[Brooklyn, NY] 5/29/11 Brooklyn's Battalion


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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1st: Deikailo
2nd: Bluezee
3rd: ArmorD-00taku


Time: 3pm
Date: Sunday, May 29th 2011
Location: Kings Games
Format: Double Elimination

Registration will begin at 3pm and end promptly afterward. There will be no waiting what-so-ever. If you think you will be late (by one hour only), text your username(s) to 6317457001 after 12pm and I will register you en route to the store.

After Midnight Mayhem, I will no longer host tournaments.

Ultimate KCPJ
Cyber Blader
Cye Kinomiya
night virgo 45
Mr. N
Bey Bob
Emperor Lelouch
Ryuki Ivanov
Total: 33

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So what, Deikailo, you knew that it had happened in London when you did it ? I believe that neither the Committee nor you had any idea that it had been done in London too before recently, because I certainly had absolutely no idea. While the discussion was open in his eyes, Blitz never mentioned anything about what happened in London before we questioned him about it days ago, when we learned about it.

How can you expect us to just discuss things in a topic open to the public's eyes ? We got both Bluezee's testimony and yours, and we had to discuss it within the Committee since it is the Committee who made the Rulebooks. There is absolutely no need to leave it open to everybody when we know both what Bluezee saw and what you saw. You all take us for stupid dirt that cannot imagine the plethora of different points of view and opinions that people might get but yo, we did, it is possible.

Honestly I still stand by the points we made within our Committee discussion which led us to think that the match should only be voided, not processed (positive for Deikailo), but no penalty (positive for Bluezee). However, because a new element came up from people who apparently were not transparent either and that I can count on one hand the number of days when I sincerely learned this element, then we will probably process that match because it apparently happened in several other matches. But do not mention this element and bring it out as a "precedent" as if we knew about this because we did not. Our discussion happened without knowing there were already many precedents because we had no idea. This is something that we never got told, not something we never told you all. Stop accusing us of being 'opaque', because I always try to answer everything and it is a fact that I never lie, so I have nothing to hide, and I believe in our Committee enough that I think neither of us do.

So, if you want to talk about transparency, point to the whole community.

By the way, are you really blaming the future, possible second hiatus of Beyblade and the inevitable lack of activity in the whole Beyblade community across the world because of our supposed lack of transparency, or just generally on us ? Incredible.
(Sep. 11, 2011  7:56 PM)Kai-V Wrote: So what, Deikailo, you knew that it had happened in London when you did it ? I believe that neither the Committee nor you had any idea that it had been done in London too before recently, because I certainly had absolutely no idea. While the discussion was open in his eyes, Blitz never mentioned anything about what happened in London before we questioned him about it days ago, when we learned about it.

How can you expect us to just discuss things in a topic open to the public's eyes ? We got both Bluezee's testimony and yours, and we had to discuss it within the Committee since it is the Committee who made the Rulebooks. There is absolutely no need to leave it open to everybody when we know both what Bluezee saw and what you saw. You all take us for stupid dirt that cannot imagine the plethora of different points of view and opinions that people might get but yo, we did, it is possible.

Honestly I still stand by the points we made within our Committee discussion which led us to think that the match should only be voided, not processed (positive for Deikailo), but no penalty (positive for Bluezee). However, because a new element came up from people who apparently were not transparent either and that I can count on one hand the number of days when I sincerely learned this element, then we will probably process that match because it apparently happened in several other matches. But do not mention this element and bring it out as a "precedent" as if we knew about this because we did not. Our discussion happened without knowing there were already many precedents because we had no idea. This is something that we never got told, not something we never told you all. Stop accusing us of being 'opaque', because I always try to answer everything and it is a fact that I never lie, so I have nothing to hide, and I believe in our Committee enough that I think neither of us do.

So, if you want to talk about transparency, point to the whole community.

By the way, are you really blaming the future, possible second hiatus of Beyblade and the inevitable lack of activity in the whole Beyblade community across the world because of our supposed lack of transparency, or just generally on us ? Incredible.
No, I didn't know it happened in London until ControL_ told me.

