75,000 Members Celebration!!

Sweet! And the prizes are awesome, too. Can't wait for 100,000 members. Grin
Heh, my chances are slim, now that I think about it.
But, why not?
Anyways, yay for 75,000 members~!
I'm in! Congrats WBO
My guess:
Congrats to everyone! This is awesome, for the people that win congrats to you also. GOOO SHOOOT! WBO! Sign me UP!
(Oct. 12, 2012  2:51 AM)Dark_Mousy Wrote: When does the Beylotto end? Its not in the OP

It says it in the rules. It ends October 25 2012.
75,000 Members? This is great news! Even thought I joined last year, I can see how far the WBO has come to this day. Anyways, Enter Me for the BeyLotto Grin
I'm in
75,000 members!!!!!! Thats great I can see how far the WBO came from just a plastic top game to world wide even though I join last year which is about to be 2 years of the wbo

Enter me for the beylotto even though I probably wont win anyway what the heck
This is amazing 75,000 who knew so much bladers existed
please enter me
Enter mwee pwease.

I'mma be getting that Dark Night Dragoon...
75,000 members .....WOW
Enter me please Lol
I also wanted to say to all the mods on here. You guys are great!
Yay! A bey lotto! I've never entered one before, but it seems fun. I really hope I win!!!
Awsome 100,000 is only 25,000 members away
What an achievement! When I joined we had barely made the 1000 mark! I may not post much but I'm always about and very proud to be part of this community. The WBO kept my dreams alive and allowed me to continue blading. Thankyou Joyful_3
be sure to enter me
Yea 75,000 members
Wow, this is incredible! 75,000 members and these sick prizes?! Enter me, ASAP!!! I can imagine that Blue Vari in my hand..... Eee Or that Phantom... This is way too cool to even contain! WBO ROCKS!! Let's go for 100,00!!
Haa, this is huge. I can't wait until 100,000 members! More BeyLotto then?

Better get working on the video.. Uncertain

I'm postive Ga' missed this one. Haha.

Another way 3 and 4 are incorporated into the OP is "Brad Day". Four letters in "Brad" and three in "Day". Not sure if qualifies, but oh well!
75,000 members, now that really is a milestone! Even if we go to 100,000 members, I would love to see that happen with my own eyes. I will also love to enter this beylotto!! Finally, a beylotto where you don't need to have a passport to enter!! I hope there will be lots of beylottos like this in the unknown future, where members don't need a passport to enter.
As more people join the WBO, my blader spirit grows even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U guys rock. Now lets head for 100,000!!!!!!!!!!
Orion has three stars in it's belt...
Wow! 75,000 Members! Thats awesome! Once we hit 100,000 it would be EPIIIC! Enter Me!
Congratulations to the community for reaching this milestone!

Enter me. Joyful_3
You can count me in!