Enter me in!
August 2012 Giveaway: BBG-20 Booster Bandid Goreim DF145BS - Passport Holders Only
Ha, all you guys think that your chances are better than mine! I will win! I will win!
Enter me! I hope i win this time
Hello! I don't like giveaways and i don't like be entered in stuff, so enter me. Nooooaaaawwww!
Yo i'm going for it.
I'm in!
I'll doin it too
Enter me.
Don't Forget me..
enter me......!!!
Enter me!! I wish I can win.
I shall be entered and i shall win. (hopefully)
Enter me
Enter me please.
Enter Me Please
enter me
Enter me.
enter me
Enter me
Ok, I bought a Passport at The Triple Threat(Arupaeo's tournament) and I bought a passport there, but it has not been processed yet. Aru gave me permission to post here, to be entered. So with out further to do,
Enta enta enta, enta bruce lee.
Enta enta enta, enta bruce lee.
Enter Me
? Why was my post deleted ? I got a passport at the Five Fist Beyday.
Enter me, I bought a passport, I just have not been awarded the face yet
Enter me!!!!!