If you seriously want to think that that is what I think of you, go ahead. If I did not share an iota of respect for any of you, I would not be arguing this with you because I would see it as fruitless.

By not processing this match, I see it as a negative for me. It is double elimination, meaning, I have to lose twice. That's how Cye and I have run all of our tournaments, as Kei has told me we could. Basically, you're denying me not one, but two matches, a gold face, and everybody's credits.

I accused the committee as a body, not you individually. Seeing as you are the only committee member to post here, it's safe to say you are the only one who is not opaque. If you read the State of the WBO, you'll see the same there.

How can you say I'm blaming you when I said the WBO is possibly the only organization that has the capability to actually save Beyblade? The opinion that the WBO is the only thing keeping Beyblade going as it is now is unanimous. Nobody would be buying the amount of Beyblades they do if it wasn't for the WBO.
Then list what you think "the Committee" needs to change for the second hiatus. This just seems very vague.
(Sep. 11, 2011  8:13 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Then list what you think "the Committee" needs to change for the second hiatus. This just seems very vague.
For one, there are many members other than myself who feels as though they are not recognized properly for the efforts they put forth in building this community. The term "advanced member" is not "advanced customizations poster". It should extend to anyone who has made advancements in Beyblading, be it through organizing events, sharing new ideas, contributing to topics, playing devil's advocate to get users to think, sharing methods of winning and basic strategy, helping new bladers, etc.

Second, although these new campaigns and events are extremely enticing and progressive, I think the WBO can do so much more. From what I've seen from Hasbro's attempt to outsource organized play, they are on an incredibly low budget, much less than last time. The WBO's tournaments are even more well advertised than their qualifiers. This should ring a bell that the WBO can surpass their feats at every level. You told me that you "cannot take risks" at your level, but the WBO needs to take an entrepreneur mentality to rise above corporate level Beyblade. To become an entrepreneur, you must take risks. It's a part of moving forward. There's no limit to what the WBO is capable of, but I don't think the committee has realized that yet.

Third, we have way too many members for just 5 committee members and 2 moderators. It does bother me that the committee is made up of 3 Canadians and 2 Brits from 3 different communities. I seems as though there is not an equal level of representation per country. It creates an imbalance and I feel as though through this lack of diversity, there is a lack of communication. It's important to be able to hear and have other points of view outside of 2 active communities when making decisions. For example, the SSS. Although it was a success, American parents are more impatient than Canadians and it caused some havoc. There is a slight cultural difference that, if you had an American as a part of the committee, would have been addressed. Also, in the case of Taiwo, I was able to phone him directly and speak to him. You were not for financial reasons (because out of country calls as expensive). In a case like this, having a committee member from the same country, the LA tournament may have been saved sooner if a committee member had been able to contact him by phone. Although this may not seem like a huge point at all, it becomes significant when you include every small event.

Fourth, I think it is important to discuss things with us as a whole. It's insulting when you don't include us to discuss our own fate and make decisions for us like you're our parents. If you were to publicly discuss things, you could get everyone's opinion and then discuss points made from the public in the committee forum. At least we'll be able to counter some of your points to hopefully show you a different perspective more accurately. For example, you didn't know about the UK until I had that in conversation with ControL_. Had this been more public, I'm sure ControL_ would have learned of this earlier and there could have been a more informed decision.

And lastly, the WBO really needs to be able to keep each and every member here around as long as possible. If Beyblade ultimately dies, then we need to keep our population alive. This means a greater level of respect. It also means putting happiness and satisfaction before accuracy. The goal of the committee should be making the majority happy and active before providing a serious level of play. While organized play is important, most people don't want to play spinning tops professionally. Through happiness, respect and satisfaction, you'll see many more members being active. This goes for respecting incompetent members as well because although I have noticed some users make the most ridiculous posts on the forums (I.E. The Problem), they are quite intelligent and skillful in person. You just don't know.

