(Oct. 23, 2010 6:29 PM)Ekclips Wrote: Is there any difference between Pegasus Thunderwhip Stadium and Lightning LDrago Stadium? Btw is it worth the money to get Pegasus Thunderwhip Stadium or Lightning LDrago Stadium?
seriosly? people are still asking this? i thought it was almaot common knowlage at this point…
Pegasis Thunder Whip is carp
Lightning Force Stadium is good
Takara Tomy Attack stadium is great
only choose LF over a TT sradium if it is to expensove (TT stadiums are like $40USD + shipping!)
if you want to learn anything else, go here:
Pages 7 and 8 have the best information thus far, though it is necisary to read the entire thread, other wise you may overlook important info and only see the biased postings of some Hasbro hatters, which are untrue.
5 bucks says someone asks a similar question either here or on my thread...i guess its ok. my goal is to spread the knowlage of LF, so i will do what is necisary to spread that knowlage
(Oct. 23, 2010 6:59 PM)mchlbant Wrote: What's Burn's spin time? Anyone test hasbro's ver.? ( I will if nobody did but not in atk stadium but that relly doesn't matter.)
just burn? you cannot determine that by a single part. you need the rest of the bey.