIT 9:Energy, Force, Effort, Work. AARGH. I've fixed the sections that may confuse those between each other.

And I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I'm checking with Kai-V if i should turn this thread into one with diagrams of all the ["good"] wheels, so participate pre-approval so this thread can be a better archive!
EDIT 3: If you are able to apply this process to other wheels, it shows me that I am not terrible at explaining as I usually am.

EDIT 4: More clarity now...
EDIT 5: Spoilering the super-long edit history. Also took out very dangerous mistakes.
EDIT 6: I have made the diagrams clearer and bigger now. Hope it helps.
EDIT 7: Improved the calculations part, mentioned examples in Step 2. This should make the article more helpful.

EDIT 8: Sorry for changing the title; it seems more relevant to the content in this post.
EDIT 9:Energy, Force, Effort, Work. AARGH. I've fixed the sections that may confuse those between each other.
Please PM me if you have extensively tested Begirados, Pegasis and Balro on identical setups for side-on smash!!!
Making a thread for a new beyblade customisation? PM me and I'll happily help with the bey-physics explanations and stuff like that!
Homepage! (Babbleland)
Uploads (video guides/representations of my babblesense)
My bey history (Click to View)
Earth ___ 135SD/WD (2011-2013)(My Earth is broken :()
Death ___ Bearing Drive (2012-2014)
Death ___ SA165(Attack)SWD
Gryph Balro BD145R2F (Previously temporarily SA165WSF)