These are the points that I would personally like to see addressed along with my win against Bluezee. I've held my tongue about much of this for a long time, but I feel jaded not vocalizing any of this. It troubles me that you are all extremely intelligent, yet the introverted discussions are very taxing on the community, more than you may all realize. I don't say this from strictly a personal opinion, but from discussions with many members.
Quote:The opinion that the WBO is the only thing keeping Beyblade going as it is now is unanimous. Nobody would be buying the amount of Beyblades they do if it wasn't for the WBO.

This is absolutely not true. What is important to keep Beyblade going is commercial sales in Japan (which the WBO won't impact at all) and in North America and Europe (the scale of which absolutely dwarfs the WBO's complete member count, let alone the number of members that are actually active). Deikailo, your optimism has always been commendable -- I think everyone agrees on that -- but you are totally naive about how this stuff actually works. I think the Committee could use someone with your level of passion and certainly could use an American committee member, but you are too naive and too willing to ignore the realities of the situation for that to happen any time soon. I'm not saying this based on any insider knowledge, just my own personal observations.

Obviously if the series goes on hiatus in Japan -- and it will eventually, almost no toyline can continue forever -- then that's it for Hasbro unless they start designing their own Bey, which they won't, since they don't have the resources or knowledge and it will likely burn out by then as well.

It's unreasonable for you to expect all of the Committee's discussions to be out in the open. They share info with you guys when they have something concrete, but it's ridiculous to expect they make all the back and forth public. Does any competitive organization work this way? When there's something to be consulted to the member base, it's done (see: Basalt ban). But the WBO's inner-workings are more complicated than you seem to think. I do still have access to the staff forum and honestly the WBO is being very transparent. I can't think of anything that isn't shared with you guys. And when in doubt, ask, because Kai-V and Kei have always been very forthcoming with information.

It just really hurts me to see people attacking the WBO Committee. They are all really great and I don't think I could've picked better people to leave the WBO in the hands of. They do a lot for you guys and they don't get a whole lot in return for it. The WBO brings in a decent amount of cash and they don't take a single penny of it, even though they technically could. They put it all back into the WBO. Now people are telling them off. You realize that this entire website is one big charity project for the sake of Beyblade, right? That they all do it because they love Beyblade just as much as you all do? And they love (mostly) everyone here as well? While they will slip up sometimes, there's no doubt that everything they do comes out of genuine concern for the Beyblade community. It is an absolutely HUGE undertaking and frankly they deserve much more respect than you guys are giving.
Kai-v, whether or not the committee agreed upon or were aware of it, what happened in the uk is still a precedent. Glad to hear it will be processed, though.

TBH you guys could be more transparent. Sure other organisations aren't, but why can't you be different, the internet allows an unforeseen ability for large scale user.interaction, so why work on an administrative model that is based on pre-internet corporate bureaucracy? I get enough of that at work...

It would be nice to know if discussions on some things are happening, or what's being discussed, and for the community to be able to contribute more thoughts towards it. (How is the hidden spirits discussion going anyway?)

I've already said my part about recognition of users in "make a suggestion", so I won't re-raise that.

I respect the effort the committee puts in, but everything can be improved, in some cases drastically. The points deikailo has made warrant more thought than it seems they are being given. I wholeheartedly agree with wach of them. Maybe we should have a new thread to separate the issues somewhat, though this is a prime example of why we need to have this discussion (read dei's post thoroughly and objectively if you can).
(Sep. 11, 2011  11:54 PM)th!nk Wrote: Brad, try to keep the arguments less emotionally-based, it's not going to help resolve anything.
I think Brad's points are very valid to this conversation, regardless of how much emotion he chooses to include because as I said, this match stuck a chord for me emotionally. Emotion is what started this, so why can't he have feelings about how I express my opinions? To tell him to be less emotional while allowing me to run like, two thread pages of arguing over one match is unfair to him.

(Sep. 11, 2011  9:30 PM)Bey Brad Wrote:
Quote:The opinion that the WBO is the only thing keeping Beyblade going as it is now is unanimous. Nobody would be buying the amount of Beyblades they do if it wasn't for the WBO.

