Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

Finished my preliminaries ( i had been avoiding my last 3 for a few weeks). i got a score of 5-5 and i was expecting to get like Bronze 3-2 but got SILVER 4.

how did this happen and will my rank get demoted for inactivity in ranked games? i kinda just wanna leave my rank there and for the fear of losing and getting to bronze.

I've just mainly been trying a bunch of new champs and one caught my attention. Garen. Recently ive noticed a lot of people playing him and i tried him. Hes SUPER easy and is Can put out a lot of damage for a tank. like my first game i played with him i got 12/2 and ive been getting good scores in almost every game since.
Yeah, if you don't play for like 90 days or so you'll eventually drop to Bronze

And being Silver IV is P nice. I landed in S5, which I feel is exactly where my skills are

Though, imo, you shouldn't be playing ranked to have a high ranking, you should be playing it to find people of your skill level and challenging yourself to improve (I.E. If you have the skills of a Bronze V player, then you should work to be in Bronze V, and then challenge yourself to improve to Bronze IV, then III, etc)
I started at the end of season 1, played Blitzcrank and Garen for a bit at the start. Played a lot of Le Blanc and Nidalee season 2, admittedly very poorly but still had loads of fun with friends. I really miss the old twisted treeline map. I played a lot of bots and dominion but now aram; and poro king and urf when available. My enjoyment of the game has lessened as time went on.
(Apr. 28, 2015  5:37 PM)KosherKitten Wrote: Yeah, if you don't play for like 90 days or so you'll eventually drop to Bronze

And being Silver IV is P nice. I landed in S5, which I feel is exactly where my skills are

Though, imo, you shouldn't be playing ranked to have a high ranking, you should be playing it to find people of your skill level and challenging yourself to improve (I.E. If you have the skills of a Bronze V player, then you should work to be in Bronze V, and then challenge yourself to improve to Bronze IV, then III, etc)

yeah kinda feel like i dont belong in S4, since in most pf my games i just played (Not "Great" support as Kuji said) support and got carried. i do think I've emproved though.

anyways what up with this rotation, huh? i LOVE Zed and i see why he gets spammed. Now i tried Yas 1 time and didnt like him at all, i only got to use his ult once in thst whole game sonce once his Q gets ready with the toranado you have a limited time to use. plus there is no animation for siming so it kinda sucks (i was againsy a fiora so wind wall was useless).

Will try Lee Sin tommorrow.
Ekko tho

Looks P neat, looking forward to seeing what his skills end up being and stuffz
There are leaks of his kit

Seems broken to me honestly
Yeah, leaks are all fake as far as I've seen

In other news, I absolutely adore Rumble
I hope he's another bard disappointment (shots fired)
So the legit kit is out.

Seems pretty interesting. Underwhelming tho.
After looking up his kit i believe hes gonna get debuffed soon after his release. especially his W. also if i read correctly, he doesnt use mana? welp, looking forward to his release.

Annnnnyyyywayyyys at this point it feels like i'll never get out of S5, everytime i build up to 90-80 LP i lose and woops there goes my LP. although i'm kinda scared to go back to S4.... bad bad memories.
His kit seems really cool, and he;s definitely overpowered ATM and will get a lot of nerfs before going live

That probably means you belong in S5 then, just keep playing and let your rank rise or fall naturally
Anyone having trouble with the servers?

i just tried to play and heres what happened :

1. I tried to log on and it took A LOT longer than usual.
2. I get in a game and my ping stays a steady 400, now let me say this has never happened before (my ping is usualy a steady 79, the least i get is short ping spikes.).
4. I try to exit game and reconnect to fix the lag, but it wont let me. I get to 100% loaded and nothing happens. I wait a good 5 minutes and try to log in again and it takes FOREVER to get in.
5. Same things happens when i try to get back in-game... I suppose i'll be getting 20 minute queue...

anything else i do with my internet is completely fine.
That sort of thing happens when League is getting a lot of traffic, I.E. there's a carp ton of people playing

Nothing you can do about it sadly
Still playing this game, PM me if you want to play.

Anyways I am now Bronze 5 and I somehow dropped from Bronze 1 to 5 quicker than I dropped from Silver 4 to Bronze 1. I don't even know what is wrong with bronze teams, how do you go 3/18 on Master Yi...

PS: Riot can kill of a champion, but Graves can't have a cigar...
Beyblade related:

My knowledge of LOL is limited to this video.
hmm, that's a rather interesting little connection all things at hand. Though added to my favs. it was pretty cool!
i played LoL before. I was Bronze V until a good friend of mine offered to help me boost up my rank. And i ended up in Silver III lol. My main is Wukong, im mainly as a jungler or a solo top player.
Highest rank I've achieved was Platinum V (last last season). Then I abandoned LoL since all of my friends started playing Dota 2. I'm confident I should be Diamond < if I continued playing the game, haha.
I am a bronzie, but Decent bronzie.
I'm Gold 5, but that's because I play 10 provisional games and never play ranked again for the rest of the season.
Anybody wanna play sometime? PM me, I main Warwick, Lee Sin, MF, Vayne, etc. and I'd be happy to duo bot Smile
I've been playing AP Nasus for the lols lately - as long as you're Q-stacking nicely, the lack of AD items doesn't hurt too much, and usually you would build CDR/tanky anyways. By going CDR+AP, his E and ult's AoE do silly amounts of damage (on top of the usual death cane), and the more deadly E makes it a lot easier to avoid getting bullied in lane, since you can just slap it down every time your lane opponent tries to harass you. It also makes ganks a lot easier, since people don't expect ranged burst from Nasus, and the armor reduction on Spirit Fire and Wither's slow make it super easy to get your jungler nice and fed while you get a lane full of farm minions to build stacks with.
The new ranked season is live! Not gonna lie, I am spamming OP champions to get to silver/gold, haha.