This is absolutely not true. What is important to keep Beyblade going is commercial sales in Japan (which the WBO won't impact at all) and in North America and Europe (the scale of which absolutely dwarfs the WBO's complete member count, let alone the number of members that are actually active).
No, you're right on that one. I completely forgot about Japan and was referencing my own hemisphere. My bad.

(Sep. 11, 2011  9:30 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: Deikailo, your optimism has always been commendable -- I think everyone agrees on that -- but you are totally naive about how this stuff actually works. I think the Committee could use someone with your level of passion and certainly could use an American committee member, but you are too naive and too willing to ignore the realities of the situation for that to happen any time soon. I'm not saying this based on any insider knowledge, just my own personal observations.
And thank you, I appreciate the complement. Although I am very naive and I will openly admit I am very right brained, idealistic, and disorganized to a degree, the point of working together would be to complement the methods already in place by our conflicting views. I don't think I am all that responsible for a committee member because I operate on a short fuse, but if you recognize that I do have good ideas, I'd be willing to help with certain events and ideas, particularly in organized play since that's where I excel. Every other aspect of this forum I think I range from suck to average.

Obviously if the series goes on hiatus in Japan -- and it will eventually, almost no toyline can continue forever -- then that's it for Hasbro unless they start designing their own Bey, which they won't, since they don't have the resources or knowledge and it will likely burn out by then as well.

(Sep. 11, 2011  9:30 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: And when in doubt, ask, because Kai-V and Kei have always been very forthcoming with information.
The issue with this is they don't always reply back. It feels as if we the members have to struggle to make conversation with them in PMs. It's very frustrating.

(Sep. 11, 2011  9:30 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: It just really hurts me to see people attacking the WBO Committee. They are all really great and I don't think I could've picked better people to leave the WBO in the hands of. They do a lot for you guys and they don't get a whole lot in return for it. The WBO brings in a decent amount of cash and they don't take a single penny of it, even though they technically could. They put it all back into the WBO. Now people are telling them off. You realize that this entire website is one big charity project for the sake of Beyblade, right? That they all do it because they love Beyblade just as much as you all do? And they love (mostly) everyone here as well? While they will slip up sometimes, there's no doubt that everything they do comes out of genuine concern for the Beyblade community. It is an absolutely HUGE undertaking and frankly they deserve much more respect than you guys are giving.
The same could be said for every host who is not on the committee. We do all that's listed above, too.

I can only hope that you know this "attack" is not malicious. The committee should be made aware of certain concerns and perhaps examine other methods in addition to what they are already doing. If I truly felt they could never understand anything different than what they already do and that they are not doing their jobs right, I wouldn't even bother to bring this up; I would just leave. It's probably the same reason you're continuing this conversation with me - because you know I'm not an idiot (at least I hope you don't think I am) and I don't have my head up my rear all the time. If you thought I was not worth your time, you'd just say a few short, condescending sentences. To a degree, I believe you do respect the effort I've made to change as a person and a member of this community and you're doing what you can to get me to chill out because you would prefer to have me as an improvement to what I used to be and not regress.

This match could be considered one of my "slip ups". Over that entire weekend, I spent 2/3 of my nights sleeping in my car or IKMV's car and the other night I spent 3 hours sleeping at the hotel. I went to bed late because I was practicing and woke up early to enter everyone who registered online into Mantis. Yeah, I didn't have to do all of that, but I wanted to help and make everyone's lives easier so we could make BEYBLADE CRUSADE a success. If my judgment for this tournament wasn't entirely correct, I'm sorry. After not having much sleep, dealing with 54 children (with my top two judges missing) which resulted in disorganization because the venue harbored a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament at the same time, I was not exactly in the best state of mind. Maybe I should have consulted the committee before hand. Unfortunately, in this case, I bit off a little more than I could chew and it slipped my mind. I didn't think it was going to be a huge issue at the time.
where are my bey points?
(Sep. 12, 2011  12:21 AM)djspida5 Wrote: where are my bey points?
Yours were processed. Everything up until the final battle was processed. That battle is still on hold. However, none of the credits were handed out.

At the very least, the committee should process the credits as normal, but instead of handing out +3 for first place, hand out two +2's to Bluezee and me since we both were at the battle for first and second, but none of us won so we both get second? ArmorD-00taku should also get his Bronze face. No need to penalize everyone us for this.
Quote:The issue with this is they don't always reply back. It feels as if we the members have to struggle to make conversation with them in PMs. It's very frustrating.

Keep in mind that they receive an absolutely ridiculous number of PMs. If they don't respond to you it's not out of negligence. Just send them a reminder.

Those raging for more transparency don't really get it. There's not much to be transparent about. The discussion of this situation has been the exception, not the rule. Most of the chat in the committee forum is either mundane or not suitable to talk to the member base about (e.g. contests). Plus, this is a board full of 50,000 people, most of whom are children. You really want to crowdsource that? Of course, they could always just pick members that they think are great and make some sort of Advanced group, or a Committee ...

Oh, they're doing that already? Cool.

Crowdsourcing generally doesn't work very well anyway. Most people don't really know what they want or know what's best for them. The Committee does make most important decisions public (e.g. Basalt ban), but generally I think it's reasonable to leave huge Organized Play clarifications such as this to the people who are writing the rule books. And I mean, I'm saying this as someone who is paid by a company to be a community manager, who built this entire community from scratch in the first place. I think I know what I am talking about here.

The issue is there was a lot of back and forth about this with a lot of different opinions on the Committee. However, whether or not you were happy with the outcome of their decision, I think the mature thing to do would be to accept it and focus on making the future better.
Can we just award deikailo the win already in light of everything I listed? I mean seriously, it's common sense at this point...
th!nk, I respect your opinion and your desire for fairness, but I think at this point you are not really contributing anything of worth to a discussion which is drawing to a conclusion anyway.
I have already stated all my points and recieved no response, what more is there to say?
I respect your position, but I would appreciate a reason why no one responded, along with said response, because I do get tired of this kind of treatment towards not only myself, but a large number of members. The committee, whilst they do a good job, needs to be accountable, considering it is members and hosts that keep the site alive, and that we pay for the site.

I am worried that this will be given the same treatment as other issues, just left to be ignored, and I want that attitude as a whole to change, because it's unhealthy and counter productive.

There are more issues than just the match at hand now to be honest. The fact it drew on for so long despite having a completely obvious answer calls into question the committee's impartiality and fairness, the fact that such a ridiculous view can be so prevalent as to take this much time and effort to put right.

Also, pretty sure Khel's post was spammier than mine. Nice elite you got there guys Wink

Furthermore, glad to see brad got warned for that rude, disruptive post earlier, that at least 3 of us independently reported for similar reasons. Owait, god forbid we warn anyone "above" the rest of us. Seriously, fix yo carp, it serves no-one's benefit.
I will be rudely honest, but I think you are all ingrates. Just let us actually have a life for a second.

By the way, Brad cannot even technically be warned or banned.
(Sep. 14, 2011  12:11 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I will be rudely honest, but I think you are all ingrates. Just let us actually have a life for a second.

By the way, Brad cannot even technically be warned or banned.

kthx for the condescension and insults, and sorry we can't all be supar-genii like you. It's just something you'll need to get used to. In other news: Totally proving my point about being elitist.

Well that's fair, isn't it? What about khel?

I gave you approximately 93 600 seconds without getting a reply to the thread at all, iirc, and the clock is technically still counting as no one has responded to my post yet. More than a second, and more than it should take any of you to address it, considering even the almighty brad had the time to take a break from his busy schedule and post an inflammatory, unproductive remark.
Just give Dekailo the dang win,Bluezee is banned anyway.Uncertain
(Sep. 14, 2011  12:11 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I will be rudely honest, but I think you are all ingrates. Just let us actually have a life for a second.

By the way, Brad cannot even technically be warned or banned.
Still glad to see you respect us ingrates enough to tell us the truth. I would prefer the truth and having it vocalized over no posts at all. Btw, I still think you're a good person aside from being a stick in the mud sometimes in case you were wondering. You probably weren't, but I'm going to be optimistic about all of this.

We don't have lives?
(To th!nk) What is wrong with you ? At this point, you are the one with a problem if you have to pick on a common expression.

You do not need to be a genius not to be an ingrate, not at all.

What, all of you have no life at all ? I work, I have to work out three times a week, I have university full time which is in a city one hour away from where I live (so it is at least two hours of traveling every day), I have projects to accomplish related to university outside of class hours, and, last on my list of priorities, I almost fully manage this site. Is it too much for you to actually be considerate ? Otherwise, seriously go swallow yourself.

And yes, other Committee Members seem to also have had a life in the last few days. If you cannot relate, then that is sad for you.

If you really expect us to answer your every messages in these situations, then learn what reality is.
(Sep. 12, 2011  12:25 AM)Deikailo Wrote:
(Sep. 12, 2011  12:21 AM)djspida5 Wrote: where are my bey points?
Yours were processed. Everything up until the final battle was processed. That battle is still on hold. However, none of the credits were handed out.

At the very least, the committee should process the credits as normal, but instead of handing out +3 for first place, hand out two +2's to Bluezee and me since we both were at the battle for first and second, but none of us won so we both get second? ArmorD-00taku should also get his Bronze face. No need to penalize everyone us for this.

To me, this seems like an acceptable compromise for all parties. As has repeated ad nauseum in the past few pages, not everything we discuss is out in the open - in fact, we do very little discussion on such decisions in public which honestly seems like the most beneficial route to take for all parties.

The reason why we haven't replied is clear; we are waiting for a response from Deikailo. It did not seem appropriate for me to dredge up this issue once again if nothing new has been said. While this is in no way an intention flagrant attack on you th!nk, but it seems to me that a lot of your posts are overtly critical of the establishment here, conveyed in a manner which often detracts from the thread. We are trying to deal with the central, focal issue here, and that is the match between Deikailo and Bluezee. By our own admission there are other issues, perhaps connected, perhaps not, which need to be resolved at some point, but right now, I do not think it is constructive for us to be addressing other points which are derailing this thread. You can take this as official acknowledgement of your concerns.

In all honesty, I'm slightly offended that you can question our impartiality like that. I do not think the answer is obvious at all. Your opinion is no more right than mine, and it is a little unfair of you to call our views "ridiculous" and in need of putting "right". As someone speaking purely from an outsider's perspective, you have no idea how much effort the rest of Committee put into governing hundreds upon thousands of battles and ensuring things run as smoothly as possible. I don't particularly mind that you don't seem to respect the Committee, but I do mind that you treat their opinions with such little regard.
(Sep. 14, 2011  12:23 AM)♥ Wrote: To me, this seems like an acceptable compromise for all parties.
That offer for "compromise" was basically me being able to redeem my credits for something that I like and then staying away from organized play and then slowly leaving the WBO because there is nothing left for me here other than being a "love guru" and Pimpju put it for the boy/girlfriend thread (which is getting on my nerves).

(Sep. 14, 2011  12:23 AM)♥ Wrote: The reason why we haven't replied is clear; we are waiting for a response from Deikailo.
What do you want me to reply to? "standing carp ovation"? Or Brad's suggest for me to wait? Because I'm taking that suggestion, by the way. I still have faith that you guys will actually process this battle and I'm only putting up an argument because I feel as though I have no other choice. I don't want any excess drama so I really don't want to reply to anything that will make me seem like I'm just doing this for attention, because as much as it needs this attention, I would really prefer to stay as under the radar as possible to avoid being labeled as a drama queen [too late].

Outside of that, I think what has needed to be said has been said. I don't want to push this anymore because as Kai-V has already vocalized, this is just getting on everyone's nerves.

(Sep. 14, 2011  12:23 AM)♥ Wrote: In all honesty, I'm slightly offended that you can question our impartiality like that. I do not think the answer is obvious at all. Your opinion is no more right than mine, and it is a little unfair of you to call our views "ridiculous" and in need of putting "right". As someone speaking purely from an outsider's perspective, you have no idea how much effort the rest of Committee put into governing hundreds upon thousands of battles and ensuring things run as smoothly as possible. I don't particularly mind that you don't seem to respect the Committee, but I do mind that you treat their opinions with such little regard.
The same could be said for hosts. When I commit to run a tournament, just as you all have committed to be committee, I am in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly. Even when I don't commit to hosting, I often take on added responsibilities to help hosts out because I sympathize with the work load. (I.E. Beyblade War Room, Heaving Shattering Playground Conference, BEYBLADE CRUSADE: ROLL CALL, BEYBLADE CRUSADE, The July Joust, Reality Altering Hades Upheaval, etc.)

Instead of freeplaying, just about every tournament I've ever gone to has resulted in my judging or running. I never play at home because I don't like playing by myself (can't work on attackers much by that means) so I sacrifice a lot of opportunities to actually win because I can't play with other members outside of official matches and most of the time, I'm so "burnt" from yelling over kids, battles, coordinating, judging, running, number crunching, etc. that I can't focus on my battle because I'm too worried about everyone else's. It's a sacrifice I make to run each tournament as fast and efficiently as I can, just like you all sacrifice a lot to run this website.

In the tournaments I host, I barely have time to pee because I have parents and kids following me around asking when they are playing next, not that I have much of a desire to use the bathroom at Kings Games. Or eat. Most of the time I'm chewing food and shouting out matches and this is terrible for me since I have hypoglycemia.

This is the biggest win I've ever had outside of placing 3rd on the East Coast and this will be the last big win I'll ever have. That's why I am fighting so hard for it because this opportunity rarely comes around with the levels of stress I got through each event. Running New York is different from Canada, too. I know only because I've been to 4 of their tournaments. Kei can actually show up late and not have everyone pissed off. If I show up late, I get my head ripped off. I use Kei as an example because I've only been to his tournaments (which I thoroughly enjoyed, by the way)
(Sep. 14, 2011  12:23 AM)Kai-V Wrote: (To th!nk) What is wrong with you ? At this point, you are the one with a problem if you have to pick on a common expression.

You do not need to be a genius not to be an ingrate, not at all.

What, all of you have no life at all ? I work, I have to work out three times a week, I have university full time which is in a city one hour away from where I live (so it is at least two hours of traveling every day), I have projects to accomplish related to university outside of class hours, and, last on my list of priorities, I almost fully manage this site. Is it too much for you to actually be considerate ? Otherwise, seriously go swallow yourself.

And yes, other Committee Members seem to also have had a life in the last few days. If you cannot relate, then that is sad for you.

If you really expect us to answer your every messages in these situations, then learn what reality is.

I have a problem in that I'm tired of me and others being treated like dirt. We pay, you won't add new committee members to sort out the delays and such, but complain that you lack time, and nothing gets done. You have stupid discussions about things that should be obvious, and you take forever to make a decision on anything not directly serving your own interests. You don't treat people equally, despite us paying our dues, and I'm tired of it.

You've missed the fact that you and others managed to respond to other posts in the mean time, and this wouldn't be the first time it happened. Plus, I know damn well you guys read it without responding, because I do sometimes check the who's online list.

Calling someone an ingrate is an insult, pardon me for considering that rude and condescending, even if the meaning is "ungrateful", maybe it would have been better to say that instead of something more commonly used as a general insult. Anyway, it's not just that, it's your general manner, why do you think people are scared of you? It's not just the banhammer, people aren't scared of the other mods, not anywhere near how they are of you. People were/are intimidated by me too, and I freely acknowledge I'm far too rude and harsh, hence my lack of posts of late.

I managed to respond as actively as ever while running a basically identical schedule, don't think I don't know how hard it is, but pardon me for not considering it an excuse, I didn't even have any particular loyalty to the site.

@<3: My post still stands, the idea was ridiculous. I had it explained to me while I was good friends with bluezee (idk if I still am, haven't heard from him.), which should make me reasonably impartial (if biased against dei), and I was immediately struck by how utterly ridiculous it was. I pointed out in my post why, and maybe it would've be more productive for you to reply to that directly, instead of just saying your opinions were at all sensible (they weren't, deal with it). While I appreciate the acknowledgement, I've been "acknowledged" enough, and seen nothing change. I'm tired of it.
[@ Deikailo]

And fair dos, I respect that you want your Credits and Face and everything else. That is understandable.

Personally, all I was looking for was for an agreement with Brad's sentiments, or even an acknowledgement to them so that we knew how to proceed. I mentioned it already but it didn't seem fair for me to jump in, despite not having posted in this thread before, to essentially flog what appears to be a dead horse. I think you're within your rights to raise concern in a civilised, and willing-to-listen manner (and for what it's worth, we really appreciate that from you); I also think you'll appreciate that a lot of posts in this thread are quite unsavoury, so hopefully you can also understand if everyone is a little tense right now.

The final part of my post wasn't directed at you at all but very specifically at th!nk and his word choice.

[@ th!nk]

At this point there is a very clear solution for you, if that is how strongly you feel. You are extremely focused on this idea of being a "customer" of the WBO; if you do not like the service we provide, you are welcome to leave. However, for every day that you choose to be here you are going to have to accept that while we are taking into consideration your concerns, the way you are attacking us (and let's be clear; your attitude is what has set Kai-V off) will make your issues that little bit harder to swallow for us. If I'm honest, Kai-V has such a limited participation in Organised Play that nothing she's ever decided has ever directed affected her, let alone been in her "serving her own interests". Unfortunately, we can't all type out diplomatic, well-thought out responses in seconds - this actually takes time too (as demonstrated by how far behind I've already fallen in the past hour)! th!nk, you may run the same schedule but you are not us, so please stop saying that you can manage, and by extension, so should we.
Personally, I didn't find Brad or Kai-V's posts that savoury, but apparently they're above the law.

Glad to see the central issue has been resolved now, though, so I'll leave you to it. Feel free to PM me or w/e though.

@<3: I'm just wanting to see decisions made a little faster, and a little bit fairer. For the record, an update on the situation with hidden spirit AR's would be nice, at some point.
(Sep. 14, 2011  12:54 AM)♥ Wrote: I also think you'll appreciate that a lot of posts in this thread are quite unsavoury, so hopefully you can also understand if everyone is a little tense right now.
I know that and as I've said countless times, I was hoping to just wait it out (because we're at 3.5 months now...) and you guys will make the decision to process it, but it seems as though the only way for my points to be heard was to discuss it with other members and "be loud" about it. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is follow in the footsteps of the guy I so desperately want to defeat and have it acknowledged.

(Sep. 14, 2011  12:54 AM)♥ Wrote: At this point there is a very clear solution for you, if that is how strongly you feel. You are extremely focused on this idea of being a "customer" of the WBO; if you do not like the service we provide, you are welcome to leave.
You know, there are a lot of people messaging me off this website asking me "why are you even still here?" The reason why we are posting is because we actually believe in the committee. We don't want to leave, but if we feel as though this website is not making the game fun anymore, there is no point in staying. This isn't an isolated event, this match is just a breaking point and a good example. You know th!nk is normally very driven so it's probably natural that he is emotional about this. He's my friend, Bluezee's friend, and a friend of the community in general so it hurts him, too, when he sees something that is arguably unjust.

(Sep. 14, 2011  12:54 AM)♥ Wrote: If I'm honest, Kai-V has such a limited participation in Organised Play that nothing she's ever decided has ever directed affected her, let alone been in her "serving her own interests".
Which I think is part of the problem. As much as Kai-V is brilliant, theory and execution will always be two very different things.
So, this topic is spent.

As I had already mentioned before, there is a reason there are no more Committee Members, and no more Moderators. No, we have nothing against people who are not from Canada or London, it is just a huge coincidence that all Committee Members are from those regions.